Constitution and By-Laws | League of Provinces of the Philippines Online (2024)


Adopted, 25 November 1993


SECTION 1 – The name of the organization shall be the League of Provinces of the Philippines (LPP), hereinafter referred to as the League.


SECTION 1DOMICILE. The principal office of the League shall be located in Metro Manila, Philippines.


SECTION 1OBJECTIVES. The League shall have the primary purpose of ventilating, articulating, and crystallizing issues affecting provincial and metropolitan government administration and securing, through proper and legal means, solutions thereto; likewise, the League shall serve:

a. To foster unity and cooperation among all provinces of the country;

b. To provide a cohesive force that will embody the sentiments and aspirations of members;

c. To serve as a forum of discussion and feedback mechanism on policies affecting local governments;

d. To collaborate with national and other local government agencies attaining efficient and effective inter-governmental relations to provide development programs that will enrich and upgrade the capabilities of local government units;

e. To engage in continuing programs for development of the local government units;

f. To involve the League’s officers and members in international associations, conventions, seminars and congresses.


SECTION 1POWERS AND FUNCTIONS. The League shall possess and exercise the following powers and functions:

1. Assist the National Government in the formulation and implementation of policies, programs and projects affecting LGUs;

2. Promote local autonomy;

3. Adopt measures for the promotion of the welfare of the LGU concerned and its officials and employees;

4. Encourage people’s participation on local government administration in order to promote united and concerned action for the attainment of countryside development goals;

5. Supplement the efforts of the National Government in creating opportunities for gainful employment within the LGUs.

6. Give priority to programs designed for the total development of LGUs in consonance with the policies, programs and projects of the National Government.

7. Serve as a forum for crystallizing and expressing ideas seeking the necessary assistance of the National Government and providing the private sector avenues for cooperation in the promotion of the welfare of LGUs;

8. Exercise such other powers and functions as the League may prescribe for the welfare of the LGUs.


SECTION 1 – COMPOSITION OF MEMBERSHIP – The League shall be composed of all provinces in the Philippines. For purposes of membership, the Metropolitan Manila Area and any other metropolitan political subdivision shall be considered as separate provincial units of the League.

REPRESENTATION – Every province shall be represented in the League by the provincial governor or in his absence, by the provincial vice-governor or a duly designated representative who shall likewise be empowered to participate and vote in any deliberation or meeting of the League.

The Metro Manila Authority and any political subdivision as may be created by law shall be treated as a province for the sole purpose of membership in the League and shall be represented by its duly elected Chairman of any city or municipal Chief Executive.

SECTION 2ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP FEE. Members shall pay a membership fee based on the classification of their respective provinces. The National Executive Board shall be empowered to set the rates of each member province.

Membership fees shall be payable on or before January 31 of each year to the National Treasurer of the League through the LPP National Secretariat.


SECTION 1 – MEETINGS. A general membership meeting shall be held quarterly, at a time and place to be determined by the National Executive Board or any other place that may be designated for the purpose of electing national officers of the League and taking up matters as the general assembly may deem necessary and proper.

SECTION 2 – SPECIAL MEETINGS. A special meeting may be called by the National President or upon written request by the majority of the members of the National Executive Board or a majority of the members of the League.


SECTION 1 – QUORUM. The majority of the total members of the League shall be necessary at all meetings in order to constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business and every decision of a majority of a quorum shall be necessary for its validity.

The requirement of quorum may be dispensed in case of immediate policy decision provided that all the members of the League where duly notified and they failed to attend the meeting.

In such case, the decision of the majority of the members present during the meeting shall be valid.


SECTION 1- REGIONAL EXECUTIVE BOARD. There shall be a Regional Executive Board whose members shall come from the different provinces of each region who shall elect from among themselves their respective Regional Chairman and other officers as may be deemed necessary for the management of the activities within their respective regions.

SECTION 2 – NATIONAL EXECUTIVE BOARD. There shall be a National Executive Board consisting of eighteen (18) members of which fourteen (14) regular members shall be the elected Regional Chairmen and four (4) league members who shall be appointed by the regular members of the National Executive Board. The appointed members shall have the same powers, duties and responsibilities as the elected members. The National Executive Board shall elect from among themselves the officers of the League.


SECTION 1 – TERM OF OFFICE. The members of the Regional and National Executive Board shall serve for a period of three (3) years, in which case the new set of members shall be elected for the next term.

To ensure continuity of the present plans, programs and projects of the League, the incumbent set of officers of the League shall act in hold-over capacity until the next local elections wherein a new set of officers shall have been elected.

SECTION 2 – Any member of the National Executive Board may be removed for cause by a vote of two-thirds of all members present constituting a quorum at a meeting called for the purpose.

SECTION 3 – POWERS AND FUNCTIONS OF THE NATIONAL EXECUTIVE BOARD. The general powers of the National Executive Board shall be the execution and implementation of the authorized policies of the League. It shall have the over-all charge and supervision of all affairs and properties of the League with full powers and authority to manage and conduct the same.

In addition, the Board shall have the following powers:

a. Promulgate Rules and Regulations not inconsistent with these By-Laws for the effective management of the affairs of the League.

b. Prepare and approve the annual budget and such other necessary supplemental budget of the League.

c. Create committees and define their duties and functions, and to lawfully delegate as it sees fit, any of its powers to any committee or office of the League.

d. Approve all contracts, investments and indebtedness of the League; and

e. Suspend, dismiss and penalize any officer, member and employee for acts inimical to the interest of the League.

SECTION 4 – MEETINGS. Meeting of the National Executive Board. Meetings of the National Executive Board shall be held quarterly at such time and place as it may determine. It may also be held at any time on call by the National President or upon written request of the majority of the regular members, as the need arises. Notice of such meetings shall be sent at least 15 days before the scheduled date of meetings, specifying the time and place at which such meetings shall be held.

SECTION 5 – QUORUM. A simple majority of the members of the National Executive Board shall constitute a quorum and a majority vote of the members present at said meeting shall be a valid act of the League.


SECTION 1 – THE NEB OFFICERS. The officers of the League to be elected by the National Executive Board from among its members, shall consist of the National Chairman, the National President, Executive Vice President, four (4) Vice Presidents representing Luzon (2), Visayas (1) and Mindanao (1) and a Secretary General. The Treasurer, an Auditor, and a Public Relations Officer of the League shall be appointed by the National President upon concurrence by the National Executive Board. All officers of the League shall have the same term of office as the members of the National Executive Board.

SECTION 2 – THE CHAIRMAN. The Chairman of the National Executive Board. The Chairman of the National Executive Board shall perform the following duties:

a. Preside over all meetings of the National Executive Board.

b. Recommend and propose policy guidelines that shall govern the conduct of the affairs and functions of the League.

c. Call a special meeting whenever he deems necessary.

d. Exercise over-all supervision over the activities of the League.

e. Appoint chairmen and members of the Standing Committee and special bodies that may be created by the Board.

SECTION 3 – THE NATIONAL PRESIDENT. The National President shall perform the following duties:

a. Provide the kind of leadership necessary for the attainment of the goals of the League.

b. Preside over all meetings of the National Assembly.

c. Call a special meeting whenever he deems necessary.

d. Represent the League in any occasion or matter in which representation may be required.

e. Approve vouchers covering disbursem*nt of funds of the League before payment is made by the Treasurer.

f. Exercise over-all control and supervision of officers and members of the Secretariat; and

g. Sign all appointments, contracts and other documents relative to its business and activities.

SECTION 4 – THE EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT. The Executive Vice President. In case of absence, disability, death or resignation of the National President, he shall act as the National President. He shall assist the National President in the implementation of programs, projects and activities.

SECTION 5 – The Vice-Presidents. The Vice-Presidents, representing Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao, shall perform the following duties:

a. Directly supervise the implementation of programs, projects and activities of the League in the geographical areas they represent.

b. Represent the National President or the Executive Vice-President in any occasion and matter on the geographical areas they represent in cases when such representation may be necessary; and

c. Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the National Executive Board.

SECTION 6 – THE SECRETARY GENERAL. The Secretary General shall perform the following duties:

a. Exercise over-all supervision over the National Secretariat.

b. Recommend to the President for appointment the personnel and staff who will compose the permanent working staff of the National Secretariat.

c. Initiate the means and processes by which the membership of the League is fully informed of all activities and operations of the League.

d. Prepare a budget for the operation, functions and activities of the League in consultation with the Treasurer and Auditor of the League.

SECTION 7The Treasurer. The Treasurer shall perform the following duties:

a. Have the custody of and control over all funds and properties of the League except those which for special reasons, the National Executive Board may entrust to other officers and members.

b. Disburse funds and dispose of the properties of the League


SECTION 1 – At the first meeting of the League, the different regions shall convene and elect from among themselves their respective Regional Chairmen who shall comprise the National Executive Board.

SECTION 2 – After the Regional Chairmen have been elected, the National Executive Board shall convene and elect from among themselves the officers of the League.

SECTION 3 – For this purpose, the National Executive Board shall choose a Temporary Presiding Officer who shall direct the election in the following manner:

a. Call to Order;

b. Oral nomination duly seconded;

c. Secret balloting unless waived by a vote of the majority;

d. Canvassing; and

e. Proclamation.

SECTION 4 – The National Executive Board shall appoint four (4) appointive Board Members to ensure proper representation of the big regions. The appointed members shall have the same powers, duties and responsibilities as the elected members.

SECTION 5 – The election of officers shall be held in Metro Manila or such other place as the National Executive Board may designate Ballots, ballot boxes, election paraphernalia, and secretariat services shall be provided by the National Secretariat.

SECTION 6 – All succeeding election shall be governed by the rules and regulations prepared by the Committee on Rules, Nominations and Elections and approved by the National Executive Board.


SECTION 1THE COMMITTEES. There shall be Standing Committees of the League subject to supervision and control of the National Executive Board, through the President of the League whose respective chairmen shall be appointed by the National Executive Board.

The following shall be the Standing Committees:

1. Finance
2. Membership and Attendance
3. Plans and Programs
4. Publication and Public Information
5. Legal Affairs
6. Rules and Elections
7. Special Action
8. International Relations

SECTION 2 – Committee on Finance. The Treasurer shall be the Chairman of this committee. It shall prepare the budget of the League, and see to it that the same is adhered to; supervise the prompt collection of the dues, fees and other assessments in accordance with the By- Laws, and devise ways and means of obtaining funds for the support and maintenance of the League and its activities.

SECTION 3 – Committee on Membership and Attendance. The committee shall maintain an up-to-date list of members. It shall take charge in the induction of new members. The committee shall maximize attendance of members of all meetings of the Board, as well as the general membership.

SECTION 4 – Committee on Legal Affairs. The committee shall attend to all legal matters affecting the League. It shall interpret provisions of the By-Laws, rules and regulations for the benefit and information of the members and shall see to it that By-Laws are updated.

SECTION 5 – Committee on Publications and Public Information. The Public Relations Officer shall be the Chairman of the committee. It shall devise ways and means of establishing publications and a functional public information system.

SECTION 6 – Committee on Rules, Nominations and Public Elections. It shall be the duty of the Committee to formulate the rules and regulations and disseminate them to the general membership. It shall act on nominations to the different elective offices of the League and shall be responsible to the Board for the proper conduct of the elections.

SECTION 7 – Special Action Committee. The Committee shall perform the functions which do not otherwise fall within the scope of the committee herein specified and such other functions as may be assigned to it by the National Executive Board.

SECTION 8 – International Relations Committee. The Committee shall devise means to strengthen international relations such as attending and holding international conferences, seminars and conventions on local government.

SECTION 9 – The Standing Committees shall as much as possible submit bi-monthly reports whenever required by the National Executive Board.


The National Assembly shall be the highest policy making body of the League to be composed of all Provinces of the Republic of the Philippines. The National Assembly shall have the sole power and authority to ratify proposed policies, programs and projects of the National Executive Board.


SECTION 1COUNCIL OF ADVISERS. There shall be a body to be known as the “Council of Advisers” whose primary function is to assist and advise the members of the National Executive Board on matters pertaining to the activities and objectives of the League.

SECTION 2ITS COMPOSITION. The Council of Advisers shall be composed of governors who have held the positions as National Chairman, National President and individuals whose experience, capability and influence shall be of great help in the influence of the purpose and objectives of the League.


SECTION 1 – THE NATIONAL SECRETARIAT. There shall be a National Secretariat to be headed by the Secretary-General, elected by the National Executive Board. It shall consist of personnel with such competence and expertise as the Secretary-General may determine whom it shall recommend for appointment by the President with the concurrence of the National Executive Board.

An Assistant Secretary General may be appointed by the President, who may not necessarily be among the membership of the League and shall serve as a full-time officer of the League who shall oversee the day-to-day conduct of the National Secretariat subject to the supervision of the Secretary-General.

SECTION 2FUNCTIONS. The National Secretariat shall have the following functions:

a. Provide the League with the necessary technical and administrative Support and liaison service. It shall conceptualize, plan, research and execute programs and projects of the League as may be directed by the National Executive Board.

b. Prepare the minutes of all the meetings of the National Executive Board and National Assembly.

c. Act as custodian of all minutes, records and documents including the seal of the League.

d. Furnish the treasurer and the auditor a certified copy of the minutes of any meeting where disbursem*nts or collection have been authorized.

e. Give due notice of all meetings.

f. Keep accurate membership records; and

g. Perform any other duties that the National Executive Board or the Secretary of Local Governments may direct.

SECTION 3 – Included in the Secretariat is a Deputy Secretary-General who shall be appointed by the President of the League and whose remuneration and emoluments shall be determined by the National Executive Board.


SECTION 1 – The League of Provinces of the Philippines shall have its seal which shall be executed by the League through its National President or his duly authorized representative in order to render authenticity of the official acts on such documents.


SECTION 1. These By-Laws may be amended in whole or in part by a two-thirds vote of all members at, any regular or special assembly meeting of the League. The call of such meeting shall, among others, specify the matter of amendment.

Voted and adopted this 25th day of November, Nineteen Hundred and Ninety-Three at the Philippine Columbian Association Clubhouse, Paco. Manila, Philippines.


Constitution and By-Laws | League of Provinces of the Philippines Online (2024)
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