What gods and goddesses did the people of ancient china believe in? - Answers (2024)


Descriptio: The 4 dragon kings named Ao Ch'in, Ao Kuang, Ao Junand Ao Shun. Each was responsible for a part of Earth and an areaof sea. During droughts, teh dragon kings were worshipped withnoisy nparades of music and dance which followed a cloth effigy ofa dragon. Every stream and river had its own Ao.


Other Names: Heng-o.

Description: Goddess of the Moon and wife of I.


Description: God of walls and ditches. Each town/village had itsown local Ch'eng-Huang.

Rules Over: Protection, justice.


Other Names: Chih Nu

Description: Goddess of spinners, weavers and clouds.

Rules Over: Handcrafts, rain.


Description: Guardian God. T'ang dynasty military hero elevatedto the job of guarding doors.

Rules Over: Protection, privacy.


Description: Goddess of the bedroom and sexual delights.

Rules Over: Sex.


Description: God of fire and executions.

Rules Over: Justice, revenge, death.


Description: God who chases away evil spirits and shape-shifterwho had up to 72 different bodily forms. Widely worshipped.

Rules Over: Protection from evil.


Description: Goddess of winds.

Rules Over: Storms, moisture.


Other Names: Fu-Hsing.

Description: God of happiness, symbolized by the bat.

Rules Over: Destiny, love, success.


Description: Ancient harvest God. Depicted as a kindly old manwith millet stalks growing on his head.

Rules Over: Harvest, crops.

Hsi Wang Mu

Other Names: Wang-Mu Niang-Niang, Weiwobo.

Description: Highest Goddess of ancient China. Her palace iss inthe Khun-lun mountain where she protects the herb ofimmortality.

Rules Over: Curing disease.


Description: Ruler of Water, God who removes evil spirits anddemons.

Rules Over: Exorcism.


Other Names: Hou-T'u

Description: Female deity Earth. The Emperor offered sacrificesto her on a square marble altar in the Forbidden City each summersolstice.

Rules Over: Earth magick, fertility.


Description: God of wine who invented winemaking.

Rules Over: Wine.

Kuan Ti

Description: God of War and fortunetelling. Shown dressed ingreen and had a red face.

Rules Over: Protection, valor, justice, divination, revenge,death, dark magick, prophecy.

Kuan Yin

Other Names: Kwan Yin, Kwannon.

Description: Great Mother, patroness of priestesses. Sometimedepicted holding a child. It is thought this Goddess sits on herparadise island of P'u T'o and answers every prayer to her.

Rules Over: Success, mercy, purification, fertility, children,motherhood, childbirth, healing, enlightenment.


Other Names: Chung-Kuei.

Description: Protector of travelers. God of tests andexaminations, literature and students.

Rules Over: Protection during travel, tests, literature,students.

Lan Ts'ai-Ho

Description: One of the 8 Immortals of ancient China, thisGoddess dressed as a woman but had a male voice. Carried a Fluteand basket of fruit.

Rules Over: Music, fertility.


Description: The Jade Emperor. "Father Heaven."


Other Names: Lei-Kung.

Description: God of thunder and retribution, he had few shrines.Shown as an ugly man with blue skin, wings and claws, clad in aloincloth. He punished the guilty that human law did not touch.

Rules Over: Justice, punishment.

Lo Shen

Description: Goddess of rivers.

Rules Over: Water magick.


Description: God of pay and employees. Symbol was a deer whichhe rode on.

Rules Over: Prosperity, success, law, employment.


Other Names: Lupan.

Description: God of carpenters and masons.

Rules Over: Artistic abilities, fame.


Description: Goddess of springtime.

Rules Over: Spring rites.

Men Shen

Description: Two deities who warded the door against evilspirits and hostile influences. One had a red or black face, theother a white face. They both wore military dress, holding along-handled mace.

Rules Over: Protection.

Meng-Po Niang Niang

Description: Goddess who lived just inside the door to hellwhere those reincarnating would depart. Her sacred potion, of whichshe gave a few drops to each departing person, made all humansforget previous lives.

Rules Over: Passing over rites, past-lives.

Nu Kua

Description: Creator Goddess who made humankind.

Rules Over: Creation.


Description: Goddess of droughts.

Rules Over: Droughts.


Description: Goddess of prostitutes.

Rules Over: Prostitution.

Pi-Hsia Yuan Chin

Description: Goddess of childbirth and labor, she brings healthand good fortune to the newborn and protection to the mother.

Rules Over: Protection, good fortune, health, childbirth,labor.

Sao-Ts'ing Niang

Description: Goddess of the clouds.

Rules Over: Ending droughts.


Other Names: Sakyamuni.

Description: Historical Buddha.

Rules Over: Virtue, enlightenment, self-realization.


Description: The Supreme God.

Shen Nung

Description: God of medicine, pharmacy, agriculture.

Rules Over: Medicine, pharmacy, agriculture.


Other Names: Shou, Lao.

Description: God of longevity and old people, keeper of the bookof the life-span of men. Shown with a prominent bald head withwhite eyebrows and whiskers. A stag beside him, he leaned on astaff and carried a peach, symbol of immortality.

Rules Over: Life plan, date of death, reincarnation.


Description: God who defends men against all evil and forgivessins.

Rules Over: Averting evil.


Other Names: Tung-Yueh-Ta-Ti.

Description: God of the affairs of men, protector of men andanimals.

Rules Over: Children, fortune, honors, fate, animals, payment ofgood and bad karma, prosperity, success.


Other Names: Tien Fei.

Description: Protectress of sailors and others in time ofdanger.

Rules Over: Protection.


Description: God who bestows happiness.

Rules Over: Happiness.


Description: Goddess of lightning.

Rules Over: Lightning.


Description: God who grants remission of sins.


Description: God of mercy, he visited those in Hell and tried toarrange for a good reincarnation. Depicted as a smiling robed monkwith a halo around his body and carried a pearl that gave offlight.

Rules Over: Knowledge for reincarnation.


Description: Goddess of the polestar and record-keeper; scribeof the Immortals. Judge of all peoples.

Rules Over: Stars, records, writing, judgement.

Tsai Shen

Other Names: Ts'ai-Shen

Description: God of wealth, most popular chinese god. Showndressed in exquisite silks.

Rules Over: Abundance, success.


Other Names: Tsao-Chun.

Description: Kitchen god, god of the hearth. Protector offamilies and recorder of the actions and words of each family. Hiswife recorded the behavior of women in particular. He gave hisreport to the Jade Emperor who then determined the family's comingfortunes.


Other Names: Tsi Ku Niang.

Description: Goddess of the outhouse. It is said that when awoman wanted to know the future, she went to the outhouse and askedTsi-Ku.

Rules Over: Outhouses, divination.


Other Names: Wen-Chang-Ta-Ti.

Description: God of literature and poetry.

Rules Over: Writing, publishing, artistic fame.


Description: "Master of healing."

Rules Over: Psychic abilities, healing powers.


Description: FOremost of the ten Yama Kings of Lords of Death.Ruler of hell. He decided the fate of all new arrivals, determiningif they went to a special court for trial, were punished or sentstraight back to the Wheel of Life.

Rules Over: Judgment, punishment, karmic justice.o

Description: The 4 dragon kings named Ao Ch'in, Ao Kuang, Ao Junand Ao Shun. Each was responsible for a part of Earth and an areaof sea. During droughts, teh dragon kings were worshipped withnoisy parades of music and dance which followed a cloth effigy of adragon. Every stream and river had its own Ao.


Other Names: Heng-o.

Description: Goddess of the Moon and wife of I.


Description: God of walls and ditches. Each town/village had itsown local Ch'eng-Huang.

Rules Over: Protection, justice.


Other Names: Chih Nu

Description: Goddess of spinners, weavers and clouds.

Rules Over: Handcrafts, rain.


Description: Guardian God. T'ang dynasty military hero elevatedto the job of guarding doors.

Rules Over: Protection, privacy.


Description: Goddess of the bedroom and sexual delights.

Rules Over: Sex.


Description: God of fire and executions.

Rules Over: Justice, revenge, death.


Description: God who chases away evil spirits and shape-shifterwho had up to 72 different bodily forms. Widely worshipped.

Rules Over: Protection from evil.


Description: Goddess of winds.

Rules Over: Storms, moisture.


Other Names: Fu-Hsing.

Description: God of happiness, symbolized by the bat.

Rules Over: Destiny, love, success.


Description: Ancient harvest God. Depicted as a kindly old manwith millet stalks growing on his head.

Rules Over: Harvest, crops.

Hsi Wang Mu

Other Names: Wang-Mu Niang-Niang, Weiwobo.

Description: Highest Goddess of ancient China. Her palace iss inthe Khun-lun mountain where she protects the herb ofimmortality.

Rules Over: Curing disease.


Description: Ruler of Water, God who removes evil spirits anddemons.

Rules Over: Exorcism.


Other Names: Hou-T'u

Description: Female deity Earth. The Emperor offered sacrificesto her on a square marble altar in the Forbidden City each summersolstice.

Rules Over: Earth magick, fertility.


Description: God of wine who invented winemaking.

Rules Over: Wine.

Kuan Ti

Description: God of war and fortunetelling. Shown dressed ingreen and had a red face.

Rules Over: Protection, valor, justice, divination, revenge,death, dark magick, prophecy.

Kuan Yin

Other Names: Kwan Yin, Kwannon.

Description: Great Mother, patroness of priestesses. Sometimedepicted holding a child. It is thought this Goddess sits on herparadise island of P'u T'o and answers every prayer to her.

Rules Over: Success, mercy, purification, fertility, children,motherhood, childbirth, healing, enlightenment.


Other Names: Chung-Kuei.

Description: Protector of travelers. God of tests andexaminations, literature and students.

Rules Over: Protection during travel, tests, literature,students.

Lan Ts'ai-Ho

Description: One of the 8 Immortals of ancient China, thisGoddess dressed as a woman but had a male voice. Carried a fluteand basket of fruit.

Rules Over: Music, fertility.


Description: The Jade Emperor. "Father Heaven."


Other Names: Lei-Kung.

Description: God of thunder and retribution, he had few shrines.Shown as an ugly man with blue skin, wings and claws, clad in aloincloth. He punished the guilty that human law did not touch.

Rules Over: Justice, punishment.

Lo Shen

Description: Goddess of rivers.

Rules Over: Water magick.


Description: God of pay and employees. Symbol was a deer whichhe rode on.

Rules Over: Prosperity, success, law, employment.


Other Names: Lupan.

Description: God of carpenters and masons.

Rules Over: Artistic abilities, fame.


Description: Goddess of springtime.

Rules Over: Spring rites.

Men Shen

Description: Two deities who warded the door against evilspirits and hostile influences. One had a red or black face, theother a white face. They both wore military dress, holding along-handled mace.

Rules Over: Protection.

Meng-Po Niang Niang

Description: Goddess who lived just inside the door to hellwhere those reincarnating would depart. Her sacred potion, of whichshe gave a few drops to each departing person, made all humansforget previous lives.

Rules Over: Passing over rites, past-lives.

Nu Kua

Description: Creator Goddess who made humankind.

Rules Over: Creation.


Description: Goddess of droughts.

Rules Over: Droughts.


Description: Goddess of prostitutes.

Rules Over: Prostitution.

Pi-Hsia Yuan Chin

Description: Goddess of childbirth and labor, she brings healthand good fortune to the newborn and protection to the mother.

Rules Over: Protection, good fortune, health, childbirth,labor.

Sao-Ts'ing Niang

Description: Goddess of the clouds.

Rules Over: Ending droughts.


Other Names: Sakyamuni.

Description: Historical Buddha.

Rules Over: Virtue, enlightenment, self-realization.


Description: The Supreme God.

Shen Nung

Description: God of medicine, pharmacy, agriculture.

Rules Over: Medicine, pharmacy, agriculture.


Other Names: Shou, Lao.

Description: God of longevity and old people, keeper of the bookof the life-span of men. Shown with a prominent bald head withwhite eyebrows and whiskers. A stag beside him, he leaned on astaff and carried a peach, symbol of immortality.

Rules Over: Life plan, date of death, reincarnation.


Description: God who defends men against all evil and forgivessins.

Rules Over: Averting evil.


Other Names: Tung-Yueh-Ta-Ti.

Description: God of the affairs of men, protector of men andanimals.

Rules Over: Children, fortune, honors, fate, animals, payment ofgood and bad karma, prosperity, success.


Other Names: Tien Fei.

Description: Protectress of sailors and others in time ofdanger.

Rules Over: Protection.


Description: God who bestows happiness.

Rules Over: Happiness.


Description: Goddess of lightning.

Rules Over: Lightning.


Description: God who grants remission of sins.


Description: God of mercy, he visited those in Hell and tried toarrange for a good reincarnation. Depicted as a smiling robed monkwith a halo around his body and carried a pearl that gave offlight.

Rules Over: Knowledge for reincarnation.


Description: Goddess of the polestar and record-keeper; scribeof the Immortals. Judge of all peoples.

Rules Over: Stars, records, writing, judgement.

Tsai Shen

Other Names: Ts'ai-Shen

Description: God of wealth, most popular chinese god. Showndressed in exquisite silks.

Rules Over: Abundance, success.


Other Names: Tsao-Chun.

Description: Kitchen god, god of the hearth. Protector offamilies and recorder of the actions and words of each family. Hiswife recorded the behavior of women in particular. He gave hisreport to the Jade Emperor who then determined the family's comingfortunes.


Other Names: Tsi Ku Niang.

Description: Goddess of the outhouse. It is said that when awoman wanted to know the future, she went to the outhouse and askedTsi-Ku.

Rules Over: Outhouses, divination.


Other Names: Wen-Chang-Ta-Ti.

Description: God of literature and poetry.

Rules Over: Writing, publishing, artistic fame.


Description: "Master of healing."

Rules Over: PsychiAo

Description: The 4 dragon kings named Ao Ch'in, Ao Kuang, Ao Junand Ao Shun. Each was responsible for a part of Earth and an areaof sea. During droughts, teh dragon kings were worshipped withnoisy parades of music and dance which followed a cloth effigy of adragon. Every stream and river had its own Ao.


Other Names: Heng-o.

Description: Goddess of the Moon and wife of I.


Description: God of walls and ditches. Each town/village had itsown local Ch'eng-Huang.

Rules Over: Protection, justice.


Other Names: Chih Nu

Description: Goddess of spinners, weavers and clouds.

Rules Over: Handcrafts, rain.


Description: Guardian God. T'ang dynasty military hero elevatedto the job of guarding doors.

Rules Over: Protection, privacy.


Description: Goddess of the bedroom and sexual delights.

Rules Over: Sex.


Description: God of fire and executions.

Rules Over: Justice, revenge, death.


Description: God who chases away evil spirits and shape-shifterwho had up to 72 different bodily forms. Widely worshipped.

Rules Over: Protection from evil.


Description: Goddess of winds.

Rules Over: Storms, moisture.


Other Names: Fu-Hsing.

Description: God of happiness, symbolized by the bat.

Rules Over: Destiny, love, success.


Description: Ancient harvest God. Depicted as a kindly old manwith millet stalks growing on his head.

Rules Over: Harvest, crops.

Hsi Wang Mu

Other Names: Wang-Mu Niang-Niang, Weiwobo.

Description: Highest Goddess of ancient China. Her palace iss inthe Khun-lun mountain where she protects the herb ofimmortality.

Rules Over: Curing disease.


Description: Ruler of Water, God who removes evil spirits anddemons.

Rules Over: Exorcism.


Other Names: Hou-T'u

Description: Female deity Earth. The Emperor offered sacrificesto her on a square marble altar in the Forbidden City each summersolstice.

Rules Over: Earth magick, fertility.


Description: God of wine who invented winemaking.

Rules Over: Wine.

Kuan Ti

Description: God of war and fortunetelling. Shown dressed ingreen and had a red face.

Rules Over: Protection, valor, justice, divination, revenge,death, dark magick, prophecy.

Kuan Yin

Other Names: Kwan Yin, Kwannon.

Description: Great Mother, patroness of priestesses. Sometimedepicted holding a child. It is thought this Goddess sits on herparadise island of P'u T'o and answers every prayer to her.

Rules Over: Success, mercy, purification, fertility, children,motherhood, childbirth, healing, enlightenment.


Other Names: Chung-Kuei.

Description: Protector of travelers. God of tests andexaminations, literature and students.

Rules Over: Protection during travel, tests, literature,students.

Lan Ts'ai-Ho

Description: One of the 8 Immortals of ancient China, thisGoddess dressed as a woman but had a male voice. Carried a fluteand basket of fruit.

Rules Over: Music, fertility.


Description: The Jade Emperor. "Father Heaven."


Other Names: Lei-Kung.

Description: God of thunder and retribution, he had few shrines.Shown as an ugly man with blue skin, wings and claws, clad in aloincloth. He punished the guilty that human law did not touch.

Rules Over: Justice, punishment.

Lo Shen

Description: Goddess of rivers.

Rules Over: Water magick.


Description: God of pay and employees. Symbol was a deer whichhe rode on.

Rules Over: Prosperity, success, law, employment.


Other Names: Lupan.

Description: God of carpenters and masons.

Rules Over: Artistic abilities, fame.


Description: Goddess of springtime.

Rules Over: Spring rites.

Men Shen

Description: Two deities who warded the door against evilspirits and hostile influences. One had a red or black face, theother a white face. They both wore military dress, holding along-handled mace.

Rules Over: Protection.

Meng-Po Niang Niang

Description: Goddess who lived just inside the door to hellwhere those reincarnating would depart. Her sacred potion, of whichshe gave a few drops to each departing person, made all humansforget previous lives.

Rules Over: Passing over rites, past-lives.

Nu Kua

Description: Creator Goddess who made humankind.

Rules Over: Creation.


Description: Goddess of droughts.

Rules Over: Droughts.


Description: Goddess of prostitutes.

Rules Over: Prostitution.

Pi-Hsia Yuan Chin

Description: Goddess of childbirth and labor, she brings healthand good fortune to the newborn and protection to the mother.

Rules Over: Protection, good fortune, health, childbirth,labor.

Sao-Ts'ing Niang

Description: Goddess of the clouds.

Rules Over: Ending droughts.


Other Names: Sakyamuni.

Description: Historical Buddha.

Rules Over: Virtue, enlightenment, self-realization.


Description: The Supreme God.

Shen Nung

Description: God of medicine, pharmacy, agriculture.

Rules Over: Medicine, pharmacy, agriculture.


Other Names: Shou, Lao.

Description: God of longevity and old people, keeper of the bookof the life-span of men. Shown with a prominent bald head withwhite eyebrows and whiskers. A stag beside him, he leaned on astaff and carried a peach, symbol of immortality.

Rules Over: Life plan, date of death, reincarnation.


Description: God who defends men against all evil and forgivessins.

Rules Over: Averting evil.


Other Names: Tung-Yueh-Ta-Ti.

Description: God of the affairs of men, protector of men andanimals.

Rules Over: Children, fortune, honors, fate, animals, payment ofgood and bad karma, prosperity, success.


Other Names: Tien Fei.

Description: Protectress of sailors and others in time ofdanger.

Rules Over: Protection.


Description: God who bestows happiness.

Rules Over: Happiness.


Description: Goddess of lightning.

Rules Over: Lightning.


Description: God who grants remission of sins.


Description: God of mercy, he visited those in Hell and tried toarrange for a good reincarnation. Depicted as a smiling robed monkwith a halo around his body and carried a pearl that gave offlight.

Rules Over: Knowledge for reincarnation.


Description: Goddess of the polestar and record-keeper; scribeof the Immortals. Judge of all peoples.

Rules Over: Stars, records, writing, judgement.

Tsai Shen

Other Names: Ts'ai-Shen

Description: God of wealth, most popular chinese god. Showndressed in exquisite silks.

Rules Over: Abundance, success.


Other Names: Tsao-Chun.

Description: Kitchen god, god of the hearth. Protector offamilies and recorder of the actions and words of each family. Hiswife recorded the behavior of women in particular. He gave hisreport to the Jade Emperor who then determined the family's comingfortunes.


Other Names: Tsi Ku Niang.

Description: Goddess of the outhouse. It is said that when awoman wanted to know the future, she went to the outhouse and askedTsi-Ku.

Rules Over: Outhouses, divination.


Other Names: Wen-Chang-Ta-Ti.

Description: God of literature and poetry.

Rules Over: Writing, publishing, artistic fame.


Description: "Master of healing."

Rules Over: Psychic abilities, healing powers.


Description: FOremost of the ten Yama Kings of Lords of Death.Ruler of hell. He decided the fate of all new arrivals, determiningif they went to a spAo

Description: The 4 dragon kings named Ao Ch'in, Ao Kuang, Ao Junand Ao Shun. Each was responsible for a part of Earth and an areaof sea. During droughts, teh dragon kings were worshipped withnoisy parades of music and dance which followed a cloth effigy of adragon. Every stream and river had its own Ao.


Other Names: Heng-o.

Description: Goddess of the Moon and wife of I.


Description: God of walls and ditches. Each town/village had itsown local Ch'eng-Huang.

Rules Over: Protection, justice.


Other Names: Chih Nu

Description: Goddess of spinners, weavers and clouds.

Rules Over: Handcrafts, rain.


Description: Guardian God. T'ang dynasty military hero elevatedto the job of guarding doors.

Rules Over: Protection, privacy.


Description: Goddess of the bedroom and sexual delights.

Rules Over: Sex.


Description: God of fire and executions.

Rules Over: Justice, revenge, death.


Description: God who chases away evil spirits and shape-shifterwho had up to 72 different bodily forms. Widely worshipped.

Rules Over: Protection from evil.


Description: Goddess of winds.

Rules Over: Storms, moisture.


Other Names: Fu-Hsing.

Description: God of happiness, symbolized by the bat.

Rules Over: Destiny, love, success.


Description: Ancient harvest God. Depicted as a kindly old manwith millet stalks growing on his head.

Rules Over: Harvest, crops.

Hsi Wang Mu

Other Names: Wang-Mu Niang-Niang, Weiwobo.

Description: Highest Goddess of ancient China. Her palace iss inthe Khun-lun mountain where she protects the herb ofimmortality.

Rules Over: Curing disease.


Description: Ruler of Water, God who removes evil spirits anddemons.

Rules Over: Exorcism.


Other Names: Hou-T'u

Description: Female deity Earth. The Emperor offered sacrificesto her on a square marble altar in the Forbidden City each summersolstice.

Rules Over: Earth magick, fertility.


Description: God of wine who invented winemaking.

Rules Over: Wine.

Kuan Ti

Description: God of war and fortunetelling. Shown dressed ingreen and had a red face.

Rules Over: Protection, valor, justice, divination, revenge,death, dark magick, prophecy.

Kuan Yin

Other Names: Kwan Yin, Kwannon.

Description: Great Mother, patroness of priestesses. Sometimedepicted holding a child. It is thought this Goddess sits on herparadise island of P'u T'o and answers every prayer to her.

Rules Over: Success, mercy, purification, fertility, children,motherhood, childbirth, healing, enlightenment.


Other Names: Chung-Kuei.

Description: Protector of travelers. God of tests andexaminations, literature and students.

Rules Over: Protection during travel, tests, literature,students.

Lan Ts'ai-Ho

Description: One of the 8 Immortals of ancient China, thisGoddess dressed as a woman but had a male voice. Carried a fluteand basket of fruit.

Rules Over: Music, fertility.


Description: The Jade Emperor. "Father Heaven."


Other Names: Lei-Kung.

Description: God of thunder and retribution, he had few shrines.Shown as an ugly man with blue skin, wings and claws, clad in aloincloth. He punished the guilty that human law did not touch.

Rules Over: Justice, punishment.

Lo Shen

Description: Goddess of rivers.

Rules Over: Water magick.


Description: God of pay and employees. Symbol was a deer whichhe rode on.

Rules Over: Prosperity, success, law, employment.


Other Names: Lupan.

Description: God of carpenters and masons.

Rules Over: Artistic abilities, fame.


Description: Goddess of springtime.

Rules Over: Spring rites.

Men Shen

Description: Two deities who warded the door against evilspirits and hostile influences. One had a red or black face, theother a white face. They both wore military dress, holding along-handled mace.

Rules Over: Protection.

Meng-Po Niang Niang

Description: Goddess who lived just inside the door to hellwhere those reincarnating would depart. Her sacred potion, of whichshe gave a few drops to each departing person, made all humansforget previous lives.

Rules Over: Passing over rites, past-lives.

Nu Kua

Description: Creator Goddess who made humankind.

Rules Over: Creation.


Description: Goddess of droughts.

Rules Over: Droughts.


Description: Goddess of prostitutes.

Rules Over: Prostitution.

Pi-Hsia Yuan Chin

Description: Goddess of childbirth and labor, she brings healthand good fortune to the newborn and protection to the mother.

Rules Over: Protection, good fortune, health, childbirth,labor.

Sao-Ts'ing Niang

Description: Goddess of the clouds.

Rules Over: Ending droughts.


Other Names: Sakyamuni.

Description: Historical Buddha.

Rules Over: Virtue, enlightenment, self-realization.


Description: The Supreme God.

Shen Nung

Description: God of medicine, pharmacy, agriculture.

Rules Over: Medicine, pharmacy, agriculture.


Other Names: Shou, Lao.

Description: God of longevity and old people, keeper of the bookof the life-span of men. Shown with a prominent bald head withwhite eyebrows and whiskers. A stag beside him, he leaned on astaff and carried a peach, symbol of immortality.

Rules Over: Life plan, date of death, reincarnation.


Description: God who defends men against all evil and forgivessins.

Rules Over: Averting evil.


Other Names: Tung-Yueh-Ta-Ti.

Description: God of the affairs of men, protector of men andanimals.

Rules Over: Children, fortune, honors, fate, animals, payment ofgood and bad karma, prosperity, success.


Other Names: Tien Fei.

Description: Protectress of sailors and others in time ofdanger.

Rules Over: Protection.


Description: God who bestows happiness.

Rules Over: Happiness.


Description: Goddess of lightning.

Rules Over: Lightning.


Description: God who grants remission of sins.


Description: God of mercy, he visited those in Hell and tried toarrange for a good reincarnation. Depicted as a smiling robed monkwith a halo around his body and carried a pearl that gave offlight.

Rules Over: Knowledge for reincarnation.


Description: Goddess of the polestar and record-keeper; scribeof the Immortals. Judge of all peoples.

Rules Over: Stars, records, writing, judgement.

Tsai Shen

Other Names: Ts'ai-Shen

Description: God of wealth, most popular chinese god. Showndressed in exquisite silks.

Rules Over: Abundance, success.


Other Names: Tsao-Chun.

Description: Kitchen god, god of the hearth. Protector offamilies and recorder of the actions and words of each family. Hiswife recorded the behavior of women in particular. He gave hisreport to the Jade Emperor who then determined the family's comingfortunes.


Other Names: Tsi Ku Niang.

Description: Goddess of the outhouse. It is said that when awoman wanted to know the future, she went to the outhouse and askedTsi-Ku.

Rules Over: Outhouses, divination.


Other Names: Wen-Chang-Ta-Ti.

Description: God of literature and poetry.

Rules Over: Writing, publishing, artistic fame.


Description: "Master of healing."

Rules Over: Psychic abilities, healing powers.


Description: FOremost of the ten Yama Kings of Lords of Death.Ruler of hell. He decided the fate of all new arrivals, determiningif they went to a special court for trial, were punished or sentstraight back to the Wheel of Life.

Rules Over: Judgment, punishment, karmic justice.ecial court fortrial, were punished or sent straight back to the Wheel ofLife.

Rules Over: Judgment, punishment, karmic justice.c abilities,healing powers.

Yeng-Wang-Yeh Ao

Description: The 4 dragon kings named Ao Ch'in, Ao Kuang, Ao Junand Ao Shun. Each was responsible for a part of Earth and an areaof sea. During droughts, teh dragon kings were worshipped withnoisy parades of music and dance which followed a cloth effigy of adragon. Every stream and river had its own Ao.


Other Names: Heng-o.

Description: Goddess of the Moon and wife of I.


Description: God of walls and ditches. Each town/village had itsown local Ch'eng-Huang.

Rules Over: Protection, justice.


Other Names: Chih Nu

Description: Goddess of spinners, weavers and clouds.

Rules Over: Handcrafts, rain.


Description: Guardian God. T'ang dynasty military hero elevatedto the job of guarding doors.

Rules Over: Protection, privacy.


Description: Goddess of the bedroom and sexual delights.

Rules Over: Sex.


Description: God of fire and executions.

Rules Over: Justice, revenge, death.


Description: God who chases away evil spirits and shape-shifterwho had up to 72 different bodily forms. Widely worshipped.

Rules Over: Protection from evil.


Description: Goddess of winds.

Rules Over: Storms, moisture.


Other Names: Fu-Hsing.

Description: God of happiness, symbolized by the bat.

Rules Over: Destiny, love, success.


Description: Ancient harvest God. Depicted as a kindly old manwith millet stalks growing on his head.

Rules Over: Harvest, crops.

Hsi Wang Mu

Other Names: Wang-Mu Niang-Niang, Weiwobo.

Description: Highest Goddess of ancient China. Her palace iss inthe Khun-lun mountain where she protects the herb ofimmortality.

Rules Over: Curing disease.


Description: Ruler of Water, God who removes evil spirits anddemons.

Rules Over: Exorcism.


Other Names: Hou-T'u

Description: Female deity Earth. The Emperor offered sacrificesto her on a square marble altar in the Forbidden City each summersolstice.

Rules Over: Earth magick, fertility.


Description: God of wine who invented winemaking.

Rules Over: Wine.

Kuan Ti

Description: God of war and fortunetelling. Shown dressed ingreen and had a red face.

Rules Over: Protection, valor, justice, divination, revenge,death, dark magick, prophecy.

Kuan Yin

Other Names: Kwan Yin, Kwannon.

Description: Great Mother, patroness of priestesses. Sometimedepicted holding a child. It is thought this Goddess sits on herparadise island of P'u T'o and answers every prayer to her.

Rules Over: Success, mercy, purification, fertility, children,motherhood, childbirth, healing, enlightenment.


Other Names: Chung-Kuei.

Description: Protector of travelers. God of tests andexaminations, literature and students.

Rules Over: Protection during travel, tests, literature,students.

Lan Ts'ai-Ho

Description: One of the 8 Immortals of ancient China, thisGoddess dressed as a woman but had a male voice. Carried a fluteand basket of fruit.

Rules Over: Music, fertility.


Description: The Jade Emperor. "Father Heaven."


Other Names: Lei-Kung.

Description: God of thunder and retribution, he had few shrines.Shown as an ugly man with blue skin, wings and claws, clad in aloincloth. He punished the guilty that human law did not touch.

Rules Over: Justice, punishment.

Lo Shen

Description: Goddess of rivers.

Rules Over: Water magick.


Description: God of pay and employees. Symbol was a deer whichhe rode on.

Rules Over: Prosperity, success, law, employment.


Other Names: Lupan.

Description: God of carpenters and masons.

Rules Over: Artistic abilities, fame.


Description: Goddess of springtime.

Rules Over: Spring rites.

Men Shen

Description: Two deities who warded the door against evilspirits and hostile influences. One had a red or black face, theother a white face. They both wore military dress, holding along-handled mace.

Rules Over: Protection.

Meng-Po Niang Niang

Description: Goddess who lived just inside the door to hellwhere those reincarnating would depart. Her sacred potion, of whichshe gave a few drops to each departing person, made all humansforget previous lives.

Rules Over: Passing over rites, past-lives.

Nu Kua

Description: Creator Goddess who made humankind.

Rules Over: Creation.


Description: Goddess of droughts.

Rules Over: Droughts.


Description: Goddess of prostitutes.

Rules Over: Prostitution.

Pi-Hsia Yuan Chin

Description: Goddess of childbirth and labor, she brings healthand good fortune to the newborn and protection to the mother.

Rules Over: Protection, good fortune, health, childbirth,labor.

Sao-Ts'ing Niang

Description: Goddess of the clouds.

Rules Over: Ending droughts.


Other Names: Sakyamuni.

Description: Historical Buddha.

Rules Over: Virtue, enlightenment, self-realization.


Description: The Supreme God.

Shen Nung

Description: God of medicine, pharmacy, agriculture.

Rules Over: Medicine, pharmacy, agriculture.


Other Names: Shou, Lao.

Description: God of longevity and old people, keeper of the bookof the life-span of men. Shown with a prominent bald head withwhite eyebrows and whiskers. A stag beside him, he leaned on astaff and carried a peach, symbol of immortality.

Rules Over: Life plan, date of death, reincarnation.


Description: God who defends men against all evil and forgivessins.

Rules Over: Averting evil.


Other Names: Tung-Yueh-Ta-Ti.

Description: God of the affairs of men, protector of men andanimals.

Rules Over: Children, fortune, honors, fate, animals, payment ofgood and bad karma, prosperity, success.


Other Names: Tien Fei.

Description: Protectress of sailors and others in time ofdanger.

Rules Over: Protection.


Description: God who bestows happiness.

Rules Over: Happiness.


Description: Goddess of lightning.

Rules Over: Lightning.


Description: God who grants remission of sins.


Description: God of mercy, he visited those in Hell and tried toarrange for a good reincarnation. Depicted as a smiling robed monkwith a halo around his body and carried a pearl that gave offlight.

Rules Over: Knowledge for reincarnation.


Description: Goddess of the polestar and record-keeper; scribeof the Immortals. Judge of all peoples.

Rules Over: Stars, records, writing, judgement.

Tsai Shen

Other Names: Ts'ai-Shen

Description: God of wealth, most popular chinese god. Showndressed in exquisite silks.

Rules Over: Abundance, success.


Other Names: Tsao-Chun.

Description: Kitchen god, god of the hearth. Protector offamilies and recorder of the actions and words of each family. Hiswife recorded the behavior of women in particular. He gave hisreport to the Jade Emperor who then determined the family's comingfortunes.


Other Names: Tsi Ku Niang.

Description: Goddess of the outhouse. It is said that when awoman wanted to know the future, she went to the outhouse and askedTsi-Ku.

Rules Over: Outhouses, divination.


Other Names: Wen-Chang-Ta-Ti.

Description: God of literature and poetry.

Rules Over: Writing, publishing, artistic fame.


Description: "Master of healing."

Rules Over: Psychic abilities, healing powers.


Description: FOremost of the ten Yama Kings of Lords of Death.Ruler of hell. He decided the fate of all new arrivals, determiningif they went to a special court for trial, were punished or sentstraight back to the Wheel of Life.

Rules Over: Judgment, punishment, karmic justice.

Description: FOremost of the ten Yama Kings of Lords of Death.Ruler of hell. He decided the fate of all new arrivals, determiningif they went to a special court for trial, were punished or sentstraight back to the Wheel of Life.

Rules Over: Judgment, punishment, karmic justice.

What gods and goddesses did the people of ancient china believe in? - Answers (2024)


What gods and goddesses did the people of ancient china believe in? - Answers? ›

There were over 200 gods in the Chinese pantheon whose names were recorded during and after the Shang Dynasty. Above all was Shangti, the god of law, order, justice, and life, known as "The Lord on High". Some form of Nuwa, goddess of humankind, existed as early as the Shang Dynasty.

What gods did ancient China believe in? ›

Chinese Gods of the Heavens
  • Yudi (Jade Emperor) - The Jade Emperor rules over heaven as Tian's successor. ...
  • Doumu (Queen of Heaven) - Doumu represents the female aspect of the heavens. ...
  • Pangu - The first being to exist in the universe, Pangu is depicted as a horned and hairy man-beast. ...
  • Yanwang - The gatekeeper of hell.

What religions did the people of ancient China believe? ›

Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism were the three main philosophies and religions of ancient China, which have individually and collectively influenced ancient and modern Chinese society.

Which god do Chinese believe in? ›

There are many names of God from the different sources of Chinese tradition. The radical Chinese terms for the universal God are Tian (天) and Shangdi (上帝, "Highest Deity") or simply, Dì (帝, "Deity"). There is also the concept of Tàidì (太帝, "Great Deity").

Did China believe in multiple gods? ›

According to Chinese popular religion, there are three domains in the cosmos — Heaven, Earth, and the Underworld — and each domain is populated by a host of important gods and goddesses. The Heavenly Domain is ruled by the Jade Emperor, who presides over a court of important deities who are worshipped throughout China.

Who are the three Chinese gods? ›

Fu Lu Shou (the larger figures) are known as the Three Star Gods, or San (three) Xing (star) in Chinese. They represent fortune, prosperity, and longevity. Fu Xing is the star god symbolizing good fortune and happiness. Lu Xing, on the left, is the god of prosperity, and symbolizes career success.

Who is the Chinese goddess of love? ›

The goddess of love, who helps fulfill your love life.

Mazu (媽祖) is one of the most loved of all goddesses in Chinese mythology and is known as Ma-Tsu who is the daughter of the Dragon and the Empress of Heaven.

How did people in ancient China worship their gods? ›

The ancient Chinese honored their many gods and personal ancestors every day. They believed in magical dragons and monsters. They had many superstitions and held many festivals to honor their beliefs. They even held an annual birthday party for ghosts, so ghosts would be honored and remembered too.

What are the main religions beliefs in China? ›

The People's Republic of China is officially an atheist state, but the government formally recognizes five religions: Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity (Catholicism and Protestantism are recognized separately), and Islam.

Who is the god of Taoism? ›

And they conventionally revere Lao Tsu both as the first god of Taoism and as the personification of the Tao. Nonetheless, Taoism has many gods, most of them borrowed from other cultures. These deities are within this universe and are themselves subject to the Tao.

Who is the first god in heaven? ›

Anu (3500 BC–500 BC)

Anu bears the title of 'Father of the Gods,' and his presence emanates throughout Heaven. His birth occurs from the sacred union of Anshar and Kishar, which translates to Heaven and Earth. The worship of a Sumerian God.

Which is the strongest god? ›

Supreme divine power in Hinduism is Brahma,vishnu and shiv . the sole ultimate truth, an entity that exists and gives life to all things. It is formless and is referred to as Vishnu or Narayana, Adi Parashakti/Shakti or Durga and Shiva or Mahadeva in different sects of Hinduism.

Who is the Chinese goddess of the moon? ›

Chang'e (/ˈtʃɑːŋ.ə/ CHAHNG-ə; Chinese: 嫦娥; pinyin: Cháng'é), originally known as Heng'e (姮娥), is the goddess of the Moon and wife of Hou Yi, the great archer.

What god did ancient China believe in? ›

Shangti. Shangti was the supreme god of law, order, justice, and creation. He is also known as Jade Emperor, Yellow Emperor, or Yu Huang Shang-Ti, although there are sometimes important distinctions made between these names and Jade Emperor can mean another deity.

How many gods did ancient China have? ›

Answer and Explanation: There are over 200 gods and immortals listed or referenced since the origin of Chinese mythology. The fame and reverence of some gods have lasted longer than others, remaining at the forefront of Chinese mythology and religion, such as Pangu, The Jade Emperor, Sun Wukong, and Guanyin.

Who is the goddess of nature in China? ›

In the creation myth of Chinese folk religion, the goddess Nuwa, also Nugua, is the Mother Goddess and creator of all humankind. She is the goddess of nature, fertility, order, and marriage.

Who are the 8 immortals in Chinese mythology? ›

The Eight Immortals crossing the sea, from Myths and Legends of China. Clockwise in the boat starting from the stern: He Xian'gu, Han Xiang Zi, Lan Caihe, Li Tieguai, Lü Dongbin, Zhongli Quan, Cao Guojiu and outside the boat is Zhang Guo Lao.

Did the ancient Chinese worship the god of the Bible? ›

Rather, it was the worship of Shang Di (Heavenly Emperor) or Tian (Heaven), the monolithic deity that governed the heaven and the earth and the creator of all beings. Confucius called his worship the most important duty of the earthly king and a key in demonstrating the king's legitimacy.

Which Chinese god created the world? ›

Pangu is a prominent figure in Chinese mythology and is considered the creator god who formed the world out of chaos. According to legend, Pangu emerged from a cosmic egg and stood between yin and yang, the two opposite forces of the universe.

Does China have mythology? ›

Chinese mythology (simplified Chinese: 中国神话; traditional Chinese: 中國神話; pinyin: Zhōngguó shénhuà) is mythology that has been passed down in oral form or recorded in literature throughout the area now known as Greater China.

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