The Age from Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (2024)


0 COUNTRY ROADS COMMODITY PRICES; NEW CHUM SYNCLINE LONDON MARKET CALM MILITIAMEN REACH SEYMOUR CAMP BENDIGO MINING NOTES ffJJ 2 Members of the 58th and 59ih Battalions who are now in camp receive uniforms or equipment before reaching at Seymour. Many did not the camp. Rearmament Solving Unemployment LONDON, April 8. The seizure of Albania has destroyed whatever slender hopes that may have been entertained for an Improvement in the markets after Easter, but there Is no reason to anticipate a spectacular break. City business interests during the week showed themselves far calmer than certain quarters in Whitehall, and there has been no pressure to sell.

Unemployment returns show that rearmament Is rapidly solving the problem of the Jobless. The "Investors' Chronicle" considers that within six months there will be tremendous demnnd for labor and mate. rials, and that there will be a military boom In which Britain will spend sun- stantially In pi liner up arms instead of increasing standards of living. Government control of business, the Journal states, will simultaneously Increase with rationing of raw materials and curtailment of luxury consumption. Some form of Inflation, It Is stated, also appears to be inevitable.

Indeed, the merchant bankers, Messrs. Robert Benson and Co. warn the Chancellor of the Ex chequer against the denser of "inflation orgy." The company points out that flnancoi must remain subservient to general! policy, but bad finance will enormously Increase the troubles ahead by creating discontent through rising prices. Benson and Co. maintains that the case lor bor rowing grows progressively weaker unemployment declines and as the amount borrowed approaches the aggre gate of national savings, which are generally estimated at 400.000,000 a year, and urge the Chancellor to increase taxation without fear or favor.

City interests believe that a prolonged period of political calm will serve Britain rather than Germany, whose economic strength, compared with that of the Democracies, is greater to-day than it is likely to be at any time in the future. Germany at present has ample reserves of raw materials, gold and foreign exchange, the latter having been increased by at least 175,000,000 by the seizure of the central banks of Austria and Czechoslovak! and by the sale of foreign securities. However, there are now signs that thc; large-scale- re-equipment of German industry, which has been postponed for two years, can no longer oe cieiayea which will necessitate either higher Im ports or drawing on domestic reserves of raw materials The Nazis therefore have no interest in breaking out on further foreign adventures. Dividends Payable This Week Buckley nnd Nunn, 34 p.c, Tucs. Cash Orders Gen.

Finance, pf. p.c. p.a.; 1J. nnd W. Murrny, 2'A p.c, Sat.

T. Brown, 4 p.c, But. Electricity Meters, 3 p.c, Wed. Goliath Portland, pf. 3M, p.c, Sat.

Ironbark Frld. Perpetual Exec, 8 p.c p.n., Mon. Rawanjt Tin, lHd. Thur. Root, Harper, 3 p.c.

Sat. Robt. Reld, 2 p.c p.a., Frld. Woolworthg P.c, Sat. Woolwnrthfl (N.Z.), 9 p.c.

p.n.. But. Wool worths (Vic), 7 p.c. p.a. Bat Woolworths (W.A.), 15 p.c, Sat.

Foreign Exchange Rates Important Exploratory Work Production of New Chum Syncllne Gold Mine N.L.. Bendlgo la proceeding with unlBlllng high returns rom the old work ing faces. Development for future re. qulrements Is being undertaken in me thodlcal fashion to tap the ore body in its northern extent as it pitches below the 1020 feet north level. The inter-! mediate levels off the rise at 100 feet north are breaking into the formation, and a certain uortion oi me outuut is be obtained from this Important exploratory: worn, wnicn js giving payaoie values.

The reef in the southern miarter at 1020 feet Is high grade, and the stopes on the turnover and on the western side are maintaining vlelds at a rood level. Good reserves of ore exist south in large blocks left on the turnover and higher cap, ana win oe expjoitea later. Chewton Cold Yield The management of Chewton Gold Mines N.L., Chewton, state that the crushing of 400 tons, previously reported, yielded 102 oz. of retorted gold, an aver age of slightly over 6 dwt. a ton.

In addition, there were recovered 15's tons of concentrates, of a net value to the company of 16 a ton. This is eaual to approximately 1V4 dwt. to the ton of ore crusnea, wnicn gives a total yield of ap uiuAiiuttbeiy uwb. a ion. The company is working with a new battery, and.

as is well known, the nirp. vi a. new uaitery always aDSOro a certain proportion oi goia treated. Return of Hogs Reef Improved values are reported by Hogs' Reef N.L., Avoca. Crushing 180 tons of ore, 41 oz.

17 dwt. 22 gr. retorted gold was obtained a grade of 4.6 dwt. a ton. Following Is a progress report, dated April 3: Main shaft, No.

2 level. S. stop, off main rise: Stopinft continued for 82ft. At point 62ft. from rise, reef widened from 86ln.

to 144ln. at 82ft. Values have lmnroved con. sidcrably between these nolnts. Payable ore still In face of slope.

During week have l.ot drawn any ore lrom N. slope section. N. iroapecting snail: uut down to 121ft. Close imbered c.ntr.ri and n.pman.nt l.riri.ra.v i.i 103ft.

Still In old workings. Spring Cully Option In connection with the option ob tained by Spring Gully Gold NX. over the Sawplt gold mine, two miles and a half north of St. Arnaud, Mr. R.

Bentley, of uenaigo, nas oeen appointed consultant, and Mr. J. N. Duncan will act as man ager. Preparations are being made for operations to commence immediately, Call List The following calls have been declared, ana are payable April 12: Al (21) Apex (3 Argus Hill (19) Break of Day (1) Cent.

Napoleon (18) Chewton (38) Church Union (3 Dcreel (24) Fletchers (17) O.B.C. (94) Out Id ford Plat. (00) Hercules (31) Lex ton (2) Little 180 (51) Long Tunnel (1) Moonlight Valley 6 3d. North Blue (27) 3d. N.

Chewton (11) 3d. N. Deborah (16) 3d. N. Nell Gwynn (28) ad.

N. Wattle Gully (31) 6d. NURgetyHIH (1) 3d. yiand Kxpior. (1) 5 KotibsnK (8) UUl 1' Mill (11) Tongkah Comp.

No. 4 (11) 3 Wattle Gully Extd. (28) 3d. White Horse (18) 3d. Gold Yield BAM B.

BAQLET A SON, Stock and Share Brokers, 430 Lit. Collins-street, members of the Stock Exchange of Melbourne, TeL U1787 Id 1 men j. JOHN GOODALL A Stock and Share tsroKers, Auuirai-unnniuera, vv Hueen-streei, aieiooume, let. moui. WALLACE H.

SMITH flharebrokers, 361 Coll ins-street. Melbourne. M1701. Trunk nines, tljio. DEBORAH'S development of the Inner west back now extends over a length of more than 250 feet north and south at 525 feet and 555 feet.

The west back has been slltthtly affected by faulting; north at 525 feet, but the advanced stopes still continue to show payable values. Efforts are being concentrated on a inner ueveiopmeni oi Uie east brick, which hus only been tested for Hliurt leriKth at the 525 feet horizon. More attention Is being given to the continuation of the formation south nf Ihn nhnfl miH th roof on the east back la revealing Improvements with development, thouifh in remains small. The lee stone In the SSo feet Intermediate north nas widened to reveal pay.iide vumea, wmcn is cncouraBing tor tuiure opera' lions In this area. Four feet of stone l.

howlntt In the main Deborah reef at 1000 feet south, where the slopes above the level iiio iiruv.miiK oiupma oi a payaoie nature. The north atones on the same reef at 915 feet are reasonably Rood, and the company has added encouruxement In croascutttng to the west at 187 feet north, where the stone la four feet wide and carries several colors of Ktiio. i ma arcs, is 10 oe extensively vcloped. NORTH DEBDRAM rrh.H nf It a mnln objectives on Friday with the cutting of the weal uiitn, oi lu Hinuii inner lormnnon now bctnp worked in the parent mine. The bark carries one foot of stono, with a few colors Of Hold vlfllhlo.

It i tint tn Im immediately, as the company Intends pushlnn ii mo tiufsuui jinuiiitr iset ai aim ieii to locate the west back of the outer reef. which has not been contacted In any work In the mine previously. The reef with which this back Is connected was scarcely developed In the Deborah mine at 43S feet, but a good opinion has always been held of its resources on imier niveau sauon. NORTH NELL WYNNE hns sunk its shaft ieet in snait sinking plan oi reaching a depth of about 1500 feet, prospect ing work Is being continued at 700 feet. CENTRAL NELL OWVNNE'S crushing; for the past month have been of lower than for the later part of laat year.

Tho main reef Is being commanded In more working faces In the UM0 feet and 900 feet sectors muu iinpruvi-o yicias are expectea in toe lie future. The reef Is coming down In UtiO feet Intermediate, and n. full face stone in showing gradual Improvement as the work extends north. The wide slopes at 920 feet remain uniformly nayablc, and tho bulk of the best ore is being broken from this location. A new gtoping base Is being prepared at 980 feet, a rise having been connected to the higher level.

The 1080 feot north level has hoen extended to 750 feot from the shaft, revealing leg stone and spurs, which have shown a little gold. This work Is low on thi nnd nhnMlv It la ttin Intention of the management to rise at nbnut 700 feet north to connect with the 060 feot norm intermediate icvej. wnicn re continued to connect up this developmental work. The southern extension of the reef In the no ieei interments te level is opening encouragingly, but the grade at pre.ient Pityaoie, out tower man me overage. CENTRAL NAPOLFON ha iiit im It ft to mor than AO font nnri tVis nsvi rnnnih should see the work ncarlng completion.

I Crushing will not be resumed until this work oeen nnaiiaen. reparations are in nanu for the erection of the 10-head battery on the site pf the mine. I RONBARK RWITH la nnntttinlnrr nn basis with the satisfactory opening up of tho flat formation at 927 feet. The east leg, which Is up to a foot wide, has been showing fair gold, whllo the spurry body on the wefnern aide In the south workings shows payable prospects In 14 feet of stono. The centre country body In low grade, but nimut fg luna were inciuuea the current cruHnme.

i ne reel norm, short distance Improved appearance tn last week. I RONBARK'fl Inn nn thn tMnKn South reef ts now having Its reward with tho formation presenting a more uniform appearance, with payable gold in the 8 feet face about 735 feet from Its shaft. The gold-bearing spur Is within the scope of stoplng. ib yiciuing wen. Forfeited Shares Sales of shares advertised In "The Ace" will be held at the places mentioned send at the times Indicated upon the following days April.

Figures In parentheses represent the unpaid call for which the shares are for feited: LAjnn lunneis tij. 84 wimam-street, 11.46 12 ij. i-ien uwynno iiso, rxenango, 11.43 South Gordon (8), Exchange. Tongkah Comp. No.

4 (9, fexchange, 11.45 14 wiinie uuuy r-sia. (isni, jxenange, 11.40 White Horse (17), Exchange, 11. 46 American Price of Tin NEW YORK. Anrll Spot tin Is quoted at the unchanged rate of 1 48.20 c. a lb.

Osmiridium Steady T.fWrvOV Anrll Buyers of osmiridium are offering 16 10 an sellers asking 18 10. Wellington Alluvials Four Week Ended Feb. 4. Mar. 4.

Anl. 1. Hours worked Cubic yds. treated Gold, fine, ot. tlralno, a yard 1 Aft 257 ftf.2 81,000 103,000 194 400 846 1.15 1.86 1.60 AiR-ROUTE FORECASTS (For Monday, April 10.) Melbourne to Adelaide.

Mists and patches of fog In early morning, otherwise clear or scattered cloud. Light winds, chiefly westerly above 6000 feet. Melbourne to Hay and Broken HIM Early morning mist and fog In Victorian section, otherwise clear or scattered cloud. Light winds, variable, chiefly south-easterly In low levels, westerly above about 5000 feet. Melbourne to Sydney.

Broken cloud to overcast about New South Wales ranges and coast, with patches of rain and tendency toi thunder. Early morning mist and some fogsl Victorian section, elsewhere scattered cloud. Light winds In Victorian aectlon, chiefly S. to N.E, to N.W. low levels New South Wales section, with westerlies 15-20 above about 6000 feet.

Melbourne to Launceston. Low cloud about coast In morning, with mists and fogs; clear ing and only scattered cloud In day, S.W. to W. winds, 15-20 m.p.h. COMMODITY TRENDS Strong Statistical Position LONDON, April 8.

The commodity markets show no signs of cracking, but political uncertainties are reflected in a slight downward movement in quotations, both sellers and buyers being reluctant to enter Into for ward commitments. Those who believe that prices will not decline seriously arc able to support their view with fairly impressive statistical evidence. The Argentine wheat surplus is moving freely, assisted by good Asiatic de mand for Australian, which has resulted in better prices for Common wealth forward shipments. Last week's Argentine shipments of 589,000 quarters were the largest for the season. The weather in the United States continues favorable, and estimates ot the winter crop have been revised to nearly 540,000,000 bushels.

Sugar remains steady with satisfactory Continental demand owing to lack of; knowledge of German's intentions inj respect of the unused Czech oslovakian export quota. It is believed that Ger many will not export this sugar, thus strengthening the already sound statisti cal position. Dow Jones Index NEW YORK, April 8. Dow Jones latent figures: Mount Morgan Returns Four Weeks Ended Jnn. 25.

Feb. 22. Mar. 22. 161.223 170.508 170.076 25.47 28.10 26.55 38,920 39,320 36,830 Materia! mined, tons Cos la, a Ion Treatment Plants Sulphide mill, tons Oxlrto Mill uvermirucn, tons 15.439 1B.45R 72,817 10.933 17,216 67,468 11,724 13.9BH 62,542 Old dtimDS.

tonn TnlnT rn iitantn ton nujpmae mil Copper, p.c. I'roriuclion (tons concentrates Containing Gold, oz. Copper, tons Oxide Mill-Treated, tons Coat, a ton Assaying gold, dwt. Production cold, 07.. Copper Precipitation-Precipitates, tons Connor, tons 3,655 3,910 218 319 J53.700 39.58 40.63 1.43 1.30 1,841 40.133 41.69 1.02 2,004 27 30 12 Value of production 62.265 56.412 58,819 10.0115 43.613 47.611 Operating costs rplUS 22,170 12.799 11.238 Overhead costs Ine oreDa ration Capital costs 14,480 11,140 Subject to depreciation.

Inc. 6503 tons sulphide mill residues asaylne 0.84 dwt. gold. I includes 25,270 tonn sulphide mill residues assaying 0.91 dwt. gold, tt includes 29,410 tons sulphide mill residues wuiiit, u.oi uwi, Rum.

Company Registrations Frankstnn Hotel Pty. Ltd. Capital, 10,000 111 i. J. uni, Camphell, C.

G. Mucin dne. Dominion Radio Ply Ltd. Capital, C.ww1 in 4-1 Mii'irt-H. auuncnocrs; a.

J. tu. JlUino, l. C. Wheatland.

Knttcr Box Repairs Pty. Ltd. Capital, 2000 In 1 Subscribers: L. K. Walker, N.

A. Mathews, J. F. Lewis. Eadlep Men's Wear Pty.

Ltd. Capital, 2000 In 1 shnrcs. Subscribers: H. A. Kn-llo, M.

M. O. Kadte, Miflrnlh finnrl anil Rlnnn Cn Tlr T.lil Capital. 2000 In 1 entires. Subscribers: j.

nci-caui, 1. in. Aiaranng. Now rnmnnnM rmflnlornfl In Vmir flmtth w.iies: Camrpfo Ice Co. Pty.

Ltd. Nominal capl 11, j-jijiiu. ica nmiiuiHciurerH, ate. Macljnv Parkins Stnllnns Ptv. I Voml rapltal, 2000.

To acquire the business ui ftinirAjtviy rum 1 UK antiiuns. Cnonnmhle Motors Ptv. Ltd. Nnm hfll CAM- tal, 1000. Oamcc proprietors and dealers in motor vehicles.

Ac. Newcastle and Coal Fields Greyhound isrneuers uwncrs anu irn'nw unsocial Ltd. One hundred mv V.ivs. 10 tari- business of con sin Ac. doting mean exchange rates on London on under: London London, To 1.

April 8. April 8. Paris Francs 178 47-A4 17(1 49-61 New York Dollars 4.flH'ii 4.R81 Hollars 4.W', 4.70'i Brussels Bo 1 Ran 27.83 27.82' Geneva Francs 20. 87 20,87 Amnterdnm Florins R.SMi 8.81 Milan Lire 80 11.64 'A Berlin Marks 11.96 80 Buenos Aires Paper Peso 20.1 7 'A Batavta Guilders S.80'4 8.80 20 20 Total Riil In. Industrials.

Salos. April 1, 1837 51.09 185.19 Dee. 1 29.45 120.85 June 1, 1936 20.60 110.61 Dec. 31 .13.08 154.73 850,000 Jnn. 1, 1039 29.74 143.76 1, 120,0110 Keb.

2S 32.48 147.30 1.060.000 Miir. 31 26.38 131.81 2.890.000 April 1 27.24 132.83 1,560,000 April 130.34 RBO.OOO April 6 25.76 120.32 1.310.000 April 24.14 121.44 1.640,000 THE DAILY WEATHER CHART ALONG THE WATERFRONT! AIR LINES AND ACTIVITIES Tenders Approved by Board The Country Roads Board has ap proved the following tenders for works under supervision of municipalities: COLAC KHIRK. Colac-Boech Forest: Supply and stachlnR 600 cubic yards of gravel; N. Rlcheiis. 107 10.

FLINDERS. Rosebud-Flinders: Supply Aid delivery nf MX cubic varils of ernvel niid 11 2.1 curiio yarns or sanu; js. n. rrocior, auicneii-Iflrcet, Rosebud. 101 139.

HnstlnRS-Flln-drrs: Supply and delivery of cubic yards hi grannie sunn; n. n. nwnrnii, lien jiiii nnuin, i iuu ftio, Bmern-uromnns: auppiy Wfhiter. Palmerston-street, Drocpana, 17fti O.MKO. Benambra: 3600 feet of clearing, forming and gravelling; J.

Shanahan, Benam-hra, 3f2 10. WARRNAMRfinr. CITY. -Prln res lllehwav! Supply and delivery of 583 cubic yards of metal and 111 cubic yards of toppings; Porter run miry, jt.i)o ma. A LRRRTON.

River Vallev; 280(1 feet of forming nnd gravelling: Thomas and Chen-hall, Jack River, 3tt'2 11. Trenton Valley: nunn reet or formlnK and gravelling; s. Blares, Alherton, 302 120. AVOnA.Moormmlilt SiiDnlv nnd delivery of 12D0 ruble yards of gravel; A. Q.

Leech, MaryoorouKn, no. BKRWICK. Oflleer South; ft "SO feet nf re forming, trim mi tin and sandlnc: A. liner. 8 r.aai Mnivvrn, un.

1ROHI P. Witrrncknabeal-Btrchip: 0200 feet of form biixlnx and I me- atoning; D. B. Barker, Yambuk, 702 8. CHARLTON.

Yeunroon: 2087 feet of formlne and ifravellliiir: L. BDlcer. Peel-street. Charlton. 200.

Douglas's: S780 feet of leiirlnt; and formlntr it, J. Brereton. Chari ton, 71 3. COHUNA. Lazarus': 1B30 feet of formlne, re-forming and surfacing; O.

Roald, Main- street, Cohuna. 107 13. OOLAC Sexton's: 2100 feet of formlne nnd gravelling; McGratn and vaugnan, care oi slilrc secretarv. Colau. 114 138.

J. Buahbv's Outlet: a ISO feet of clearing, forming and c. neoman, care or snire secretary, 201 0fl. CRESWICK. Dean-llollnngghlp: Supply and delivery of 000 cubic yards of gravel; J.

A. i-ownn, Ascot f.j., xiio a. OORDON. -Pyramid -Cohuna: 7400 feet of! lorming ana KraveuiiiK; n. n.

uuraorc, noun, 4V2 Al. Pyramid 0800 feet of forming and Rravelllna: Hanco*ck Chnniiel-i trect, Cohuna, 609 6. KARA KARA. Ore Gre Village River: 36M feet nf cleartnir and forming S. McNally nno Hons.

Kooren r.u.. itn oo. KARKAROOC Turriff West; 2100 feet of formlntr and niclulllnx; A. da uaere, Hope toun. 123 10.

KYNETON. Hollls'-lane: 2fl2fl feet of clearing, forming and metalling; A. Bremner, Mt. Macedon. 416 10.

MA1.THA Rioras Hill: Siinnlv and delivery of 100 cubic yards of gravel; F. M. Barker. iynns-sireci. nosennie, uimuny o.

mm feet of forming and eravclllng; C. Shingles. Queen-street, Maffrn. 34 lo. Vance's: 840 fret of formlne and crave! InK: C.

Shingles, queen-street, Muffra, 200. Selling's 2100 fret of clearing, forming and gravelling; u. Shingles, Queen-street, Maffra, 74 5. nuwn nmKii! 4 una fnet nf clearing. rormlng and gravelling; J.

Shanahan, Bunam-bra, 305 6. OXLF.V. Whitlands-Mvrrlioe. 3220 feet of clnarlng. forming and Kravelllng; J.

Vallon-der, Hnnson South, 211 4. ROM SEY. Graham's. 2100 feel of forming nnd gravoiiinR; n. ureen, Kiimorc-roaa, ROSEDALE.

Rosed ale -Long ford. 11. M9 feet or mouldering and snivelling: Muiiuyru, P.O.. Longford, via Sale, 171 133. SWAN HILL.

Bolton -Kooloonong. 15.033 feet of forming: J. V. Williams, Coronatlon-iivenue. Swan Illll, 142.

Bannerton-Happy Valley: 81,10 feet nf clearing, forming, and J. V. Wl Bins. Corona Ion -avenue, Swan Hill. 30 30.

TRA RAIifiN. Jeeralanir Norttir 411S feot of clearing and grading Clarke Box 26. Trnnilgon. 319 9. WARRACKNAP.EAL.-P.rfm East: 10.500 feet of forming and surfacing; M.

atnltn, a tju WARRN'A MHOOL. Frnmlinirham-Bflllan' ROlrh: Supply and delivery of 37'j cubic WOORAYL. Old Oontrnl? aS7d fnct of clear- ing, forming and surfacing: K. Cook, Trafalgar, fllfi 4. OTWAY.

lyiwer Oelllbrand: 4480 feet of clearing, lorming ana grading; u. iteaman, Kllimlnyt, 363 S. WOltKS UNDER DIItKCT SUPERVISION OF BOARD. PORTLAND. Princes Hlehwav Went? Run.

My and delivery of 7000 cubic yards of huck-nhnt gravel, near Lvons: A. Otara anil s. Ktorer, 14 Carniichael -street, Hamilton; 018 ns. UPPER YARRA. Achcrnn Wav: Kniinlv anrf delivery of 410 cubic yards of No.

3A screen ings ano iu cunic varus oi No. 4 toppings, De ment Creek; E. Cook, Trnfalgar, 224 10. GOUT, BITRN. Hume Itlehwnv flnihhlno pji'arlng, forming, grading, and gravelling, muu icei on lyrcKsiey tun.

neiwecn Avenei I.onnwood: CI. Knell. 42 nnndnnontr.rnml. Oakleluh; flis. HealesvllIc-AIexandra: ipply and delivery of 1700 cubic yards of fine mm, m-iwoiin me mrra nais Hnn inc Hcale.ivlllc-Worri Yallock-ronrt; J.

A. O'Neill, i-uiuniifiw-ioiiii, ncnicsviitc; jliss in. MOVEMENTS OF VESSELS ARRIVED SATURDAY, CITY OP WINOHEflTRR. Pnrl P1fI. TfTNn aunui, Vancouver.

SAILED SATURDAY. MAHfA. London! MORETON RAY. Tyinrtnn VIM1NALK, Genoa; LAHN, Hnmburg; TRI COLOR, Onlo: PORT Kit MANTLE, Sydney Nftwrtmtlo; WoNIORA, Stnntoy; DU- aiwon, 'tueiaiuvi muiiunA, auvihiuo. ARRIVED YESTERDAY.

B. WALKER. Snn Frnneiseo: TAR OONA, Irfiunceston; YAURA, Nowcantle, coal berth; NAI11ANA, Burnlp; KORANUI, Ho-bnrt: WAREATKA, Ulverlone; I. ARAN AM, CflKIIC; 1'KttIUlJ, NOWCftBtlc; UUULBUKiN, nee: NOORA. Newcatle: KAPARA.

Hard-1 wicko nay: rrcmnniie; iiuijn KINO. Wnyalla; LORINNA. Adelaide; IRON CROWN. Newcastle SAILED YESTERDAY. niTTRRPRLn.

Rvrtnpv: NIETrV HOL LAND, Adelaide; IXIRINNA. Adelaide. DUE TO-DAY. nttAMA. Hohnrt.

nt Inner west Station Pier. 7 a.m. Orient 9.N, Co. NARKtlNn Lonilon. outer went Station! ner, o.m a.m.

jviiicaonaio, iinmnion aii'i Co. KfiRF.X. T.lvprnnol. 7 VlPtOrlft Dock. a.m.

Mcllwrnllh. McKnchnrn Ltd. MANOORA. Brisbane. North Wharl, 8 a.m.

Adeiamo a.s. MILPtJRA, Brltibnno, 4 North Whart. a.m, MncdnnHld. Hamilton and Co. p.m.

Howard Smith Lfd. 1-ARTPA, Oothffnhiird, Victoria Dock, W. Wlineimen agency. SAILING TO-DAY. TAROONA, Lnunoston, 3 p.m.

NARKUNDA, Sydney via Burnt, afternooo. DUE TO-MORROW. AUSTRALIA STAR, London, at Port Mel- bourn. TAIPINO. Hong Kong, at 19 Victoria bock, 11 a.m.

J. Snnrtcmon nnd Co. I PERHAWUR. Rydnoy, at Oeolong. WARD, Now York, nt 29 South Wharf, fi p.m.

Wllhelmwon Agency Ltd. AUTOMKDON. Bay ononornRn, at vio- torla Dnck. 8 a.m. J.

Snnflonion. DUNDIILA, StcnhoiisB Ray. nt 27 8outh' Wharf, 8 a.m, Adla1do Bteamnplp Co. I.OATTA. rtctch.

KUndem iBlnnd. Routh Whnrf, Indeflnit. W. Holymnn and Boni. SAILING TO-MORROW.

ORAHA, London, 5 p.m. TAR1KA, Sydney. 5 p.m. MANOORA, Fremantle. 8 p.m.

TAMRAR. King Inland, 11 a.m. WAREATKA, Ulvemtnne, 3 p.m. 1 LARANAH, Launcpnton. 4 p.m.

KSSKX. Sydney, Indefinite. TRI ASTER, Ocean Inland, Indefinite. NAIRANA, Biimle, 3.46 p.m. MACEDON, Port Alma, p.m.

MILDURA, Adelaide, artornoon. SHIPS TN PORT ALLARA, 271 Victoria Dock. ANTEN. Bay anchorage. AUTOMEDON.

Bay nnrhnrngfi. BULLAREN. Bnv anrhornge. CITY OP WINCHESTER, 13 Victoria Dock. COOMONDEHRY, flouth Wharf.


1 Victoria Dork. IRON CROWN. 2 Victoria Dock. KAPARA. 21 Victoria Dork.

KINO EDWIN, Bny anchorage. KORANUI. 9 fiotilh Wharf. LARANAH, 8 South Wharf. LOW AN 4 Victoria Dock.

MERNOO, WHMamatown. NAIRANA. 7 North Wharf. NOORA. 21 South Whnrf.

PERIOD, ooal berth. TAMBAR, 5 South Wharf. TAROONA. 9 North Wharf. TRUSTER, dry dock, TRIONA, Yarravtll.

VELOX, 10 South Whnrf. WANNON, South Wharf. W. B. Yarravllle, WARE ATE 7 South Wharf.

WEAR, 2fl Smith Wharf, WILLIAM MAC ARTHUR, 2ft South Wharf. YARRA. coal berth. Movements of Overseas Vessels Movement of mail boat and projctM movement or other ovemeas vo-wli ar published In thla column on Wednesday and But-urdaya. Colonel Llndbcrsh snd his wife hav lo rt Cherbourg (trance) ior the U.S.A.

(Australian Associated Wheat Futures OHICAOO, April Futures were, Thursday's ltirures In parent theses: May. flt) c. (68 bushel July. C. September, 69', c.

WINNIPEG, April 8. (60 c); July, 62 c. W-Vt C). Victoria Market Wet weather lessened supplies. Prices firm Beani and peag higher.

No mushrooms avail able. Quotations for good choice quality vege- ahles were: Per Dozen: Cabbages, caulillowera, 10, 14 beetroot. swedes, if, lenuce. 2. jo; ci-itry, bl cucumbers, 2, Turks' caps, 10, 14; I'll.

Unm rartl.h OH 1 II HT h. Pt-T Itnvon Uitnrhfi rTnrrotfl. 16. 3: DarsntpS. 1e.

turnips, 16. 20 parsley, 1. 16. 2: mini. it.

10 ncrrii, xt. 10, inuuai spring onions, 1. ln; ruuisuea, 2u: French beans. 8. 12.

Hilver beet, 2, 4 doz. Garile. 1 lb. Potatoes, 13. Hi) CWt.

U1OD0 onions, la cuao; oruwn onions, 20. 25 cwt. sllverskin, 9, iz easo. Medium ana poor quauuen wets bviumuw Quotations for ifood and choice fruit grown near Melbourne were: Per Caae: Apples, Jonathan, 8, 12; Gravensteln, 8, 11; cooking, 7A 107. Lemons.

8. 18. Cooking peache. 5, 8. Pears, W.B.C..

0, 8: co(iking. 11. gulnces, 5, 8. Passion fruit. 10, 18.

Tomatoes, 6. 12 per biu-hel case. Water melons, 6, 12 doxen. Roc melons, 0 case. Wholesale Fruit Market Prices normally unchanged Trading quiet.

Wholesale Fruit Merchants' Association prices: Her Cas: Apples, eating, 3, 9 (fhoica higher): cooking, Al, II. Bananas, double case, 12, 21. Cantaloupes, 3, II. Cucumbers, 3. 5.

Grapes. 3, 10 special higher. Grapefruit, 6, 15: selected higher. Lemons, 10, 15; selected higher. Oranges, II, 18; selected higher.

Pasplun fruit, half case, 3, choice higher. Pawpaws, to 20. Peachei yellow. 3, 57. Pears.

41, 71; choice higher. 1'ineappies, lew inhiiui. i-imua, 0, 0, Tomatoes, 3, special higher. London Markets LONDON. April 8.

Following were closing prices on Thursday, those dated a week ago appearing In parentheses: Cotton. Spot, 4.92d. per lb. (4.95d.); May, 4. 50d.

(4.60d.). Rupber. Fine, hard para, 7d. per lb. plantation, smoked, 8d.

Jute. March-Aor 11. 24 126 ner ton (24 126i. noorn. AbHI-Mrv.

Routh Sea. 15 net ton (9 151- smoked, 9 126 (9 120); pianianon, rtaDaui, iiu in (tiu in). L.iiijcf ci uii, t. to iu per ion i a. tn iut Turpentine, 1 16 per cwt.

(1 169). MEAT. The follnwlnff nrn the niltnir nrlffiii nl wholesale quantities of the deuenpttone oi iresn meat mentionea, anit are lor reprc.ten of issue of this list, chilled beef prices are averages of the week on which this Hat is itwucu. ah prices are on tne basis 01 delivered in Smilhtluld market: Sheen. New Zealand: Crnst wethers nndot maiden ewes, under 48 4isd.

43-01) 48'lb. and under, 67-fii 85-72 Australian; Wethers and or maiden ewes, under 40 11-48 49-56 3d. Ewen. under 40 lb 41-4K 3Ud. Argen- ie: rirst quality crossoreu wethers, 4S-tti 65-72 3d.

LimbH. New Zealand' Pnntprhiirv th and under. 37-42 13-50 aecond quality, average about 31 fS.d.; 43-50 North laiann aowne, jo 10. ann unoer, 70.: 37-43 43-60 a-Std. second qualltv, average about 30 North Island, drst quality, 36 Ib.

and under. 37-12 second quallly, average about 1 64d. Australian: Victorian, Urat nallty, 29-36 37-42 5-lid. Oth.r Hates, firit niinMiv ih 17 5Md. Vlctorinn: Second quality, 28 lb.

nnd under, 29-36 Ud. Other States, iccond quality, 28 Ib. and under. 6-d. 29-3tl an ouues, tnirrt quality, 28 Ih.

nd under, 20 Ih. and over, ft v. A. Ar-, 284lb 8econd 1unjltvi averagja aboiii 5eftland' Frozen: Ox hinds, ox frefl- 145-210 2jyid. Australian Frozen: Ox hinds.

140-210 ox crop, weights corresponding, Acw Zealand. Chilled: Ox hinds, 145-2f(i ox fores, 145-210 27id. Australian, Chilled: Ox hlndu, 145-210 ox crops, weights corresponding. 3d. South African.

Chilled: Ox hinds, 145-210 SSL a lD- aHd- RhodeMan Chilled: Ox hinds, 145-210 ox fores. i2 Chilled: Ox lb" ox fores. 145-210 Chilled: Ox hinds. 145-310 4id ox fores. 145-210 3id.

Brazilian, Chilled: Ox hinds, 145-210 Zealand: First quality, 60-80 fl-dd 81-100 101-120 W.d. Australian: First quality, fiO-fto AUSTRALIAN RABBITS. nail?" 176" (last week 'WIS. n0mr' AUSTRALIAN FRUIT. Victorian pears, ox Strathedcn and Call- fornian star: Pnckhama, 12, 133; Boscs, 123, 126; Howella, 10, 100.

To-day's Arrivals HAMILTON. 0.5 a.m. HAY, DENILIQU1N, 12.2S p.m. V.

anil ADELAIDE, NARACOORTE, MT. GAM-" BIER. 12.30 p.m. A.N. A.

HOBART, LAUNCESTON, 11.10 a.m. A.N.A. ADELAIDE. 1.45 p.m. A.N.A.


Ansott. SYDNEY, 11 a.m., S.30 p.m. A.N.A. To-day's Departures ADELAIDE. 8 a.m.

A.N.A. SYDNEY. 3 p.m. A.N.A. HAMILTON, fi p.m.

Ansett. HAY, DENILIQUIN, 7.50 a.m. V. and I.S.A. OAMBIER.


HOBART, 2 p.m. A.N.A. CANBERRA, WACGA, SYDNEY. 7.30 a.m. A.N.A.


0.35 a.m. Ansett. SYDNEY. NARANDERA, 2 p.m. Ansett.

LAUNCESTON. WYNYARD, KING ISLAND, 7.30 a.m. A.N.A. Anrll 11. a.m.; Trlona (except Nauru), April 12, Trladlc April 17, 3 p.m.

NOUMEA, otou, April 10, 10 a.m.: Cap Tarlfa, April-14, 4.30 p.m. PHILIPPINE Tnnda, April 14, 4.30 p.m. RAROTONG A Matua, April 12 and 13, 4.30 p.m. SAMOA. Mauri Pomnre, April 13, 4.30 p.m.

south-AFRICA. Lahn. April 10. 10 a.m.; Tricoiir. April 12.

4.30 p.m. TAHITI Eridan, April- a.m. U.S.A. Aoranei, parcels '(via Vancouver), April 12, 3.30 p.m. Holiday Clearances MONDAY.

APRIL 10. Inter-State and all air mails which usually clone after 7 a.m. Mondays will clrtae at Elizabeth-street P.O.' and O.P.O., Spencer-street, at 10 a.m." Inter-State late fees only at spencer-atrect ami ion ior Auairaimn uapuai territory, New South Wale and Queensland up H.Z9 p.m., south up tn a.5D p.m.. Holders of locked bng services nt Kllnnn nmn-street r.u. ann u.f.u., apenccr-atrct'tt, Mails Inward.

LONDON. By Empire service, April 10 and AMERICA Monterey, due April 21. NEW ZEALAND Awatea, due April 18. EUROPE Otranto, due April 14. JAPAN Atuta Maru, due April 13.

AIRMAILS AUSTRALIAN. All malls for article (except parcels) bear departmental blue air-ma II label, 3d. pr half In addition to ordinary postage O.P.O., Spencer-street, 20 minutes later: Melbourne-Sydney. Monday to Friday. fl a.m., 10 a.m..

1.30 p.m.; Snturdny. 8 a.m. io a.m., 12.30 p.m. (Q a.m. closing ciui Wagua and Canberra.) Melbourne-Adelaide.

Monday to a.m. and 11 n.m. (A n.m. iMoaina iri Mount Gambler and Nnrracoorte). MelrfOilrnn.Rrnkn Hill In Cbiiim day, 7 a.m.

Mclbourne-Denlllquln-Hay. Monday to Sat urday, 7 a.m. Aieinoume-namiiion. Monnay to and 1 n.m.: Rmurrinv. 7 nv 12.30 p.m.

io saiuraay, m. Melhotime-NsrandsrA MondaV la Bntfi day. 12.15 p.m. Hyanoy-Hnsnan. wionaay.

wennesany, rn Say. 1.30 p.m.: Tuesday. Thursday, 10 a.m. p.m.; Saturday, io a.m., 12.30 p.m.; suo-t 4 p.m. risbane-Townsvllle-Catrn Monday, 1.30 Tuesday 10 a.m., 6 p.m.; Thurimny, li Saturday, 10 a.m., 12.30 p.m.; Sunday, 6 m.

rlshane-Newrastla Waters. Tn Mount la. via all porta, Sunday, 4 p.m.: Thursday, Id a.m.: beyond, Thursday only. 10 a.m. I Adtlaloe-Perth.

Mnnday Wednesday, Setup ay, a.m. icniia vnmnii, nBiKODruoj. A dele Id e-Darw In. Tuesday, Tnuradayv Sat urday, 6 A.m. ror oiner air man services pnone wonira 132, switch 422, 078.

AUSTRALIA-ENGLAND. All ciawes of mall matter (except parcel to United Kingrom, Kurope, Dutch East In--dies, Malaya. India. Egypt and America) cIh at Kllzabeth-street P.O. and O.P.O., spencer-street, 0 a.m.

(no late fees) every and Bat urday. Malls due LonJon in nnyi mtrr. io uenr i Eiart mental blue air-mail label. Alr-maU lee United Kingdom, 6d. per half oa.

AUSTRALIA-PAPUA-NEW IUt UUa, aIIWVIaVlU illltf tlitt MH aays, 1 l.n.n --Z? WEATHER BUREAU 5 "VlMV HW mm MELBOURNE J-n 539 1 Modrr.i. S.a M. JDtmi, UtfS fiyA N- Fioodi ar fc-JtWjrtt TgtGwtiv ir- 8lj" fei9, Ci.i ST ou 0100 200 30000 500 -rl oRlll I Cfi.rWtW.tttt Vlttht SfW Wl on WHitfnTTTfrK AtortmniAma Wind Velocity lt fnH ptt tut oci'J JafAf? Cum -S 4- e-fj 13-1 18-31 33-ae 3B-4S aW Ti 5 LOW" 1 MANAGERS' REPORTS APEX, W.A. A ocx bore stonned at 24ftft. Pnjurii thmnon ore channel 217ft.

Reef very broken. Values my (trains, CENTRAL NAPOLEON, Bend I go, 6th, Cut shaft up to 56ft. Lava list about out of shaft; sandstone making tn. I inn nvF lfvAl AAltt mil im Aft Q'Ift Two ft. crushing material In face, ahowlng Ing material, showing minerals and One gold.

CENT. NELL QWYNNE, Bendlgo, 4th. H2(ln a Intnrmnillnla launl lit Inln! raliaed quart Hhowlng Bold In Stop- ha a. 01 a riBo on lormaimn iz 10 if ft. Wide: lit tin Hold.

QIMt Stnninir hnlnw 20ft. N. level to 480ft. from shaft. Quart 10 in rt.

da ftjid oavnbie. man. n. in termediate level: Advanced total from centre of winze. 80ft.

Full face of crushing ttisc at mn. N. above level connected to B20ft level. Main N. levut, totall from centre of xcut 3 to 6 In.

of leg NEW GARFIELD, newt 5th. Work contlnnod mnnlrinir mnln ahnrt Put in ladder solers, ladders and skids. Removed utnuer ana muuocK, ana repaired snail NORSEMAN ASSOCIATED, Norseman, W.A. 6th. Diamond drill hole No.

1 Intersected Viking reef at vertical depth 420 ft. Width ol quartz exposed in core vftmes low. NORTH BLUE, Bendlgo, 6th. Main shaft: xcut K. to 37ft.

Ground iniru nnixitnone. mopped driving, ana com' menced rising on budded veins at 16ft. hi. Should meet main ayttlem at height about 18ft. Stonlnir and vrlns nt 2Mt.

nf lTrnn. hold shaft, where gold was seen In former slopes. Manduranp lease: No. 3 ahaft sunk to 81ft. Ground chiefly sandstone andrtquarti from rise to where veins cut out.

Ceased work here. Level N. at 55ft. to 12ft. Quart coyilng down 2ft.

Into drive, and shows trace gold in aisn prospects. N. DEBORAH, Bendlgo, 6th. 200ft. level: Xcut E.

to 10ft. Xcut to 150ft. w. of shaft. At point 132ft.

passed through 18ln. lava. In centre country, had few small threads of qunrtz In which few colors of mM noun. cut sniAll tnva At 14uft. W.

of shaft. Expect to cut west back any firing now. Have erected two quartz cnu*tes on sunaca. ORA BANDA Oro Banda, W.A., 31st March. Nicholson's lease: No.

4 level, E. drive off Mrt 1 vriit lllft tn 9finft vnliiAM No. 5 level: Main N. xcut to in oliiu. Mff-Tizic's lenne: No.

4 level, winze muit. sunK id awi. wiata, jb in. OFFICIAL RAINFALL RECORDS MELBOURNE. (Sunday, April 9.) Pta.

Rainfall for 2 hour ended 9 p.m. 17 Rainfall for 12 hours ended 9 p.m. Nil RAINFALL COMPARISONS FOR MELBOURNE. Ft. 1939.

January 1 to April 9 812 1938. January 1 to April 9 1004 Th following ar th omclal rainfall re cord where the point reglstere4 were 10 or ovr for tho 24 hours ended 9 a.m. fiatur-. dayi VICTOHIA. Malln flMiim lO finlnts Rd Cliffs.

10: Uuyen. ih; uircnip, laj Annueiiu mi-nangatang, 1311; Sea Lake: 68; Berrtwlllock, 105; Woomelang, 128; Hoyetoun, 92; Waltchl, 60; Ultima, 7.1; Culgoa, 100; Patchewollock, Wimmra. Horsham, 53 point: St. Arnaud, 478; Stawell 133; Goroke, 28; Natlmuk, 12; Warracknabcal. 126; Dimboola, 19; Murtoa, no: Minyip, jtupanyup.

iou; uienmcnj, 112: Wvcheoroof. 160: Donald. 179: Harrow, 1U, western, roruann, no points vnrrnin bool, 152; Cape Otway, 61; Apollo Bay, 12 ti.ii. ai. d.i..i ion.

T. rang, 114; Come, 145; Balmoral, 68; Caster-ion, 11; Cole mine. 28; Branxholme. 40; Cav- enaisn. fensnurst, uunxeia, oa; Wlllaura, 120; WlckMIT, 88; Wort lake, 134; Beaufort, 185; Smythedale 226- Skipton, in Lismore, ito: uoKewooo, jjj; weisnn, 44; Heywood, 33; Port Fairy, 62; Korolt, 63 iniiiimriiown, la i wuoucu, dcvmii .01, Birregurra, 177; Port Campbell, 2B3; Illver- Northern Country.

Kerang, 61 points; Boort, 132: Charlton. Am: Kchuca. 186: Bendlgo, 79 Yarrawonga, 118; She pp art on, 381; Korong Laanecoor'le, 215; Dunolly, 278; Cohuna, 41; Miuamo, yh: jocnesier, aoi uoDram, na; Nathaila, 367; Numurknh, 160; Tungamah, 3tl; Murchisoh, 365; Nagamble, 469; Avoca! 468; Waranga Basin, 340. North Central. Maryborough, 280 points; mm mon, am nvneion, 3j; seymour, ooj; Talbot, 302; Castlemalne, 209; Frverstown, 141: Vnnrlnlt 2fU: liAvleiiforri.

370 Trentham 296: Heathcote, 418; Avenei, 300; Yea, 401; Alexandra, am; iaryviiie, Central. Melbourne. 212 point: Oeelong, 166; Queen sell 58; Lancetfeld, 248: Bom-sey. 230; Balian, 123; Bacchus Marsh, 128; Sunbury, 198; Werrlbee, 81; Meredith, 121; Bannockburn, 96; Wlnchelsca, 165; Port aril ng- ion, no; L.uiyuaie, in a-, vviiruunoi), vau' denong, 285; Oembrook, 185: Morn Ing ton, 52; Hastings 89; Cowes, 57; Wonlhaggl, 65, Nnrth.Kaal r.nma. Snh nolnts; Ranall 272; Wnngaratta, 376; Beechworth, 101; Myrtleford, 174; Mt.

Buffalo, lflO; Omeo, 13; Rtrathhovle. 876: Wahaunvah. 127t Wodnn. 167; Ruflierglen, 143; Chiltern, 161; Yackan-I dandah, 173; Whitfield, 236; Bright 143; Harriet villa, 140; Mitt Mitta, 48; Wood' Point, 299. nionnland Wll (ton's Promontorv.

56 TMlnts Balrrsdale, 20; orbost, 10; Drouin, 174; War- niKui, mm', Korumnurrm, nn: ieonxaina, ia Mo, larf; Traralgon, il5; Rosedal, 62; Foster, 113; Toora. 96: Yarram, 121; Port Albert, 130; Maffra. 13; Stratford, 11; Lakes mnirance, oa: unnnen, i.i; 1'argo, av; tLumay, 15: Butcher' RIds. 21 Rurnnn. 07: Ha- nanf, 26; Ddlloknora, 33; Murrumgower.

B3. Metropolitan. Fiem in gt on, 220 points; Oreeo Vale, 202; Kew, 246: Heidelberg, 225; Can- icrmiry, aw. rmrcam vnie, itu: (jonurg, jI.m Rlngwood, 244; Cheltenham, 199: Cistsrnwlrk, Bos Hill, 84) Olinroy, 193; Burwood, POSTAL INFORMATION NOTES ON THE CHART Sunday's chart shows a fairly extensive antl-cyclone centred south of Adelaide, with a low on either side of It. The oa stern low, which Is situated south of Tasmania, haa been the cause of unaettled weather In south-eastern Australia, during last week, but It la now moving olT to the south-east.

A weak belt of tropical low pressure occupies the extreme northern and western portions of the continent. For the twenty-four hours ended fi a.m. Bundny light to moderate -rain was recorded in Tanmanla, southern Victoria, parts of eastern New south Wale and on tbs Queensland coaBt north of Rockhampton. Improving conditions In Victoria marked the advance of tho high, and except for very scattered coastal showers, the weather on Sunday was lino and mild throughout tho State. Fine weather Is expected to prevail in Victoria for the next few days.

54-Ton Generator Unloaded A huge generator-type turbine weighing tons was unloaded on Satur day morning from the steamer Port Fre- mantle, on to a trailer specially constructed by a Melbourne cartage contrac tor to carry the terrific load from North Wharf to Newport. The generator Is part of a consignment of 153 tons' of electrical equipment constructed at Baden, Switzerland, for, the Newport power house. The equipment was trans ported overland from Switzerland to Hamburg, where It was lifted by the Port Fremantle. Six large motor trucks were used in tho conveyance of the gear. Firing Practice at the Heads QUEENSCLIFF, Sunday.

Troops oi the 6th Heavy Brigade, in camp, carried on firing practice on Saturday with sub-calibre guns from the forts at Point Nepean and Queensclift throughout the doy, and also at night. Monday's practice will take place at Point Nepean In the morning and night, and at Queenscllff In the afternoon and night, hrlng 100-lb. shells from tho six-Inch guns. Wireless patrol police were summoned to assist uniformed constables from South Melbourne quelling a brawl In which a number of youths were engaged1 Bt wirth's Paris skating rink on Satur day night. One youth, aged 17 years, was charged at South Melbourne police station witn oncnsive behavior.

DENTISTS' NOTICES. G. H. TURNER, Surgeon Dentist, 11 Swanston-street (Op. Bt.

Paul'. Oaundral). HOURS Tuu. and Frl. Baturdayl S.S0 a.m.

to p.m. 0.80 to 9 p.m. ,.8.30 a.m. to 1 p.m.


Cntral 73a, Hours. wc.k Days a.m. lo B.80 p.m Saturdays! a.m. to 13.80 p.m. to I pro.

Frldayai 1 lo p.m. Surgeon Dentists, P. W. NUNN, AND W. A.

SCOTT, 39 ELIZA BBTB-flTR EST. Phono i MU1172. Op. Craig's, BOURSl Daily B.80 A.m. to 0 p.m.

Tuiidays and rridtyi 8.u to p.m. Uturdajm S.80 to 12.30 p.m. ISAACS, R. R. SUPIOBON DENTIST.

10 MELBOURNE. open DAILY, a.m. to p.m. Ocean Forecast (Issued 9 p.m. Sunday.

April to N. winds and slight to moderate aeai off Queensland and N.8.W. coast. Patches of rough seas on East Tasmanlan coast, with freshening southerly winds, but elsewhere smooth to moderate seas and W. to S.

winds south-eastern Australian waters. Some morning coastal fog in Bass Strait. Tidal Information HIGH WATER. To-day. To-morrow.

a.m. n.m. William town 7.00 Port Phillip Hcada 3.50 RoBCblid Oeclong 11.43 Tooradln 6.34 7. 18 8. OP 4.27 A.

2(1 7.18 7.3(1 7.22 7.40 4.40 7.14 7.18 6. Hp 6.00 invcriocn 0.31 5.10 5.28 General Notes NARKUNDA. R.M fl Th jmrf to-day with passengers and malli. She whll uorui at oiauuB trier ai i.ou a.m. OR AM R.M.

8. On her homeward vov- ace. the Orient mnll fimma im iMiiiri in Melbourne from Hohart to-day. She will ESSEX, ft With vangrilt irl-n rnm lonr. pool, the Easex will berth at 7 Victoria i jock ai i a.m.

ia-aav to commonpn hi a. charge. AUTOMEDON. ft .1 Pnnrfnrann tinil ngenta for tho Autnmedon. odvlss that ehe will arrive from fliiej; to-day via Bay HiiciiurtiKc, unu uiagiiurKa ouumun ai VU VIC' BITTERFPLD.

TTnvlntr flnmtilat4 nn. loading of general cargo from Hamhurg, Sydney. TRI ASTER. Si After nalntlnrr nnrl Kltan. Ing In Duke and Orr'a dry dock, the British Phosohate Commission veaiiel Trlnmor win; mi i rom me qock ior nauru to-morrow.

TAR I FA, Motor Ship. Due nt 5 Victoria load general cargo from Gothenburg and sail TAIPINO, S. With passenger from the' r.nni, mo iniiiinii ik aue in me ooume at 11 a.m. icj-niur row, ana win oen a al xv victoria Dock. Overseas Movements LONDON, April 7.

Tlcnart -Vmm TnUn nai.n vu Tabl Bayi Ulyise. From Madeira: An cniaes. Vnr Atiatrattn Wat r-. noy. From CnrdlfT: Newton Moore.

From via Bay" m0rB1ana, Telegraphic Reports WILSON'S PROMONTORY. In inni P.m.. W. B. Walker: 7 n.m.

'Nonm-' o3n Mrii h. j.ia a.m., per od: a.m.. Wlitr. nillu'nrH A a nA a.m., Trienna. April 0.

l.iff a.m.. Port jhremantle; 3.50 a.m., Mungana; 4.30 a.m.. nonyong; 7 a.m.. A lie. ii Vm iffl1.

9-r 1010 -n- Caledon; iron'Maatir." a ia Zurich Moor and Macedon, for Melbourne and Sydney; Maraobn, for Whyalls, and Nawcnntlo: iarna, NarKumia and Eusex. tor ensterti Ti'lf "rraKooia. ior continent. Arrived, April p. Broadway, from Helbournai Moreton SYBNEY.

Arrived, April S.Aorangl, from Vancouver; Port Adelaide, from Frrmantlo; y. d. nanapn, irom Hingaimre: Canberra, from Melbourne! Kninara. from hi John P. Ormlaion, from Brlshane; Morldal, from Lou niiit-ica, uiiiwmi, Munorani i ii.

araiinic ann ivowarra, irom Catherina Hill HV: Trtllin fnr Unhnrl bnnn. bar, for Brisbane; 4.23 a.m., Cardroai, Ior loomta, for Norfolk iRtandu; Awn tea. Wan-gnnelln and Waiporl, for New Zealand; ft.47 durn. for Melbourne: Ngakuta, for Tanmanla. April 9.

Corlnda, for QueenRland; 6.26 a.m., retiiiawur, ior uniien Kingaom, NRttTASTI.E. Arrlvnrt. Anrtf 0.TJnrnrt from Whynlla. Sailed, April 8. Macumtta, for Brisbane.

nniRRAME! ApWvnrl. Anpll rtitr, irniu run nunn, wniin. inim ptniia-kan. Hailed, April 8. Buranitn, for Bun rift' urn if i) MiDceriiy, ior iionart and Ale for Sydney nnd Melbourne: Merkiir, tor Sln anpore: i-noonix.

mnimarino, ior iong Kong, April B. Clan Macaulay, for London; Ma hitna, for Gladstone. FREMANTLE Arrived. Anrll Wnl from caatern States. April ft.

Meerkarlt, I rum nouernHin, umnrnrmiin, irom nauru. HflRART.Arrlvnrt. Anril R. Port Nlrhnl. ton and Orford, from Sydney: Kahlka, from pnrt Krmhla: iJinena, from Melbourne: Nga-torn, from Newcastle.

Salted. April ior tiyanoy; urama, ior Aiei- nmirne. I.AIIMPRRTON. Sstlsrl. Anrll and Laranabt tot Melbourne.

InterState Trains Scheduled times of Inter-State train at Spencer-strset station: DEPARTURES. For flvrtnev ra.m (Mon. tn Rut 1. n.m. and 6.30 p.m.

(dally, inc. Sunday). ror Aaeiaiae. i p.m. (uauy, inc.

aunaayj. For Perth. 7 p.m. ARRIVALS. From 8ydney.

11. 30 a. ra. (dally, in. I.

12.n0 n.m. Sun. n.m.. n.nil Inc. (Monday to Saturday).

From AHolMldn fi m. f1u(1v Inc. rara x-orm. w. an a.m.

rTi.ji BANKS FINE WINS Junior Rowing Premiers BAIRNSDALE. Banks club won th Junior premiership of the Victorian Rowing Association by Its successes In the Maiden Eight and Junior Four at th Balrnsdale regatta on Saturday. The conditions for rowing on the Mitchell River were excellent. Preston and Banks fought out a great finish In the Junior eights, which Preston won by half a length. The best race of th day was the final of the maiden four.

In which Richmond nnd Hawthorn were on even terms over the last quarter or a miie. Kicnmona won ny a root. ICeyte brothers, of Balrnsdale, won the Junior and senior pair double. Results: IJaTht WMrrht MnMen Pair Ratmarlnla ft Bills; J. Bailey, atr.

D. Dahlsen, Banks, 2. Four length. Maiden Pair. Balrnsdale (R.

Rosenbrock; J. Bui mar, J. Pal lot, w.o. Maiden Fours. First Heat Richmond i Mercantile.

2. Easily. Second Heat: Tfaw- morn, oairnsciaie, x. irour length. Final: Richmond (W.

sadley. Davidson, A. Stewart; M. Oraham W. Bridges, Hawthorn, 2.

Foot. LlKht Weight Maiden Four. Mercantile (K, Hartley, N. Kerrigan, R. Richardson; U.

Palfrey man, L. Clsmhan, onirnooaie, a. taaiiy. Roope, N. O.

Thomas, K. Field, R. il, Nnn-kervlll, R. Neave, J. Crompton; J.

G. Pnrr. str K. Cush worth, 1: Balrns dale, 2. Half a length.

Junior Pair. Balrnsdale (T. Keyte; J. Keyto, J. Fallot, Preston, for Pnnr Rnnlta fj.

Short. P. W. Pedcrson. H.

T. Lamble; Q. 0. Halns, Preston. 2: Mercantile.

3. LenKth and a quarter. Junior Eight. Preston (M. Dickens, N.

Olver, A. Anderson, W. Hook, E. Meales, T. rnwceu, j.

ureei; unanaier, i. Hayes, Banks, Mercantile, 8. a lenaxn. ntor Pair. Balrnsdale (T.

Kevte: J. Keyte, J. Pallot, Banks, Preston, 3. Length and a half. The regatta girl competition wa won by Miss Iris Green, a member of the social commute of the Carlo Bay club.

QUEENSLAND EIGHTS BRISBANE. Rowing magnificently through' out, the Brisbane District Rowing Association's orew had no difficulty in winning the championship tights of Queensland on Saturday at HiinilAharaT. nftaalnrr th flnlahlnff tin with three lengths to spare from Wide Bay, with ho much war fourth and I.elchharrit last. winner' tlma for th three miles was 13 min. ail sec.

Aftr tha rara tn nanmen wera aMeeled to train with a view to final selection to represent Queensland In the King's Cup eight-oared contest. rne cnampion sc*ms or tjueensiana was won irocior toriioani-j, irom Biiinvsr Vide Bav) and C. Freeloaeua (Brisbane, The winner's time for th two mile and a nan was io min. eu sec. RIVER GAUGINGS (Saturday, April 8.) Flood or Height Chang Critical at In St tee.

9 a.m. 24 Hi Ft. In. Ft. in.

Ft, I Bourke 0 3 a 11 I 2 I 5 io i 8 0 a 4-fl 9 MURRAY and Tit I HUT A I KB-" Bumnjuok dam Wagga Yanco (below wlr) Mouiamein Hum reservoir A I bury Echuca Barham Swan Hill Euston (below weir) Mlldura Wangsratta Seymour Waranga basin Shepnartoa Axedale Laanecoorl Yarr. Oleo 10 i ta si 'if ii (Issued by the General Post Office.) Further Information regsrdlng mall closing time or postal matters may ba obtained by telephoning Central, 132, ex tension 422. Cloelntr times hereunder for Kllzabetn. street P.O.. O.P.O..

Snencor-atreet 20 minutes later unless shown thus which indicates same lime ai coin omen. United Kingdom-Europe MORETON BAY (Endorsed Letter and Com mercial fa pc re uniy: uue ijonoon Aiav iu, Endorsed "Adelaide-Perth Air Mall." I April ifegisierea articles, c. letters, 11 No lat fees. DRAMA fDue London Mav Anrll 11 Via Adelaide. April 12: Newspapers enaorsea via nunce n.m,, commercial papers, small packets, prints and samples, a.

16 p.m.; letters, 4.15 p.m. Australian States 1 ATJflTRALlAN CAPITAL TEKKITOHY. Mon- aay io Tiaay, a p.ra.j Saturday, 12.W CENTRAL AUSTRALIA (Alice Spring, fi.J. avvif ruuuouajf, O.OU p.m. NEW SOUTH WALES.

Monday to Friday, a a.m. ana p.m.; Saturday, 13.30 p.m.; Sunday, 4 p.m. hew ZEALAND. Walt akl, April 12, par cels (Houtn island only), noon; letters iBiun, uuncnin, invercarglll), p.m.; Aoranjr! (Auckland and Hamilton oniv), April 12. 4.30 n.m.: Awatea.

nn reels (Norm Inland only), April 12, noon; letters, April NORTHERN TERRITORY. Overland (exceptl Ifuc-ciaa, p.ou p.m. PAPUA and NEW GUINEA. Tanda (New uiunea ana Hamarai only), April p.m.; RoKKveen (Papua only), April ai. if.u.

QUEENSLAND. Monday to Friday, 5 p.m. Thursday Islandi April 'l8. I p.m. SOUTH AUSTRALIA.

Monday to Friday, n.ju p.m. oniuraay, p.m. eunaay, 4 p.m. TASMANIA. By plane (2fl.

per 8 a.m.. Hobart and district): 12.15 p.m., Monday! April 10, 10 a.m.; Nalrann, April 11, 12. 16 p.m. xaroona, April i. i p.m.

King Island: By Diane (2d. ner os.1. a.m. nnd 12.19 p.m., Monday, Wednesday and Friday: Tftmbar, April li, 10 a.m. 1 Flinders Island: By plane (2d.

per lane (2d. per Monday, wedhesday and Friday. WEST AUSTRALIA April 12. 5.30 p.m, Wyndhsm: Kooiinda, April 14, 6.30 i i p.m. North and South America Postage on letters to U.S.

and countries outside British Empire la first oz. 3d. and each additional ox, or fraction thereof 2d, AORANOI (Duo Vancouver May April ii papers, prints, commercial papers and registered articles, 3.30 p.m.; letters, 4.30 p. in. ADEN anil MALTA Crnrna Anrll 4.15 p.m.- Monterey psrcels, via Ran Francisco, April 26, 3,30 p.m, )ing, parceia.

April ri, 4 p.m. fanning BLAND. Aoranaf (via Honolulu). Anrll 12. 4.30 p.m, FIJI and Honolulu Aornnpti, Aprh 12.

4.30 p.m. GERMANY Orama, parcels, via London April 11, 10 a.m. INDIA and EGYPT. Orama, panels April 11, 10 a.m.; letters, April 14, 4.15 p.m.' JAPAN Muroran Mam, April 11 and 12, FORECASTS FOR TO-DAY (Issued fl p.m. Sunday April 9.) VICTORIA.

Early morning too and a few clearing showers on coast and hill In eastern districts, otherwise generally fine. Cold night and milder day temperatures. METROPOLITAN. A cold night and some arly morning fogi otherwise fins. Mild day temperatures.

MELBOURNE OBSERVATIONS. (Saturday, April 0.) Relative correcipa urv. Wet Humidity. Bulb. P.C, 62.2 7 62.7 84 61.0 91 Barometer.

Bulb, 30.001 H7.0 30.033 60.7 30.077 62.7 9 a.m. p.m. 9 p.m. (Sunday, April 9.) Relative Corrected Pry, Wet Humidity. Barometer.

Bulb. Bulb. P.C. Sam. 30.1R3 61.6 63.4 80 p.m.

30.144 68.9 60.1 .16 9 p.m. 30.109 98. 06.0 85 TEMPERATURES AT CAPITAL CITIES. (Saturday, April 8.) Max. Mtn.

Max. Mm f) 64 Melbourne 74 6.1 76 63 Adelaide 71 AO 73 R4 Perth 77 5S 66 60 (Sunday, April 9.) Max. Min. Max. Mln 76 65 Melbotirn 69 A6 75 64 Adelaide 74 Ml 67 65 Perth 80 6L Brisbane Sydney Canherra Hobart Brlnhnno Sydney Hobnrt ASTRONOMICAL MEMORANDA.

April 10. Sun rises, 6.41: sun set. 8.2. Moon rises, 10.41 p.m.: moon sets, 12.17 a.m. New moon, April 20.

Full moon. May MAJOR PLANKTS. April 10. Mercury Venus Mnrs Jupiter uaturn S.26 p.m. 4.32 p.m.

1.20 p.m. 6.0 p.m. 6.14 p.m. TASMANIA. nniiM'a Aiinl rtr na rini at nn.

Sramander, 36; Maatsuykcr Island, 37: Bag- 3fl: Biimle. 76: Brlrlnnrt. IS; King Talnnrl. 28; Waratah, 701 Eeehan, 63; Waddamanna, WEST AUSTRALIA. Meekatharra, 124 points; Wiluna, 45, NORTHEBN TERRITORY.

Darwin Post Office, 125 points. SOUTH AUSTRALIA. ouni.1, 4 minisi ouriiOK went, muffnuiiic, io ntjuo, it, mount VtmOPBr, 28; cape Northumberland! 64; Naracoorte, 31; 4JUEMN8LAND. innlsfall. 02 points; Mackay, 111; Olad Stanthorpe, 13; Chnrlevlll.

17. NEW SOUTH WALlCfl. Broken Hill, 28 points; Went worth. 11; Kuaton, 44 Hay, 80; Ien1liuln, 104; Wngga, 74; Cargelllgo, 19; HI 11 Mon, 106; Bool at. a i larungion t'oini.

aoo; Mouiamein, Whltton. 239: NnrAndera. 73: Oronn urona. 79; Dfntllauln. 161; Jerllderie, 55: Berrlgnn, Corowa.

130: rftibho, 20; Forbes, 85; Aihury, 140; Orftifell, 4ft West Wy along. 10 1 Young, 47: Cnotamundrs. 1R: Tarcntta. 50: Tumnt. 66; Hoibrook, 60; Cowra.

25; Klandra, 39; Tomhong, 22 Clarence Heads, 14; Murwll lumbab, 133; OrIlon, B. 48 a.m. 3.34 a.m. 10.34 p.m. 4.34 a.m.

6.47 a.m 4.30 p.m. JAVA Oorffon, Anrif 12. 4. ad I 10 April 10. then 1.30 p.m.

Morw t.m. LORD HOWE and NORFOLK Ff' (IncludlnK tranamlaalnn over Awn AMDS and NEW HEBRIDES Eridan (New trallan and New Guinea local ssrvices). 3d Hebrides only), April 14 4.30 p.m.; Monnda'per hrlf in addition to ordinary pcetaso, K0NDAY8 toil FRIDAYS, 0 a.m. to P.m. CXNTRAi.

ttlS. lexcsnt New fttOMdsO ill, 1.4U P.ID, MALAYA. OorgOD, April p.nt.t.

The Age from Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (2024)


What kind of newspaper is The Age? ›

The Age is a daily tabloid newspaper in Melbourne, Australia, that has been published since 1854.

Who is the owner of The Age? ›

Which family controlled The Age newspaper? ›

Originally established as an eight-page weekly in 1854 by the brothers John and Henry Cooke, it became a daily after being sold to Ebenezer and David Syme in 1856. Under David Syme's leadership the paper grew with the state of Victoria and became noted for its serious tone and liberal orientation.

How old is Victoria Australia? ›

Victoria (state)
Separation from New South Wales1 July 1851
Responsible government23 November 1855
Federation1 January 1901
Named forQueen Victoria
49 more rows

What is the most widely read newspaper in Australia? ›

The Herald Sun has the highest circulation in Australia.

What political party does the Herald support? ›

The Herald declares in every edition that it does not endorse any political party.

Is the Australian newspaper owned by Murdoch? ›

Parent companies. The Australian is published by News Corp Australia, an asset of News Corp, which also owns the sole daily newspapers in Brisbane, Adelaide, Hobart, and Darwin, and the most circulated metropolitan daily newspapers in Sydney and Melbourne. News Corp's chairman and founder is Rupert Murdoch.

Who is the editor of the Age Melbourne? ›

Patrick Elligett is The Age's Editor.

What is the sister paper of the Sydney Morning Herald? ›

The newspaper is published in compact print form from Monday to Saturday as The Sydney Morning Herald and on Sunday as its sister newspaper, The Sun-Herald and digitally as an online site and app, seven days a week.

What is the name of the Melbourne newspaper? ›

Herald Sun. Breaking News and Headlines from Melbourne and Victoria.

What is the circulation of the age newspaper? ›

The Age is Melbourne's most read news brand, according to the first Total News readership figures released by Roy Morgan today. In a year where trusted news and analysis is more important than ever, The Age had a Total News readership of 5.963 million across print and digital in the 12 months to June 2021.

Who set up the age? ›

The Age is a newspaper made in Melbourne, Australia. It is owned by an Australian company called Fairfax, and its first edition was on 17 October 1854. The newspaper was first made by John and Henry Cooke. They also had a merchant business called Francis Cooke and Co..

Why is Victoria Australia famous? ›

The Great Ocean Road is undoubtedly the most famous attraction in Victoria, and you can spend the day exploring all its magnificence while keeping an eye out for some famous Aussie wildlife that is known to frequent the area.

What was Melbourne originally called? ›

Both Batman and Fawkner settled in the new town, which had several interim names, including Batmania, Bearbrass, Bearport, Dutergalla, Glenelg, Neramnew, and The Settlement, before being officially named Melbourne on 10 April 1837 by Governor Richard Bourke in honour of the British Prime Minister, Lord Melbourne.

Is Victoria the richest state in Australia? ›

The state of Victoria is the second-largest economy in Australia after New South Wales, accounting for 23.24% of the nation's gross domestic product, valued at A$515.2 billion in 2022.

What are the 3 types of newspaper? ›

Newspapers can be divided into three basic types: dailies, weeklies and special interest newspapers . In addition , almost all newspapers have their own online edition which provides news on the Internet. Daily newspapers print world, national and local news.

Which newspapers are left-wing? ›

  • Daily Mirror – mainstream newspaper which has consistently supported the Labour Party since the 1945 general election.
  • The Guardian – mainstream newspaper which has consistently supported centre-left politics, either reflected by the Labour Party or the Liberal Democrats.

What is the readership of the age? ›

In a year where trusted news and analysis is more important than ever, The Age had a Total News readership of 5.963 million across print and digital in the 12 months to June 2021. The Age attracts more than 1 million more readers than its direct competitor.

Is the sun left wing or right? ›

The Sun (United Kingdom)
Front page of The Sun, 7 October 2013
Founded15 September 1964
Political alignmentConservatism Populism Right-wing politics Euroscepticism
Headquarters1 London Bridge Street, London, SE1 9GF
Circulation1,210,915 (as of March 2020)
8 more rows

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Author: Terrell Hackett

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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

Phone: +21811810803470

Job: Chief Representative

Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.