Baldur's Gate 3 - How to Find Kagha's Chest and Expose Ka... (2024)

Kagha is the leader of the druids of the Emerald Grove, having assumed control after the disappearance of Halsin in Aradin’s ill-fated expedition to find the artifact Nightsong. Your first interaction with her casts her in a negative light - she’s callous, cruel and domineering, and if you use Detect Thoughts you’ll glean that her actions are calculated to prove her authority and competence as the grove’s new leader, regardless of the consequences. Nasty as she is, her actions might be understandable - if not excusable - as those of a stressed, insular bigot trying to protect her grove at any cost. That or she’s a petty tyrant in the making whose divisive actions are more likely to lead to conflict that’ll weaken - perhaps fatally - the grove. Who knows? If only there were some evidence exposing Kagha’s true motivations and allegiances… This page will provide a walkthrough for the hidden subquest Investigate Kagha in Baldur’s Gate 3, including information on finding Kagha’s hidden chest and exposing her to her fellow druids.

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(1 of 2) Search the Servants Quarters in the Emerald Grove and jump near a column,

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Search the Servants Quarters in the Emerald Grove and jump near a column, (left), to get behind a bookshelf that hides Kagha’s Chest, and inside, an awfully suspicious note… (right)

How to Find Kagha’s Chest in Baldur’s Gate 3

To start this quest out, you’ll need to find Kagha’s Chest. If the existence of this container is mentioned anywhere, we missed it, but you can find it in the druid’s sanctum in the Emerald Grove. From the first circular room this entry stairs take you to, just go northwest into the “Servant’s Quarters” and note some bookshelves to the left. Kagha’s chest is behind one of these bookshelves along the eastern edge of the room, just climb up next to a column to find the chest behind the bookshelf. Pick the lock [Sleight of Hand 10] and inside you’ll find a Half-Torn Note. Reading this note will start the subquest Investigate Kagha, which is part of the Save the Refugees questline.

Anywho, this intercepted letter directs Kagha to rendezvous with one Olodan at the “swamp-docks”, near some tree.

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(1 of 5) Make your way to the docks along the southeastern edge of the swamp and jump over to an island.

Where to Find the Shadow Druids in the Swamp - How to Defeat the Wood Woads and Mud Mephits

Finding this rendezvous site takes a fair bit of travel, as it’s found in the swamp along the southwestern corner of the map, at the southeastern corner of the swamp itself. From the Riverside Teahouse waypoint you’ll want to head south, then follow a trail northeast until you hit some docks. You shouldn’t encounter any enemies en route, but there are plenty of traps [Perception 15 | Sleight of Hand 10] found in the waters of the swamp, so be wary. When you reach the docks, head to the end of them and turn east and jump over to a small island, then jump over to a rock to the south and from there jump south again to reach a small sandy island dominated by a large tree.

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No shadow druids here, but there are some critters, including several Ancient Mud Mephits and a pair of Wood Woads. The Ancient Mud Mephits are fast, prefer ranged attacks, will summon Young Mud Mephits and are fragile, while the Wood Woads are slow melee bruisers who are fairly durable. There are two important aspects to this fight: first, Mud Mephits will explode when defeated, and they’re almost guaranteed to bunch up, which could lead to a glorious chain reaction. Second, Wood Woads are incredibly durable, having a high Armor Class and decent Hit Points, but mostly, Regeneration (regains 10 Hit Points per turn). Fire damage will prevent this regeneration for a time.

With all that sorted, here’s our strategy: We cast Fog Cloud at the corner of the island where we land so we can use it as cover, protecting ourselves from the Mud Mephit’s ranged attacks. Just run out of the fog, shoot at a target, then return back in. We want to ignore the Wood Woads at first and target Mud Mephits, especially any that are bunched up. Killing them near other enemies and causing a chain reaction is the key to this fight, and you’ll have a turn or two before the Mud Mephits can reach the fog, while the slower Wood Woads will take longer. Once the Mud Mephits are defeated, focus on the Wood Woads one at a time - hit one of them with fire damage and concentrate fire to bring it down while its regeneration is down.

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Defeat these critters, then search along the tree to find a Wooden Chest, inside of which are The Sparkle Hands gloves. One of the Wood Woads will also drop the Wood Woad Shield, which allows the wielder to use Woad’s Ensnaring Strike. Pick up these treasures, then search the tree to find a Wooden Crevice, inside of which you’ll find a Letter to Kagha. This letter mentions Kagha, the shadow druids, and one “Archdruid Aelis”, which is pretty incriminating stuff.

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(1 of 3) Return to the Emerald Grove with incriminating evidence against Kagha.

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How to Expose Kagha and Defeat the Shadow Druids in Baldur’s Gate 3

Now that you have evidence, it’s time to return to the Emerald Grove and pay Kagha a visit. Talk to her and pick the dialog option “I know the truth. You mean to take the grove for the Shadow !Druids.”, which will cause her conspirators to expose themselves for the rats they were and still are. Despite the options here, you can’t really side with the shadow druids, who seem hell-bent on picking a fight and purging the grove. You can, however, talk sense into Kagha and make the upcoming fight much, much easier.

To do this, avoid any options that outright pick a fight and you’ll eventually get either a [Persuasion 15] or a [Detect Thoughts 13] check. If you succeed at the [Detect Thoughts] check you’ll unlock the option “You’re so desperate to be proven right - it’s made you forget who you really are.”, which will make Kagha see reason. If you try the [Persuasion] check, you’ll automatically attempt an [Insight 10] check, which only helps you spot Kagha’s increasing doubt. Pass or fail the [Insight] check and you’ll get two more checks, [Religion 15] or [Persuasion 10], both of which will, if successful, keep Kagha loyal.

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If you convince Kagha to stay true to her circle, you’ll only have to fight Olodan, Wren and Pinta, a trio of level five druids. They’re nuisance enemies, using a variety of damaging and debuffing spells while also shapeshifting should they feel the need to engage in melee. When they shapeshift, you’ll have to defeat their animal form, and none of the damage you deal to that form will carry over to their natural form, basically giving them free Hit Points. Fortunately, they can only do this a few times during combat, and if the rest of the grove is assisting you the shadow druids will be handily outnumbered and outmatched.

Should Kagha defect, however, she’ll be joined by Marcoryl and Loic, two Emerald Grove druids who are apparently more loyal to Kagha (or just xenophobic and violently isolationist enough to side with shadow druids if it means expelling the tieflings), leaving only Findal and Rath on your side. This six-on-six battle is far more dangerous, especially since Kagha somehow has 65 Hit Points despite only being a level five !Druid with 14 Constitution. Actually, her entire stat spread is kind of silly - 16, 16, 14, 14, 16 14? With stats like those, she should be the protagonist of this game! Then again, Olodan is rocking three 18s. Point-buy system making our characters worse than random NPCs. Feels bad.

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Anywho, whether you’re fighting three druids or six, the key is to concentrate fire and pick off your enemies one at a time. The more of them there are, the more spells will come your way. If one of your casters gets a good Initiative Roll, consider using Hold Person to lock down an enemy and ensure they don’t see the next turn by concentrating fire. With so many spell effects and saves going around, RNG can play a larger role in this fight than average, and if you’re also fighting Kagha, you’ll really need your handful of allies to pull their weight and at least distract the enemy. If you kept Kagha loyal, on the other hand, this will be a cakewalk.

If you kill Kagha (she’s very unlikely to die if you’re fighting the shadow druids together) you can loot her for the Broodmother’s Revenge gloves, which cause the wearer to deal 1-6 extra poison damage after being healed. You can also pick up Kagha’s Key, which is kind of redundant now, but it was the only clue that hinted she had a chest, if you bothered to try and pick pocket her. Anyways, after the requisite number of druids are dead, talk to Kagha (if she’s still alive) and/or Rath to finish up this quest. The Tieflings have one less thing to worry about, so go meet up with Zevlor and give him the good news, and in return he’ll give you Hellrider’s Pride, uncommon gloves that gives its wearer a +1 bonus on Strength Saves and gives characters healed by the wearer resistance to bludgeoning, piercing and slashing attacks.

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Now that you’ve calmed things down at the Emerald Grove and rooted out the rot in the circle, turn your attention to these related pages:

  • Baldur’s Gate 3: How to Save the Refugees - Full Walkthrough
  • How to Rescue and Recruit Halsin in Baldur’s Gate 3

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Baldur's Gate 3 - How to Find Kagha's Chest and Expose Ka... (2024)


Baldur's Gate 3 - How to Find Kagha's Chest and Expose Ka...? ›

Go inside the door next to Kagha after saving Arabella. Hug the left wall, go past a bookcase, and notice a hole. Hop through the gap and go to the back of the bookcase to find Kagha's Chest. It requires somebody to pick the lock and be sure to wait under the character in the room turns around.

How to find kagha's chest? ›

It's a chest behind the bookshelf against the west wall, you can hop onto the stone ledge on one side to get back there. You can try to pick the lock, or if you have a high enough stealth skill, pickpocket the key off of Kagha herself!

When to expose kagha? ›

Once you've found the letter in the tree and read it, you can return to Kagha at the Druid's Grove. Speak to her and expose her and the Shadow Druids' plans for the Circle.

Where to find kagha in Baldur's Gate 3? ›

Go to the western portion of the ritual area and open the stone door. This leads you to the Druid's quarters, where you'll see the acting head, Kagha, getting ready to punish the child.

Where can I find Kagha's note? ›

Once the enemies have been taken care of, a success on a DC 5 Perception check at the large tree at the center of the island X: 86 Y: 220 will reveal an interactable wooden crevice on the south-west side of it that hides the Letter to Kagha.

What happens if you persuade Kagha? ›

If you follow up on the quest Investigate Kagha and confront her, there is a chance to persuade her. Should you succeed (two checks) then Kagha will see reason and assist you against the shadow druids instead. Kagha acts as the leader of the Druid Grove while Halsin is not present.

What is the reward of the kagha? ›

Even if you convince Kagha to do the right thing, theres no reward other than the loot dropped from the bodies and xp, so she should give you her necklace, Broodmother's Revenge (or whatever the magical item was called) as a thanks of saving her from herself (what the necklace does is that if you get healed, your ...

Does exposing kagha stop the ritual? ›

Zevlor will reward you with the Hellrider's Pride gloves after exposing Kagha and stopping the ritual. If you convince Kagha, she will also be friendlier when Halsin returns to the grove after you help him escape the goblin camp.

How to unmask kagha? ›

When arriving at the tree that has the Redcaps or sheep (depending on the check when entering the swamp), look behind the tree. This is the piece that players need to expose Kagha. Confront her with the information and then find out that everything was not what it seemed in Druid Grove.

Should I save kagha bg3? ›

If you want to be a merciful Cleric, you might spare her. That said, I'd say your best bet is to kill her. Doing so allows you to loot her for the Broodmother's Revenge, a powerful amulet that coats your weapon in poison every time the user is healed. It can be extremely useful, especially in the first two acts.

Should I let Auntie Ethel take my eye? ›

Choosing to have your eye taken out can greatly impact your game. For our run, we decided not to go along with Auntie Ethel's plan. It's important to note that most players have reported that not letting Ethel take your eye will leave the quest incomplete in your journal until you head to Act Two.

Should I let Astarion bite me? ›

Baldur's Gate 3 - 44 ADVANCED Tips to Master! Letting Astarion bite you is an easy way to get approval with him. The simple answer is yes, as the only downside is gaining the Bloodless debuff, while Astarion gains the Happy buff and his approval rating of you increases.

Is kagha evil in BG3? ›

Type of Villain

Kagha, previously known as Archdruid Kagha, is a supporting character of the 2023 fantasy video game, Baldur's Gate 3. She is one of the main antagonists of Act I, serving as one of the two secondary antagonists (alongside Dror Ragzlin) of the Silvanus' Grove storyline.

Can you romance two characters in BG3? ›

Can you romance more than one person in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)? It is possible to pursue multiple romantic connections in Baldur's Gate 3, although this option is contingent upon the specific nature of your character. Some may not be receptive to the idea of multiple relationships.

How to get kagha's staff? ›

Obtained as a reward for completing the quest Investigate Kagha and both persuading and sparing Kagha, which must be completed before the quest Rescue the Druid Halsin. In this scenario, Kagha will give you the Pale Oak.

What happens if you steal the idol in BG3? ›

It is possible to simply walk up and take the idol, but doing so results in the druids becoming hostile. All of the druids must be killed in that instance. Attempting to steal the Idol at all while the Rite is ongoing results in hostile druids.

How to open gilded chest in BG3? ›

Stand next to the chest. Open your inventory, right-click on the Selûnite Prayer Sheet, and select 'Read'. NOTE: As a devoted follower of Shar, having Shadowheart read the Selûnite Prayer will not work. To open the Gilded Chest of Selûne, have another member of your party read the prayer.

How to get kagha shadow druid quest? ›

To start the Investigate Kagha quest, head inside the Servants' Quarters. The bookcase to the left of the door has a small nook behind it (X: 488, Y-7) that contains Kagha's Chest. Inside, you can find a book on the doctrine of the Shadow Druids and a Half-Torn Note.

Can you get rid of kagha? ›

Letter in hand, you can return to the Emerald Grove to confront her. Doing so has the rats near her feet reveal themselves as Shadow Druids. Now, you can try to persuade Kagha to give up the Shadow Druids, and she will fight by your side. However, if you just want to kill her, you can do so here without consequence.

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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