15 Tips to Cut Down on Mindless Scrolling and Phone Usage - Barefoot Minimalists (2024)

We’ve all been there — you pick up your phone to check a notification, and before you know it, you’re knee-deep in the Instagram rabbit hole. The struggle with technology addiction is real, and it can be difficult to break free from the endless cycle of mindless scrolling. If you’re ready to take back control of your phone usage, you’ve come to the right place.

I’ll be sharing 15 things you can do to cut down on mindless scrolling and phone usage. From setting up barriers, like not saving your login information to physically distancing yourself from your cell phone. These tips will help you reclaim your time, focus, and well-being.

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What Causes Mindless Scrolling?

Do you feel like your phone has a mind of its own, dictating when and how much you use it? It’s not uncommon these days, and there are a few reasons why.

For starters, there’s nothing more commanding of your attention than a notification from your cell phone. It’s hard to resist the urge to check your phone every time it buzzes or beeps. The worst part is that every time you unlock your phone, you’re inviting an opportunity for endless scrolling. Even if your intention was just to check that notification, it may set you down a path of scrolling for hours.

Mindless scrolling can also be attributed to the addictive nature of social media. Social media sites are designed to be addictive. These platforms are constantly learning our habits and preferences, using complex algorithms to surface content they think we’ll like. With content tailored to our interests, it’s easy to get lost in a sea of memes, videos, and news stories without realizing how much time has passed. Plus, the constant notifications and updates provide a never-ending stream of information, making it hard to tear yourself away from the screen.

The question is, is mindless scrolling a problem?

15 Tips to Cut Down on Mindless Scrolling and Phone Usage - Barefoot Minimalists (2)

Is Mindless Scrolling a Problem?

It’s no secret that our cell phones can become a negative presence in our lives if we let them. In fact, you probably clicked this article because you’re starting to feel the negative effects of your own phone usage.

Let me start by saying, you’re not alone.

These statistics are pretty alarming. But, how does all of this screen time impact our overall well-being?

Side Effects of Excessive Phone Usage

  • Poor posture and neck pain: Constantly staring down at your phone can wreck your posture, resulting in some serious neck and back pain. This is because spending hours every day with your head tilted forward can put some pretty intense pressure on your neck, up to 60 pounds thanks to the gravity monster. There’s even a nickname for it: “text neck.”
  • Eye strain and headaches: Staring at a phone screen for extended periods of time can cause eye strain, which can lead to headaches and blurred vision.
  • Anxiety and depression: Excessive phone usage has been linked to increased levels of anxiety and depression, as well as a decreased sense of well-being.
  • Poor sleep: The blue light blasting out of your phone screen can interfere with your body’s natural production of melatonin. Yup, all that late-night scrolling can make it tougher to catch some quality z’s and leave you feeling like a zombie in the morning.
  • Increased stress levels: Constant dings, beeps, and buzzes from your phone can seriously jack up your stress levels and contribute to feelings of anxiety.
  • Less physical activity: By having access to food and entertainment at your fingertips, you might inadvertently be less active. While it may not seem like a big deal now, all that sedentary behavior can really add up and impact your health down the road.

It’s clear that there are some pretty serious side effects of excessive phone usage. But, simply knowing about the risks may not be enough to deter us from spending countless hours scrolling.

So, here are 15 tips to help you spend less time on your phone.

15 Tips to Spend Less Time on Your Phone

From deleting time-sucking apps to identifying what you want your relationship with your phone to look like, these tips will have you feeling more present, mindful, and connected to the world around you.

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1. Set Concrete Goals For Yourself

If you want to take back control of your phone usage, you’ll need to start by redefining your relationship with your phone. You’ll need to stop viewing your phone as a form of entertainment and start seeing it as a tool instead.

Start by asking yourself the following questions.

  • What do you want to use your phone for? This could be for directions and music or to make calls and texts.
  • What do you NOT want to use your phone for? You’ll also want to establish what you don’t want to use your phone for. It could be that you don’t want to access your social media accounts from your phone. Or maybe you no longer want to stream Netflix from it.
  • How much time do you want to spend on your phone? In an ideal world, how much time do you wish you spent on your cell phone?

After you’ve established what you want your relationship with your phone to look like, you’ll need to think of some things you’d like to do with your reclaimed time. When you have specific things you want to do with your time, it becomes easier to resist the temptation of endless scrolling. Instead of mindlessly opening your social media apps, you can redirect your attention to other activities.

Maybe you want to spend more time reading books or practicing a new language. Or perhaps you want to get more exercise or spend more quality time with loved ones. It’s all about having a purpose and a plan for your time.

2. Setup a Screen Lock Passcode

It’s important to set up as many barriers as possible to reduce the temptation to constantly check your phone.

By setting up barriers to access your phone, you’re less likely to use it mindlessly. By using a screen lock passcode instead of your fingerprint or facial recognition, you’re adding an extra layer of inconvenience that will make you think twice before unlocking your phone. You can also change the time it takes for your phone to automatically lock. Making it lock after a minute means that every time you set your phone down, you’ll need to re-enter your password to get back on. This may seem like a small inconvenience, but it could make all the difference in helping you spend less time on your phone.

By setting up a screen lock passcode and changing the automatic lock time, you’ll give yourself a chance to pause and think before mindlessly scrolling through your apps. Plus, it’s easy to set up a screen lock passcode on any device, whether you’re an Android or Apple user.

3. Designate Certain Activities as Screen-Free

Picture this: you’re out to dinner with your friends, but instead of engaging in lively conversation and enjoying your meal, you’re scrolling through your Instagram feed. Meanwhile, your friends are making memories and having fun without you. Sound familiar? Well, by designating mealtime as a screen-free activity, you can avoid this scenario.

Not only will this make mealtime an opportunity to connect and have meaningful conversations, it’ll also encourage mindful eating. When you’re not glued to your phone, you can fully enjoy your food and listen to your body’s hunger and fullness signals.

But it’s not just mealtime that benefits from a screen-free approach. Waiting in line can be a tedious task, but it doesn’t have to be. Instead of pulling out your phone to pass the time, try people-watching, striking up a conversation with someone nearby or simply taking a moment to breathe and be present.

By putting down our screens, we open ourselves up to a world of possibilities and enrich our lives in ways we never thought possible. So next time you’re sitting down to eat or waiting in line, put down your phone and see what opportunities for connection and mindfulness arise.

4. Don’t Save Your Login Info

Our phones are designed to make our lives easier, but in doing so, they also enable our bad habits.

Think about how many times you’ve found yourself scrolling through your phone, when suddenly, you realize that you’ve been on it for the past hour. How did this happen? Well, one reason could be that you saved your login info to your social media accounts, making it all too easy to open the app and start scrolling without a second thought. But what if there was a way to break this cycle?

One solution is to simply say no when your phone prompts you to save your login info. Just like setting up a passcode creates a barrier to unlocking your phone, having to type in your Instagram password each time you want to login will give you a moment to reconsider if you really want to. It’s a small inconvenience, but it could be just the nudge you need.

By creating a small hurdle, you’re giving yourself a moment to pause and reflect on whether you really need to unlock your phone. Do you really need to check your email or scroll through Instagram for the tenth time today? Or would your time be better spent doing something else?

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5. Silence Your Notifications

We’ve all been there. You’re working on an important task, when suddenly your phone lights up with a notification. It’s like a siren song, calling out to you and tempting you to stop what you’re doing and check your phone. Next thing you know, you’ve fallen into the trap of mindless scrolling and hours have passed.

It can sometimes feel like your cell phone is dictating when you use it, but by silencing your notifications, you’re putting the power back in your hands.

Of course, there are some exceptions to this rule. You’ll want to keep notifications for phone calls and text messages, but for everything else, be ruthless when muting apps. Trust me, nothing is important enough to be pinging you and demanding your attention 24/7. By being intentional about which notifications you allow, you can eliminate the distractions that keep you from being productive and focused.

Remember, you should decide when your phone use time is, not the other way around.

6. Don’t Rely on Digital Tools

Every time you use your phone for anything, even if it’s just to turn off your alarm, you’re inviting an opportunity for mindless scrolling. So, what’s the solution? It might be time to start relying less on digital tools.

I’m not suggesting that you ditch your phone altogether. After all, there are plenty of situations where digital tools are truly helpful and necessary. But by making a conscious effort to use them less often, you may find that you’re able to reduce the amount of mindless scrolling in your life.

Here are some simple swaps you can make.

  1. Wake up to a traditional alarm clock instead of the alarm on your cell phone
  2. Use a planner or wall calendar to track your personal appointments and schedule
  3. Check the time on a wrist watch instead of your cell phone
  4. Replace using your phone’s GPS with a physical map or printed directions
  5. Swap your digital notepad for a real notepad
  6. At the gym, use a timer to track time instead of your cell phone
  7. Use a map or portable car GPS instead of the GPS on your phone

Next time you’re tempted to reach for your phone, consider whether there’s a physical alternative that could help you stay more grounded and present in the moment.

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7. Automate Daily Limits

Automating daily limits can help you control your phone usage. Luckily, there are plenty of apps out there that can help you set limits on your phone usage, and even block certain apps or websites altogether.

Forest is a fun app that allows you to grow a virtual tree every time you stay off your phone for a set amount of time. If you try to leave the app, your tree dies, providing a visual reminder of the time you’ve spent away from your phone.

Digital Well Being and IOS Screen Time are built in screen time trackers for Android and Apple devices. The setup is simple since they’re designed specifically for your device. Both apps allow you to set daily limits on your phone usage. They even send you reminders when you’re getting close to your limit and track your usage over time, so you can see how you’re doing and make adjustments as needed. If you’re really serious about limiting your phone usage, apps like Freedom and Offtime can even block access to certain apps or websites altogether.

Of course, like any tool, keep in mind that these apps are only as effective as you make them.

8. Physically Distance Your Phone

I know, I know, physically distancing yourself from your phone is easier said than done. In today’s day and age, our cell phones can feel like an extension of ourselves. The thought of leaving it in another room may seem as crazy as leaving your arm behind. However, doing so can be super effective in cutting back your phone usage.

When your phone isn’t right next to you, you’ll be less tempted to pick it up and start scrolling mindlessly. And if you do need to check your phone, you’ll have to physically get up and go get it. This will give you a moment to consider whether it’s really worth the effort.

9. Use Grayscale Mode

By switching your phone to grayscale mode, you can reduce phone usage and mindless scrolling. It might sound a bit crazy, but there’s actually some science behind it.

Apparently, our brains are wired to respond to color in a big way. When we see bright, vibrant colors on our phones, we get a rush of dopamine, the same chemical that’s released when we eat chocolate. But when our phones are in grayscale mode, everything looks a lot duller and less exciting, so we don’t get that same rush of dopamine. This means we’re less likely to get sucked into mindless scrolling and more likely to use our phones intentionally.

From personal experience, I can tell you that switching your phone to grayscale mode really does make a difference. When everything on your phone is in shades of black, white, and gray, it’s a lot less interesting to look at. Suddenly, those endless TikTok videos and Instagram Stories don’t seem quite as captivating.

The best part is, setting up grayscale mode on your phone is super easy and only takes a couple of minutes! Here’s how to do it:

How to Set Up Grayscale Mode on Your iPhone

If you’re an iPhone user and you want to switch your phone to grayscale mode to reduce mindless scrolling, here’s how to do it:

  1. Open the Settings app on your iPhone.
  2. Tap “Accessibility.”
  3. Tap “Display Accommodations.”
  4. Select “Color Filters.”
  5. Toggle “Color Filters On.”
  6. Select “Grayscale” from the list of options.

Once you’ve turned on grayscale mode, everything on your phone will appear in black and white. To switch back to color mode, simply follow these same steps and toggle off “Color Filters.”

How to Set Up Grayscale Mode on Your Android

If you’re an Android user and you want to switch your phone to grayscale mode to reduce mindless scrolling, here’s how to do it:

  1. Open the Settings app on your Android phone.
  2. Scroll down and tap “Accessibility.”
  3. Click “Visibility Enhancements.”
  4. Toggle the “Color Adjustment On.”
  5. Select “Grayscale” from the list of options.

It’s that easy!

10. Delete Apps That Are Accessible From a Computer

Deleting apps that you can easily access from your computer may seem counterintuitive at first, but it’s actually a great way to reduce your phone usage. Think about it: if you can check your email or scroll through your social media feed from your computer, do you really need those apps on your phone as well? If you do need to check those sites while you’re away from your computer, just use the mobile website. Sure, it may be a bit clunkier and less seamless than the app, but that’s actually a good thing. The extra effort required to navigate the site will make you think twice about whether you really need to be scrolling.

11. Install News Feed Eradicator

News Feed Eradicator is a great tool to help you break free from the endless scroll on social media. It’s like a virtual gatekeeper that stands between you and the never-ending feed of memes, cat videos, and political rants. When installed, it replaces the usual news feed with a motivational quote or a blank space. This means you won’t see the constant stream of posts, photos, and videos that can lead to mindless scrolling. By removing the trigger that keeps you coming back for more, you can regain control of your phone usage and start using social media in a more intentional way.

The best part about News Feed Eradicator is that it doesn’t require you to give up social media altogether. You can still use Facebook or any other platform but without the constant distraction of the news feed. Instead, you can use the search function to find specific people or groups you want to interact with, and avoid mindlessly scrolling through content that doesn’t really add any value to your life.

Installing News Feed Eradicator is easy and takes just a few minutes! You can download it for Chrome or Firefox.

12. Don’t Charge Your Phone in Your Bedroom

Before I get into why you shouldn’t charge your phone in your bedroom, here are some startling statistics.

The last thing most people look at before going to sleep is their smartphone and 80% of smartphone users check their phone within 1 hour of waking or going to sleep.

It sounds crazy, right?! But, we’ve all been there. You tell yourself that you’ll just use your phone as an alarm, but before you know it, you’re scrolling through your Instagram feed at 2am. It’s a vicious cycle but there’s a simple way to break it.

By simply not charging your phone in your bedroom, you’re creating a barrier between yourself and your cell phone. After all, your bedroom should be a sanctuary for rest and relaxation, not mindless scrolling.

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13. Create a Phone-Use Zone

While doing research for this blog post, I came across many articles suggesting that people create a phone-free zone in their home. But why not take it a step further and create a phone-use zone instead?

Think about it, if there was a tracker on your phone, would it know exactly how you moved around your home all day long? Would it know each time you went to the restroom or when you took a shower? It wouldn’t be surprising since 75% of Americans use their mobile phones on the toilet. If you’re one of them, it may be a sign that you should limit your phone use to one designated area in your home.

For instance, you can decide to only use your phone when you’re sitting on the couch. Or when you’re sitting at your desk. Doing so will help you avoid taking your phone with you everywhere you go. You’ll even find that you’re more present and engaged with your surroundings.

14. Do Not Use a Phone Wallet

Do you have one of those adhesive sticky wallets on your phone? If so, ditching the phone wallet might be just the thing you need to cut back on your phone usage. It’s all about reducing the number of times you need to reach for your phone throughout the day.

Think about it – if your phone and wallet are a package deal, then you’re having to reach for it every time you need to buy something or show your ID. And every time you reach for your phone, there’s the temptation to check your notifications, browse social media, or get sucked into a mindless scrolling session.

By not using a phone wallet, you’re removing an extra opportunity for phone interaction and distraction.

15. Flip Your Phone in its Case

Flipping your phone in its case may seem like a silly idea, but it could actually be a helpful trick to reduce your phone usage and curb mindless scrolling. Think about it — if your phone is hidden by your case, you’ll have to intentionally flip it around in order to see what’s on the screen. That extra step might be just enough of a barrier to make you pause and reconsider whether you really want to spend more time on your phone.

So go ahead and give it a try — you might be surprised at how effective this goofy little trick can be!

In Conclusion

Now’s the hard part. You can read all of the advice that’s out there, but if you don’t take action, it’ll do you no good.

Cutting down on mindless scrolling and phone usage requires deliberate action and conscious effort. It’s easy to get caught up in the endless stream of notifications and social media feeds, but by implementing some of these tips, you can take back control of your time and attention.

Whether it’s turning off notifications, setting limits on screen time, or simply flipping your phone in its case, every small step you take can add up to create a more mindful relationship with your technology. So, the next time you find yourself mindlessly scrolling, ask yourself whether you really need to be on your phone right now.

Looking for 10 things to do instead of scrolling on your phone during your work downtime? Click here!

15 Tips to Cut Down on Mindless Scrolling and Phone Usage - Barefoot Minimalists (2024)
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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

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Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.