The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)

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The Sydney Morning Heraldi

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

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OLYMPIC TEAM ENDURANCE SWIM PROMISING ILLY LAWN TENNIS COMPETITIONS DETAILS RACING IN ALL STATES Omission Nearly Mile in Open Water Red Rosebud Wins Again BADGE MATCHES ROSEHILL CLUB Mosn BROTHERS IGHT OUT INISH REQUEST OR MAU VOTE 9 Lou ADELAIDE LVRC SOUTH ARICANS' TOUR RUGBY UNION MATCHI I WO TESTS IN AUS TRALIA Mr TUR IXTURES Australian Trotting Club 7 7 'J Stmp McMENAMIN SUSPENDED WILL MISS AU1UMN MOUNTS DEATH After Being Knocked Out LYWEIGHT CHAMPION My War Maxwell i MOTOR RALLY Miss Joan Richmond Award ihi and COURSING SNOOKER CHAMPIONSHIP DERBY AND OAKS TRIALS LINDRUM WINS HEAT MOONEE VALLEY CLUB £219 and IMPROVE YOUR GAME with a 3 mundit Colour or Laminated in LAT TOPS TOO! in KRO ELITE design KENSINGTON WEIGHTS RANDWICK TRAINING Mem bo QUEENSLAND HORSE IT Phila io 12 0 io nf rht bn in WELTER "niirtcoon 13 firw quality ngltl 10 10 AH Luapiin OTHER NEW MODELS NSW TROTTING CLUB AMAZI 54 10 BARRACKEI 13 10 10 It's Eister with RACING ma LNMANAGEA It 'Copyright) OuaroiM Wen by I 10 10 Oral modal shape tenn Ml 20 10 Lyne and Martin Kins and aeu for the mduatev Donohoe end Members I by Mven io io In balance whch will 10 10 to 10 the reaidenUal suburb it is to day hut bushland ond a site for week end camps by Mrs Jack have not pre Red Rneebud Alucai Butldorei Misnomer Rome Bey Keylab Divs Time lor Ride Dale Bay Duplicate Eva Dee Venerate Unafraid Mandola Celerendo torn Vai ront Vai Switch Hammah Law Princes Wood aoan Go By Little Peon Si Get honours rompetiti Idirinf Sa final wilb H'ith Me require inning Mcarlan' iw Muk Deer Swaledala Allugo Chrystal tin Perron Mangtln Reaumenl Bernard Dighton Nellie May Nu Hirer Prlnoa Terelan Lapehorna air Roe Knltht Gorban April Hrs Talent ickle Wallses by lhe mow modem equipment in Aitrll Clangor Prince Tercten Miss luency Side Car Bpanker Monogram Balgay Confab Greek Play Son EXCLUSIVELY ADOPTED for Australian Championships 1936 One of the best efforts during training Randwick on Saturday morning was that CAPETOWN Mareh 27 The South African RiiKby Unton Boeid at its annual meeting to night annmuiccd that while the for the tour hv the South African Rugby Union team of Australia and New Zealand next year has not been finally arranged provision baa been made for fit teit matches two tn Australia and three In New Zealand It la proposed that tfl mii should bet nlayed during lhe imu eight in Australia and 21 In New Zealand Thrlltv ine eathers Gsy Pop Gsv Shells Grev Ronald LONDON March 27 "Some of ibesa people could nor park pram" declared a veteran motorist who was spectator at the Royal Automobile Club 1000 miles rally at Torqtiftv Miss Joan Richmond of Melbourne wa not among these She being one of tour women entrants out of 37 to win a flrsl clm awerri for Uh open car section with her Triumph machine She had the second fttelrri time rtfi seconds for te uphill climb 'inly 112 of rbe 274 comneHiors gained nrm dflM award pion died In a Brisbane hospital without regaining consciousness after bring knocked out by Tiger Donnelly In ihe 11th round of their boxing contest at Brisbane Stadium on Saturday night Dr Darr David the Brhnane Stadium medi cal officer failed lo revive clement after tlie latter was knocked out and ordered hl removal to the General Hospital Clements' condition was low and Dr David considered that he was suffering from concussion Clements lived at Annandale and wax con sidered to be the outstanding boxer of his weight His early contests were at Parra matta Stxdlum and he won ihe flyweight title by knocking out squib Lindsay who after the bout was taken to hospital Last year elements had 28 contests without losing one In December he won the be itamwelght title from Micky Miller but the latter re gained the title in Brisbane Dr Derrick held a post mortem and officially reported that he died fmm con cussion There was no evidence of fractured skull The body is being sent to Sydney to day A public appeal on behalf of mother te to be launched immediately and will augmented by a benefit night at the Brisbane Stadium Lough Rawson Stakes Spalding now "flar yo" 'ha Kro fix a nd with yrovifld by thi 4 iiyiBu raxu Malli 3 Olhei staiters: Hush Gun Coni I Sir Perelle Sweet Mee 4 Cnol Valley and Bronze MORNING HRAID MONDAY MARCH 9U Red Rosebud at RosehUl on Saturday won her second race beating a smart field of three year olds including Silver Standard Loiorua and Osculum Red Rosebud after being fifth entering the straight finished with deter mination io beat ine rrrsx Ruffle The filly lx raced on lease King whose interests tn racing vlnuslv embraced ownershic should represent her owner successfully at Randwick for the filly is better than earlier efforts indicated The failure if Uilorua to get away on terms with lhe others wu disappointing it cost him the race After making up the ground on the outside of the field Lolorua finished fifth only a few Irngths from lhe winner The pacemaker was Distinguished who re quires a little more racing before he will be ready to win He was dear at half mile from Silver Standard air Diana and Sailor Prince Red Rosebud being next with Oscuium wide out travelling smoothly With the field closed up considerably a similar order prevailed into the straight Silver Stan dard first ran past Distinguished but chal lenged dropped back leaving ail Diana with a slight advantage Then The reak got dear but Red Rosebud drew up to him imme diately and she dominated the close finish Bronze Ruffle's spurt in the straight brought him into third place The distance seven furlongs wax not far enough tor him he conceded a lot of start from the half mile He carried an extensive bruise on the off stifle after the rate and it is difficult to say how he received IL According to his rldci O'Sullivan he was not kicked at the start and wu not in trouble during the race air Diana ran a reasonable race in fourth place end Osculum was sixth his task being In creased when he was run off lhe track at the home turn bv Bronze Ruffle LONDON March h'i( of snooker ehamnlonsnifl Unrltun beat i hv Hunti 1 Uinbercollle 812 I Allent ntr init iu 3 Other alerter: Pollock Belting: 5 4 Umbereollle 5 3 Silent Stsr 10 Pollock i IS Won by a heed No time Hendleap 4f Come Too 4yr hy Lark woo the two 1 thanks to heat Ground Western Suburbs 1 had an asy win Manly 1 Chrysta) and Lindo Too lue Krn Bet Vnt GoM Msdet de Luxe Sunshine Gold Medel Argyle Greenwood Kro Bit Junior lM Top Kro Brt Vsnup Gold Medal de Nx Sin'hlna Argyle Many ckwe matches were played in the fourth round of the men's badge matches on Saturday The outstanding performance in first grade section 1 was lhe victory of Kil ler I against University Graduates 1 by six sets to two won their four sets Spence Sydney Henry gnmes weal nil won their four sets for Western Suburbs Kendall end O'Connor lost a set to and Kiiminster In first grade section 2 Western Suburbs Juniors had a good win against Royal Sydney The credit of this victory must be given Sidwell and Bennett who excel in doubles The outstanding performance in this section was lhe surprisingly easy win of Lakemba I against Sydney II The closest match was that In which University I beet Btrathflrld 1 by one game Spencer and A eian won three ot their four sets for Btrathneld bin Rabe and Weeks won only one Silky Ok hnati Anatrallsn I Loth Garry Dei aroo! IHRES AND OUR 39 nn outright fiy from the pnpts bright Mi going Although Sicurday th nth the bowJim tn mnk IM in 21 2 ml 103 to 208 fi'mlnsnce offile only to wore i nilt showed i in which only itqiuriri i idmtrwl 'Ticket hxvn Cimerbuiy superb In xtt hlr peculiar si (tnihe REST St George1 at Rinn i Central Cur nckeU tor 6 l'nl'rsityirteia tor 43 Glebe 113 Wtniworth Gordon J03 for 126 st Ni Balmain 17 st Sydney Mrrickvlle wangaratta cup iRun on rrldiy' Topical Biblll Paladv Raleigh leollta Aaaal hrhflui Prnnyhunllt EtlowoM llnatltch Glory Olrl Pytheua Analand Sleaumond Paralao Bluelina Niko Aped AwplnM aro Sus at 1 o'elook to Say Im Vlati vna run KNmrrnanr siAhia im Hondei MontargU 8lmei Horos Clnsing Patil ill Charles box Young idee Great Legend Phenomenon ANNIVER8ARY Melbourne end Adelaide each hu Its an nual endurance swim watched by thousands of people and attracting hundreds ot com petitors but Sydney hu no race so spectacular as the swim tn either the Yarra or the Tor rens or endurance however the ennual king distance event of the Balmoral Beach Club equals the southern events The race is swum between buoys moored off Balmoral Beach and the heavy swell coming through the Heads directly across the course makes conditions more severe than In any river The club decided its event yesterday The race resulted in a stirring finish between two brothers Lou end Clem Mortth Lou receiving five seconds start from his brother beat him by three seconds In the wade ln and sprint up the beach to the flnishing ILne The race comprised ten laps between buoys moored IM yards apart There were 20 itarters end 13 of them finished the long course including seven! Juniors With so many swimmers In the water some heading In one direction and the others In the oppo site direction a fine spectacle wax provided and the event cnuld be easily made into one that would attract hundreds of onlookers One competitor Purxell swam backstroke throughout A 15 year old boy Jack Brem ner who eventually finished fifth led for about eight laps The Morath brothers were fairly close together during the race Clem was responsible for a fine effort in lhe seventh Ian during which he meed the back marker up to the limit men and he and his brother had a great race down the last lap Lou swim mining the distance in 28 minutes and Clem a second or two faster The first five places were filled by: Morath f95s 1: Morath (Ms 2 Dempsey (Im 3: Murphy 40s 4: Bremner 15s A fine performance for Ills age was that of little Warwick Williams 14 years of age who finished the distance In 12th place The Morath family has long been associated with Balmoral swimming Mr Morath senior vice president of lhe rtub which has been In existence for nearly a Quarter of a cen turv taught his bovs to swim off this beech when they were toddlers and Balmoral was not was Ji ch Peter Pau 6yr( 9 2 I 4Jvl Creswlck'x Garno 3yr 4 lira rill Leger £47S1S dnx £118 Oeeiarh 11 1 1 8 Perkina and Gordon Wautral Bay beat Umvaraliy Itt 7 Mta 42 Karate an 1 aet 24 gamea: uller and owm INBI I GOldamlth and Arnold IU 2 8 8 3: Bradahaw and Walker 8 4 8 4 Allan and A Grundy Rradahaw and Walker 8 3 4 1 Qotdimlih and Arnold GRENELL JOCKEY CLUR (Run on Thuradayl Pioneer Handicap Sylvlato bv Lord Torwnod Queen 7 3 atom Rurronda Marsh 7 3 IB Davidaoni 2 Harding 8 (W Bott 3 On) atarlera Belling' 5 2 Sylvlatn DI' 1 8 Won by halt a length Vlaltora' Handicap Akaienl lyre by Marsh's Bon Austral Queen 8 7 Keegan 1: Narajrlen 8 10 'lemmlnqi 2: Tallaaeld 9 12 'Mehersoni Lorakeet Crop Men Mias Honey Bat etiint' a Htsient £114 and 11 Won a length Puppies enraged the New South Wales Derby and Oaks whleh open 'he National Couralng As sociation's seston on April 1 are engaging In trials twice aeeU at the Woodstork enclosure Ninely stx took part laat Wednesday end 77 on Saluiday Trials will 'ontinue each Wednesday and Saturday until the Bra' tl'tuie Betting 4 Lolorua Osculum Red Rosebud 7 Silver Siondard 8 Bailor Prince 10 The reak 12 uiuurc nutue av jj otners Invi stments: Paddock £888: diva ttor 10) £2 It'd £1 15 fl £2148 Leser diva nor 6 £2 £138 £134 Won by halt a neek with two lengths between aeeoiid aud 'Hird Then came air Diana Ualorua and Oxeuluin Time Im 27a THE NURSERY HANDICAP rfor two vear oldai ot iniia norae £lo iWllHamsi 1 Rlllsdale 7 1 tain Gore 8 7 (Wlndlel 3 iRnioi Duff 1 rumba 72 Darqupn Prvvtrtdate 4 Ca 5 Motor in Riihdak Hunter Moon mu Arrow iciss iriiKin lime Second Trial Randleai 1 I Hettlne Even nv Max 10 Newspark Im lie Weller Wandlean dredi 1: Best wishes 8 Davisi 9: Coquelltn 8 'Andrews 3 Belting 3 2 on Master Ken 2 Coouellin Best Wishes Wnn torn lengths Time Im 30ls Sydney I heal Ground Members I 4 sets 48 games to 4 sets 39 games Donohoe and Henry iS 8 Morris and Cropper GMi 6 2 1 GuOKhe and lout 8 2 8 2: A Colvin and Hleks Grlffllha and lout 3 8 A 8 Morris and Croppei 3 THE SYDNEY Enamour Patwood Rogerson Swaledale Luxart Lapthorne A Attar Rix BUNNSRONO WELTER MTLX 10 Although lhe AuMntHxn Olvmpic erfeia Lion has decided that no Additions can be made to the team tor Berlin except those athletes named replacements the Si Georgs Amateur Athletic Club will make another effort to have Dkkiiuon included At to meeting of the Amateur ath letlc Association Conn'll Mr Button of Bt George Club will move that the asso ciallon should inquire from Mr 1 tst If there is any rule In existence which pre eludes the RddiUon of names tn those clireen If such a decision hns hern arrived al by federation Mr Eve Is to be asked to take a mail vote among the bodies affiliated with Hie federation on the question whether the rule should be rescinded The St George Club is prepared to psr the cost of the mall vote and if Mr motion is agreed to it may open the way for other additions to the Australian team Some of the gihletes omitted are in world class and Ute respective associations are nre pered to raise the necessary monev fot their cp ese a i yes' Inclusion Whlllinghsm Clrernhorn Brave Boy Pep Bsrakos Hlgtiargn Ysroplsn WrUhv MACEDON WELTKR HANDICAP St 14431 Rreik Ui esprit Pollv Bpeek Airkloot Pstaunste Chensrs Maid ot ranc Aniriin Copyrlyh' Published with lh suthnru ih Moonrr Vsllty Rscins Club 'hm thrn d'1 Six he th Tu ni 8h 'K ra auiaqiin Ptwet ol )1 atau hr 2" tt'ti i mb Wssrlev 2 hwitw Ml ftU ih a "nd ten 1 fc BRICU 34 Tn 2 JL Mirrld rem I Stod a drov? m9 iJ' I1tned tn nudnn's Gordon wlr ninot7' bln kfl 'r Acot i V( Stna'i' "4 "truny out th and 'he lead Nor rtnnnenon by trllers an 2 In sprint 'I be run on Wtdntsdsy IAT I lb 10 LANGIORD (TASMANIA) iRun on Ba'urdsyt Longford Purs slr Giri eh Curlelis Star 3yrs 8 (R Evins' and Compiler ment by Dignllv All Brren 4yrs 9 7 Hewitt" deaf! hen tor nrst: Cortex eh Bvra ear 8 Goodveri 3 Other starters: Trusty Bird Selngeune Hirimuk Cirlmn Hill Hof Num ber uUlltnenl Olud Be Paul Cortes was three lengths away Tune im Ids Bettlog: 8 4 on Pair Olrl 8 2 Complicrment 7 TruMv Bird 8 Belgneurle Hot Number 10 Cortes Divs: Win air Olrl 4 Complsrement 10 place air Girt Complacement 10 8 7 Longford Piste at Eastern Blive bv East ern Mufti a rsr 7 3 fA Pereyi 1: Duekllns 3yrs 9 3 iR Ivsnsl 2 Polite 7 7 ri Lovell' 3 Other slsrlsra: ady Treasure Che Chi Mls Curious Sir Arrhle Won by two lengrhs Time Im 15s B'tnng: Even Duekling 8 4 Miss uurious 8 Lady 'Irrasitr 8 Polite id Eastern Slave Diva: Win 488 place Woodfield Brush Bieeplechas about and if Safety Blade by Trustv Riads Beltana mare a 9 3 'J Connell' 1 Aterling Chsnee ha 9 3 McKinnoni 3 Prol'i br 8 8 Jordani 1 Other sierier: Spotted King Arbor Hl Desire Avtrlee Prince Orlon Won by a length Tim 4m 8 7 4 Spotted King 2 Avsrlre 4 8sftv Riad' Ashore 8 His Desire 10 Sterling Chinee Proles Di': 338 Blare 16'8 118 31 Creiay Hendlesp im Vatron by Bllvlu Irotene Syr 8 3 'A Orubbi Affability br a 8 1 lJ Connellvi 2 Montacute eh a Mr ear 7 1 iB Goodyerl 3 Other starters: Ravel Cae Lyricihlte Bandon air Rate Won by two lengths Time Im 42s Belting: Even Hovel Cave 8 2 V1ron i AffsHtltv Bandon lvrlrshtre 10 Von'ieute Dts Win Mt Riesa J' The cover tnuihr play maks it rougher hair cAere weifht Interior ind exterior renjtrurnnn SpiMjnf enn perfect modern mamifecuiNnt science ten make App a ane an atata aiiochuqo CROPPA CREEK PICNIC RACES (Run an Saturday naroma Hancicap uween IjCaj ivi4 iMr aMr 3 Borthwieki nine'll! ttween 2 Dl 'for taken Melden Sir Laddo mare 9 11 'Mr Carveri 1 Ali dell 0 7 'Mr A Bundockl 2 ilver Molly 97 iMt Smelaln 3 Other Wedges Invited Rusty Wedge Pernmlst Betting: Even Wedcrsi 3 Come Too 4 Airdell 10 other Won by a length Time 49 2 5 irst Novlee Handicap 41 Vtleuah a by Moun tain Chief Pigeon 9 10 'Ml 1 Metvlli 1 Rl Jinao 11 2 Mt Carver 2 The Ace 10 0 'Mr 'I Kennedy 3 Olhet starter: Westbrie Sometime Tear inale Sunny Gem Tvcswina Betting Even aunnv Gem 3 Bllngo The Are 4 Valrush ft westbrie Tvcewlna 8 tn 10 1 ethers Divs 30 3 ft 2 8 Won by a length Time 48 3 Clui Bracelet 8t Corespondent a by Destrever Tmve Link 12 1 (Mr 1' Silent Star 10 8 'Mr Calveri 2 Ben Wedge 12 5 iMr Borth wick i 3 Other starter: Symbol Wedge Gun Betting 2 on Corespondent 3 Ben Wedge 4 Wedge Gun 4 Silent Stsi 7 Svtnbol Divs 9 0 Won tow length Tlmr Im 7 3 Second Nnvlce Hendlesp ftf Rirstlei lyrs by Bidd Mir 0 10 'Mr Melvll Itetrella 9 10 'Mi Bundoc' 2: Vlcket 9 12 'Mr Beattie 3 Other iterlen: inale Clsdelle Bet'ing: Even Busliar 3 Vieket inale Hatred Cisdelle Dlv 4 8 Won by half a length Time Im 3 4 Ss OK Handicap Sf Blflngo Jyr bv Biplane Opuntia 11 2 'Mt Cirveri 1 lex to iMi A Hunt and Symbol 10110 'Mr WDeeleri dead heated tor second Other starters: Mllboy Some time Tvcswina Chrya Color Retting: 6 4 Blllngo Miinoy a lycawna uex euirxii 88 286 Won by four length 1 Consolation Handicap Rt Hetrell by Hade Pollrella 9 10 IMi Bundoekb 1: Lexy inale 9 12 IMr Rtinli 2: Wedge Gun 10 Mr I Car 3 Other starter: Pollock Betting' Even Levy iae Wedge Gun Hitrella 10 Pollock Div 12 Won by five lengths TUM im 181s THE THRKS YAR HANDICAP of £17ft second horse £30 aud third horM £18 from the prise Mrs Jack Klug's rh Red Rosebud by Chief Ruler nmp I White Tulip (Imp) all 7 ear 7 IV rd i i Mr Wootton's The reei 11 7 car ru oris'i a Dunn's Bronze Ruffle 7 0 (J OSuliivan 3 'Winner trained bv Juk Klnei Of RltVA BllRlOMi A VwwAot a Lolorua 8 9 tM McCartem Distinguished' 8 8 iR James I Sailor Prtnre all ft car 8 2 IM Curbyi Maostro 8 1 Sheani: air Diana 8 6 iK Cooki Con'raat 8 5 iD Munro Umarus 6 4 ik voitrei Kutern 8 3 ij Jewelli Osculum 8 iR srsuns Authentic all 3 car 7 3 A Ward) ORTHCOMING IXTURES WOMENS BADOR MATCHES first foi Thnr dRound irst grde Section 1: Cooper Park Subuiba I Member 1 Subuibt 2 Harcourt Reclion 3: Neutral Rs Kilter 1 Manly wood I Wrrin eullo Member! TH fl Mmbrr tl a J7 Section Glen View Mtirlckville I AWftA 1 Rollout I Ki11r Sectlon 1: Marrlekvllte II I erlev N'rrood Roseville Strath Cheltenham 1 KHlara HL Mosman Neutral Ba nosebll Hunters Hilt I Section 2: University II KOtara Suburbs IV Klllarney Cheltenham II Strath held nr Roaerllte HI Petersham IL Kilters Members VI Members bye Third Grade university ID Swords Club Unlrlty IV Hunter Hill ID Cbellenhim III i a wo ail a ak aaalAAahIR tfftalblO nl te 1 5 UUbWiVn nil4e VI tea age Colgan and Burns Rogers end Mlu Willard Robinson nd and Leonnle Bennett Burton: Alft Mrs Grant and Mrs Brook Mis Cunningham od Mis Trllt MU Crom and Mia fchaffei Mr Tale end Mrs Carter Miss Heddsrmsn and Mias Lamb Ml Temby nd Mis Davie IS a Rnblns and Mellor Young end Pollard Hobai and Hoban Poole and reeman Burl and 8ens OIm end Boyle itn finish' and Wllhetl and Small Walsh and Tate (to acre Duello 16 Counter Patrol £42' place £2 rt £8 length rune im lots 1 seta 52 Rot nd rUi Bennett and A 8 Walt iHH 8 3 4 8 Sioho and Meggltt 8 6 1 Bonnett end McVey 8obu and Meggitt 10 8 6 0 Bennett and A 8 Witt 6 3 8 6 SECTION 2 Ground Members beat Kurlrg gl ni ft sets 43 genie to 3 et 37 game: Abbott and Allan iUMi Alwvn end ield IK 4 8 6 Kneales anti A Newtetid 6 2 6 3 and Harden Knowles nd A Hewtend 7 9 6 3: Avlwvn and ield 7 5 8 3 Manh in best Cheltenham 4 sets 4 games (n 4 8 games McKlnlev end Lsncasler IM i Dr Howe end Bchubeig 'Cl 8 1 8 4: Hall and Mortimer i 8 10 6 A Cnlless and Busbert Dr Howr ind Setiuherc 4 6 Hall and Morilm' 10 t' 3 Rosev'He 1 best Cooper Park I ft ets 48 gam tn 11 sets 39 games: Poyltl nd Scott 'Rl MUGS! and OKeele 'C 6 7 Bovd and Whit field 2 6 8 Brooke and Atkinson Boyd and Whllfleld 8 6 '6 4 Murray nd 4 6 6 3 Rotanv 1 beat Mosman I ft ea 44 game lo acts 37 games: oote and Horne iBi Roper and OCoopoi IM 6 6 2 Rowland and Avltng 3 6 3 Solomon and Wilson Rowland and Ayhng 7 5 4 6: Rooer und Horne 97 KUhra OJ 4 4 iml In 44 I Jones end Hire Bavllis and A Head Longahaw and Watt 6 2 8 6 Mlddls ton and Coyl 14 14 lunflblshed) Bayliss and A Read 5 1 6 4 BECITON 3 Roaevtlle han Marrtckvllle IV 6 sew 4 Hine io 2 aei 36 games: Bleach nd Chapman in Steel end A Ramaden iM 6 2 6 4 ft Munden and 6 6 3 8 end IT Kdmundt Munden and Newman 8 4 8 0 Steele and A Rmden 8 8 7 nnth ITT beat Eastwood 14 Mta 41 gameso 4 sets 38 gsmes: Blackett and I A Ruaby iW end Neil (E 3fl Mnderson nd A Hv 6 4 82 Nutlet and Ladd Manderson end A Hay 4 6 8 3 Drake and Neal 7 4 Chatham I beat Warrawee I seta S4 tamey lo 2 aet 42 game: and avle 'Ci Motor A orbes and PhllU" iW ft Tf MC May and Ttyloi 9 7 8 3 avle and errier May snd BCaylor 3 A 4: Mejor A orbes end I'jjnguevlile Norlhwood I beat BtrMhheld IU 9 Mia 47 game to 3 eu 46 "a Alls i Perkins ttd Aheehen end Oaasard 6 3 8 4 England and Taylot 3 Shehn and WungttAlu Cup Of Mi Docker Aao koe Sarrhedot Manatunga 9 11 'H Skld morei 1 Orinje Bitters car 7 8 'J Manning" Reitford 8 iG Saundersi 3 Other Marlers Prince Coatelio Easterndale 2 Bar 2ns 3 Resltortl Orang Bitters 12 Prince Costello eslerndsle Won by this lengths Time tm 84 3 Sf Dark Sky should win the Quality Handicap to be run over seven furlongs At the meeting of the Moonee Vftlley Racing Club to day Charles ox and Heros atsy be hb most formidable opponents In the South Ygrrx Handicap Caul field Dark Bky gave a good performance He finished fourth but there were only half headi between the first four horses end Dark Sky wax the unlucky runner of the quartette which included Valient Chief Phenomenon and Threelake Phenomenon and Threelake are engaged to day Charles ox has won at his last two aopearencM Great Legend who like Dark Sky Is going to Sydney for ihe Doncaster Handicap must also be given chance The Melbourne "Argus makes the follow ing selections: Yannathap Trial Mskaiu Prince Bion Bailmaker Calliope Genoa Beaurola iva Rothwell Ranclea Montar Qifality'Handicap Dsu Sky Charles ox HAmilversarv Welter Bite Agto Allenby Yaroplan Macedon Welter Chmars Thrifty Studio THE PROGRAMME YANNATHAN TRIAL Bit II 4ft Binning Gold 9 Rebel Quen 7 11 8 12 Green Cap 7 In the Air 8 13 Makalu 8 7 Oaybiooke 7 Prince Sion 8 WhHtlM Sallmaksr 7 13 Newhavto 7 0 CALLIOPE Slf '220' ASCOT (VIC) RACES tHun on Saturday) lUutiiii 'I'tImI UnrrtJA Olli A MllPrthw'R Kerpinfl Wateb by The Nigbt Patrol EumerelJe til PrJavi 1 Mr QLefihSRsfih'e Etiuillbrimii a 10 4 if Jennlniai 2: Mr Pen tog ueacouaneiu a 'S mvicuitni iluiters ovaravuiu ia runarvvni 1 I over IL Hvnesl Wekerife 9 13 King Slrls 9 8 mo 2 over Sandi H''inwa 9 9 Maher) Warden rinilnal: lrlrt Rias 03 iB Rulllvunl: Dnvantua 'O Driscoll' Karumba 9 4 Inc 4 over Hirip iirrtni 6 Keeping Waleh 12 Equilibrium 14 11 io riciu A4c U49 Gvr 1 vvass i I'liice 13 17 ahd 76 Won by on end ri lengths with heed between second sod I me Im 43a Davanthu fell end Lesray 1 ttaai IANL tkuuliorr Handicap 'tor iwo ytat oldst irst n'lii Mr Donohue's Capital by Bll i Canberra 7 9 (R Balteyi 1: Mr 8 A a'tdim I Davlnc all 7 car 6 12 IW Smart iieiiueaay oik a vine non iuc Cooper 3 Other itarters: Heroic Chief Skidniorei Gey Plerette ell 7 car 7 3 Grand Hero 7 7 Prestoni: Profit K11 Rl'lllfl 5 2 CanlLal Grand li ra 11 4 Heroic Chief 1 lat Son IS amir mjv nervivc im win I and £1 9 Won by two lengths with half a 'ren aerond and third Time Im 3s 1 ir i ti hi kanrfidin division! Mr 1) or Velour by Heroic Real On all 1 car i nanrieyi a mr rnmnri Ntevi'iuu 8 ia Cooper) 2 Mr iler's rsr: urn all 7 car 6 10 (R Duflusl 3 Other atertera: Lady Piper 8 1 i8tev Murphy): The Druse 7 12 3 Barryi Night Chance all 7 ear ib ureat beiiii t9 in uiu' Iny all 6 rar 6 12 (Smart) Pintail 7 IR Rallev): X'nvrrn 11 car 6 10 (A Loddersl Batting: 2 Ngr 4 or Valour 9 2 Great Saint 11 2 Led' Piper 8 Carrana IB Baveloy Div win a ran4 14 Wfiri hV £iih ienath 'between aeued and third ei Alslemn Kt Mfioannnv Mr ir Rondeau by Rontard RaddU 4vrs 3 iH skidmorei 1 Ms Harrison's Malotu 3yra 8 'A Cooper) Mr Parkin wn'h br Alerts syra (tiamnani winer i starters Royal Hunting 9 7 tW Box) Saenlde 8 13 Powell) 8oftstad 8 3 IE Prestoni a tt a x)li Viwsk 3 14 Inc 1 uicr IA Retdi: Barra Bang 1 car 7 'L Harrtaont Betting: 7 4 Rondeau 3 inch ft Scdtsteud 7 Alerts muikdib a avwje auu ttig Mslntus Diva: Win 136 plae 8 17 17 ih eeen rtera a length between second and third Tima melel Sl nAleen aecAnd Meters 1 McLaughlin and Burke's Adam by Drake Lag'inv 3yrs 8 1 (A Reed) 1 Mr Cox's Meadow Men 3yr all 7 ear Bourke 2 Mr 8 alkiner'g cb Bpaardal 3vr 9 7 ill Skidmorei 3 Other starter: Trita 9 iT Lewis) Capricious 6 Preston) Gay Arnley 8 'R Bailey Parana 7 10 (H Oln) Lairs all ft ear 7 7 ip Blmondsi Great uss all 7 ar 6 12 (W Bmarll Belting: 7 4 epeer dak 7 2 Purana 7 Meadowmsn Tritelela Adem 12 3ey Arnky 19 Capricious Dtv win £27 Efece 12 fl 13'8 6 6 Won by a length and a 11 with a neck between second and third Hoe 1m Ifta woxingnam nanaicap oi aes arraclfi by Quetta Syrs 8 9 (A Read) Mr Smart or br i Phtnomenon a Hkidmorei 2: Mr Robinson's tn Arachne 9 1 IT Webster) 3 Other rtagm: Closing time ell 7 car 8 9 Rourke) Elite 4 A Breastey): Meld of ranc 6 13 inc 2 (R Bailey) Belling: 9 Barrackor 3 Arakin 7 2 phenomenon 9 Closing Time ff Maid of Trento divs win 181: Plato aad 194 Wow Ti Bright Spec 7 YfNG 51 1 Gloij Okl Meet Martlog Adya me The Blank Cat Dlsalto Arlplle Perron Brushwood Carlmlr Boon) tohnnl Odd Eye Ta Picker OH Tor Bpeek Easy A Moment Miss luency Abmedsbad Ventaln iliairiri imIrp trlnf4 bv ft Pivlifi Xffmnnt i i Olhe: tert: MuU WATC MEETINC (Run on Saturday) Match Hurdles 11m Lord Wood Backwoofi Ladv vie 10 4 'H Charlesi 1: Lord Mentor 11 8J Gilbert' 2 YorMne fl ij ItalUar' 3 Orhei alarirra: Wrm Pie Venetian King Brown Spondulux Mardonr Greeaeout Wardelll Roodjne Betting ft Laid Mentor ft Lord Wood 6 Yockine Wnn bv halt tengih Timr 2m 46te Dmmsn Handicap 'for two year oldai 8f Jon flam bv Todellsl Brilliant Queen 9 1 'A Read Nennlne 7 12 Porter 2: Tempi Coyn 8 11 (R Morlevi 3 Other atarttr Malka Lord Proctor Claroie Old Premiere Oreanus Kerry Lass Wd Dwisy Lyric Dark Bride Bpnniab Burn RUverglen Baltina 3 Jongknr 4 tkird Pror tor 10 Temple Coyn IS Nannlne Won by a length end a half Time Im 161" Trte) Handtenp Gitfern by Vln Celenta 8 13 iH Morleyi 1 Jolly 10 0 iN MrLaehlani 2: Mshera'te 7 13 ia Read: 3 Other starters Mn Loon R'v'tot Headferm Aslrasten Roval Guv Third Mate Blue Tick Lance field Gold Wsvle thlrdsmonk Marcros Z'rlardy Arradore Darius Orabee Devinny Wild Retrain Betting 2 Jolly air Hi Mabaralfa 18 (intern Won by three quarter ot length Time Hondlesp Nf Modulur hv MnsbU Mist Maid 7 3 'B Dodd' 1: Cetolls 9 0 Wst soh' 2 Jolly Postmsn 7 9 Meversi 3 Cither starter' Desert Hero Drsgonet Mutton Gres) Bltm Esmerolc Mancos irvl Consul Aaiute Lad Wold Insolent Troywood Heroic Duke Peptiina Bel ling 6 2 Modulus ft Celotls 14 Jolly Postman Won bv neck Time Im 14s March Handicap Um Game Pie bv Magpie Charade 7 3 'J King' 1 Balkan Prince 8 9 'R Ellis) 2 Calmnnd 8 Skene 3 nrh startrre Tarings Piearo Hartlwood Thlaarooma Dame Gossip Mistletoe Distent Bettine 3 Bal kan Prlnre la Calmond 14 Gems Pie Won bv a neck Time 2rr 81 Welter Handicap Im Cotinga by Cottingham Bpeclilale 8 12 IA Read 1: fl 'N McLachlan1 2 Tongnshuric 9 9 iA Cooper 3 Other starter: Yodeie'e Cuceaun Adis Dlkmm Amoclan A 'ord Easington Windage Ta) Pattnso Nlcart Gandhi Stephen tangton Inver ness Joyoua Garde Belting: 3 Cotlnga 7 3 Air Lord 9 2 Tongnahurlc ''0 Regarra Won by three and a half lengths Time Im 401 'Winner trained by owner) Other iatiers: Law King 8 10 iK Cooki Ram din 8 a ij Barramul 8 7 if Rv ncldri Murk Antony 8 iM McCartenl My 0 iT Spencer) Mldinette 8 5 ij rail' Peg' Pel 8 Jewelli iceuraved 8 (R Pirsuuai Gangway 7 12 iS Weisa Plutu 7 10 iJ Tyieri Range Blanc 7 8 iH Hanley Black bird 7 8 Ponktni Capeneua 7 8 (J ineh) Dusky Reau all ft car 7 2 iM Curb The Athe M4't rn CBIlUAr urviigAiiac ion I Betting: 7 3 Mark Antony 7 Jubilee Son 8 The Athenian 10 King 13 20 others Investments: Paddock £83010' 1 (is Lol Genoa Arabian Knight Royal Jubilee Beaui ol Darting Do Herulc'l Pi Ide Ivn RO'IHWkU STEEILCHASE 2in If and 6 ctliOi 3 Sb 1 Serieu 9 El Demaioyat 9 Dtlpurra 9 David' Mgacv 9 Black Beau 9 0 MUDGEE irst day riday i Opening Handicap Longshot 1 1 'L Andrews' 1 Master Ken 3 iMePhersoiu 2 ahlirob 9 iN Varleyi 3 Betting: 2 on Master Ken 2 Longshot 6 Shtrrob Won by a length Tim 1m IBs Malden Handicap 5f Benares 9 (Varleyi 1: Leglnn Bird 7 7 iH 2: Redbank 7 7Andrwsi 3 Other starter: Dlmllght Arabella Biship Ravlee Rawden Ixd Royal Vsl Son at iariel Betting: 3 Benerea 4 Rayice 6 Redbank Legicn Bird 6 Royal Vai 7 Arabella Buhap 10 Dimhint Rawden Lad Sun ol Israel Won by a head President Handicap 7f Hillsdale 7 7 iDavts) Bornene 7 7 (B Davis) 2 Motor 9 7 (Wells 3 Other alerters: Coquellln Blaek Arrow Bei lina: 6 4 Motor 2 Rlllsdale ft Bcmena 7 Coquel Hi 10 Black Arrow Won by half a head Time In 2Bs irst Trial Handicap St Max 7 7 'L Davis 1 Beu Wishes 7 10 iKeegan 2 Oumont 8 12 'Sawyers 3 Other starter: Baiswyn Belting: 8 4 on Max 3 Ossmoni Bsaawyn 10 Best Wishes Won hy three Time Im 15 Hlghweitht Handicap Dacquerl 9 'Sawyers! 1 Hunter's Moon 8 11 iKeegan 2 Olnrsk 8 8 3 Other Mis Knot Randy Marsh Mcl leen Newmark Betting: Even Dacquerl ft 2 Hun ter' Moon 4 Olnrak 8 Mis Knot Molleen 3ft Send Marsh Newspatk Won by three quarter of a length T'me im 11 Bennett W8J 1 8 Henderson and Dr Daill R8 7 fl 4: Dr Halliday ana Smith 6 2 6 2: Hemming and Willard Di Halliday and Smlih 2 6 4 Hender ion snd Hr Traill 4 6 fl Lakemba I beat Sydney II 7 seta 51 games to 1 ast 32 arr and Strong iLi snd Siad 'S' 2 fl Michaelis aud A Edge 6 3 6 McPherson and Morrow Mlcheelas anti A Edge 6 2 6 3 Tapham and Slade 1 6 6 0 Itolversllv I beat Stra'hfield 4 acts 48 games to 4 set 47 game nidevln and West itri Habe and Week iBi 9 7 10 8 Spencer and A etan 7 5 7 Mallileaon and Tulhill Spencer and A Pelan 6 3 2 6 Rabe and west 8 2 5 Warrmgsh 1 beat Marrickville 1 fl set 53 game to 3) games 8 Polgnand snd CninminsW anif Myles IMI 63 fl 3 Willard and Shew 6 4 fl 4 1 Berqulit and Gates Willard end Shaw 7 5 6 2 end Mylev 6 2 Six races will be decided bv the Australian Trotting Club at Victoria Park to rigy ittart ing al 2 Special trams run lo the racecourse Trial Handicap: Bannister Rv rank Lady Norah Trotters' Handicap Clem Barney Alto Nena McKinney encourape Handicap: oieiillvet Minton Chimes Idol Unhoppled Handicap: Tinutrt Ladv Tails UUU1 XKAUUJ illj) Progrexslve Handicap: Wilveranl Charms Royal Again ATC Handicap Lawn Derby Great Maher Cup THE PROGRAMME Trial riindiean llm iUi Marhi wma Bannister Bov ihi Phoenix Pronto in Native Hoven Ib I rank 'll i Kim Boy isi Brlgnt Wallahi Lady Norah ihi Midget Derby lh Delavan Junior ihi scratch Trotters' Handicap Um Alto Olrl i Davy's Ribbon (hi Lorna Direct th Wllpena i Merhle Don (h scratch Clem isi Welcome Huon iVici th I 13yd bhd: Wlnnhempton ihi Cranbury is) 24yds Bhd: Rock's Image (h i Miss Melba ihi lorrle Lucy ihi Waterford Patch 'h i 36yds bnd Cooee Iou ih 48yd bhd: Winn lock ihi aoyde bhd Barnev Alto ihi Paddy McKlnnev (Vlci rh' 72yda bhd Hallou (h 96yds bhd Nena McKinney iVici bi 106ydi bhd Encourage Handicap Um (3) Roll 'hl Stock Boy ihi Penny Peat (h Silver Jset ih Minton Chimes (tit Tommy Realm (h Rock Bilk (b i Claredo Lad ihi Ollte Cole is Oav and ih Invicta th) scratch Shining Alto MUII I'lUUlS til Ollll 8 U'Jl IVJCI ItvrfN hhrt' Srival't Rrnthar th 1 PfiAnuntte lcchlsn Machine ih i Kyoto Olrl iVlc Glen livet (h Abbev Chon IQIdl ihi pen 24yds bhd Msrbte Bath hi pen gevdt 36yds bhd Unhoppled Handicap Um 1330 Mary Lou airyland iVici ih' itrolter Winloek irrotteri ih' Nirvana ih Nutshell i Wllbui Gold ihi scratch MeHllder Ihi 12yds bhd earl Derby in P'lnce Don th Ltdv Talisman ihi Gold finder ih 24yds bhd Sailor's Image (Vic i ihi Hallou itrolter ihi Radio Trip (Vic ih 36yda bhd Tintars is I Molllson (Vic ihi pen 24yds Lockwood is) pen 48yd bhd: Joe Cole (h 72yd bhd Choice lh 108yds bhd Progressive Handleap llm Lightning Ridge ih scratch: Rex Lass iunhoi Ihi Our Arch (Si Royal Again Wllveran) Ib Liberty Loan ilaie Liberty Bowring Doo an ih Grand Lulu 'h i Rondnmere Tsi (bi Sauls Heia iht scratch May's Machlnv ihi Witehtrvh Bobble Ribbons 'h My Charmt lh Royal Lind ib 12yds bhd A TC Hanoicsp im 3f 430' Roysl Bill 'h Great War ihi McOinlv ihi scratch Nan a Hope i i Minton ih) Mis Splash ihi bhd Radio Ribbon 34vd bhd Remember Me ih Mahet Cuo 'b Lwn Dertiv ten'flyd bhd Tn be run nx Monday Glebe Uonoppled Trotters' Handleap Um torn Direct Trrry's ick Marble Don Carl Redmond latnona Lad Alto Olrl Danny Dodan Wllledo scr Renstan Direc' Gem Togo Dick Ena Wilke low rane Walla 12yd bhd Prontelmo'a Pride May Wilbur Cranbury Marble Lou Davy's Ribbon 24yd bhd Wllpena 36yds bhd: Lou eatherston H'lon Brook Mis Melba 48yd bhd Welcome Huon Joe Dash 60yds bhd Moko Abbey Hock' Imsye 04vd bhd Hallou 132yd bhd Approved Handicap Don Again Bright Walla Donation's child Invicta Bannuter Hoy St Lucia's Last Lucie Maenin Olive Nut Tommy Realm Oaylend Marblewood Meek Derby Sir Louis Longshot Prlnee Billy Mschlne Bell Pay Roll Th Wobbler Delavan Junior Lady Norah Birathnsver Med Alto Golden Grove Rrnuls scr: Derr Belle Abbey's Choice Polly Boeck Pev Bilk Royal's March On Ashton (las) Minion Chimes Carry On 12yd bhd: Clsrcdo Led B'ock Boy Dixie Globe 24yds bhd lvlne Handicap Itn Roval Again Metchllght Harvester sei: lluka Derby Lucy Boy Miss Splash Paddy Royal 12yds bhd Wlrra Walla Nan' Hop 24yds bhd Mtnton Aster 3flyds bhd Chlldswood a Choir eovds bhd Tramway Handicap Charm Torpedo Boy Olsnllvat Whirl Derby Mari Narelle Hsrsbond scr Kunomer iTaii Le Derby nigg*r Brown December Boy liberty Loan Wllveran) 12vds bhd Llgbtnln Rldg Ivys Rork 24yrta bhd Prestdrni's imhoKPied Handicap Wilbur Jre Cunldon Wlfbui Rose Waterford Patch John Pronto Lady Cena Wlllaroo sw: Moko Abbey 12yd bhd Daimv Don Radio Trip Iran Duncan Ben Sen 'Hyde bhd Nutshell Westsrl Molllson 3yds bhd McHltdai Ladv Talisman 48yds bhd Barney Alto Izrakwood Hallou Peart Derby 60yd bhd: ba'lor'a image Prince Don 72yds bhd Avtn don 9flyds bhd Herold Park Handicap Grand Lulu ftuyil Again Rowring Radio Ribbon King Auto Royal Bill Greet Wr Witchery scr: Robbie Rlbbonv Lucy Bov 12yds htid: Me' chlne 2vd bhd: Lawn Drib' 3flvd bhd: Mhr Cup esyd bhd Mulgreva Roy 72yd bhd I Western Sut I met or 4 i I BEST I The hett per I re Pre I (Centra I 'University i 7 I 1 8 Wd I Umversitvi 5 I 1 Hili i We I Wnverley) S2 I Prominent I Northern Distr I MNimee 'Ran I Oulliver Mon I RJI 'North By I 'out wicket' ft I lour wirkeu to: I ion' four irk I One of the ot I ns the hrllllan I er of Mosman I Pirk He I Banu ofl htt I 0 Bennett in I fit nan hnu'lin I Hnriftt' being I locne from the POINTS i I Mwmsn tw (he righ' I aru avn hitted on Oat Bilnlv tn I 0 Ouillvei i I ia vhru si I three wtckt I eituaa win I wvlM uMhingsd I '1 Aeiudine wo I 8 Ge Uttl mo Mrtnuvr he I 1'imimtt gi I hen'll Mwim I II wia and iw I vu Kored i rui I but Bor ur displayHvlU I Witrsi i DOumbe I (toptuan ot ibe I to fill wore tu Urn run la 32 everrlC'4 4t run Ad I wtl cooilnued to I Tnfla 'n i 'III wicltttvfri tram How Trumpeihe ht ftturei jM toll three nd vlckei keepei i tojureo ntnd cootlnua I 1ndwiek should toru plrj eoere ID I(id (he vieket oit0 tn (be Il)n 'h ai U(Xme ue guile ln thMinally turnea arven teWnu tao bowlln by Mihm IB Wrg nt Write become vein fle or fallen Bikin Sa uves on 4 Ntuid hw Hn Ji" lo ftg 0rouhoul but Wported 'siy eimici viekeis 2Ic" Nauheir lUtRM ru Oval BnmoeiJi er'M befor rb for 3 hto he bowleei 10 1r1 'to (he tom from ln o'' onr end 7 IKtaro Wenaeoi to wore nt 'HOIU fl' arM lew 'M nn CANBERRA RACING CLUB (Run on Saturday) Th a three acceptors In ih Malden Hand 'cep a er scratched the progi trnme being reduced to five raru lvlng Handicap Celvcrhero by Mis Cherryfoot 9 iwellecei 1: Rowdy Roger 8 5 (M'Kenslei 2: Sky Brightener 7 10 Inc 8 aver iDudleyi 3 Only etsrier Batting: 5 2 on Cel verhero ft 2 Rowdy Hager 4 Sky Brightener Won by four lengths Time 1m 16 1 5 Csnherrs Handicap Im Samovar by Tie Trev Gareworihy 9 t8tewert 1 Luminous Crow 1 10 iMKcnuei 2 Osv Seton 7 7 iThoinasi 3 Other Marten: Bunn Balloon Umbarkl Magua vox Retting: 6 4 Ssmov 3 Umbarkl 4 Magna ye Luminous Crow Susan Balloon 8 Gay Eaton Won bv fiv lengths Time Im 42a A protestgainst winner was dlsmlnad Trial Handleap Queen Blue by Blue Prix 9 10 iBImpton Winopa fl iStewarl 9: Suringhsrn 1 10 Inc 8 over 'McKenxte 3 Other alerter: red Cotllngham Batting: 2 on Sunn Blue 3 Winop Businghem 6 red Col ngham Won by three lengths Time Im 1 1 5 Welter Handicap 61 Magnavox by Nobility ft 4 Inc 4 over iWalleoa 1 Bryan O'Lynn 8 8 Hlbbard 2 Jack Lewins 8 2 (Dud ley' 3 Other itarters: Herold Dark Star Bet Unj 9 on Bryan O'Lynn 3 Herold Magnavox 4 Jack Uwlna ft Dark Star Won by a length Time Im 0 2 fts arewell Handicap Calvarharo by Cloud Mies Cherryfool 9 i ne 1 pen iWallauei I Longwsy 8 9 (Thome' 2: Queen Blue 9 2 Inc1 pen (Simpson) 3 Oiher starter: Renntd Bet ring: Even Calverhero 6 4 Queen Blue 3 Rennld 4 Loogway Won by halt a length Tima Im Is IRST GRADE SfCTION I Western Suburbs 1 beat Manly I 7 sals 49 Kunea io I set 32 game Chrt atal and iw8 end Kilmintter (M fl 6 4: A Cornford and A Jenman 6 1 8 0 Kendall end O'Connni A Ccrntord end A Jenman 9 7 4 end Kllmlnster TCNTERIELD AMATEUR CLUB (Run Pridsy Bontook Slake ftf Slster Orafton 10 7 (Mr Ahcaratoni Prince 10 iMr fm herter 2: How Modest 11 7 iMi Caldwell) 3 oiher alarieia Whackaway Sir Ebonv Belting a un Prince Par 6 4 Bistet Grafton 9 Hoa Modest 6 Sir Ebony 10 Wheckawav Divs (for 31 5 Won Tlm mA1derahnt Malden 4f irihar 0 11 (Mr Bhearstoni 1 My Monegu 10 11 'Mr 8 Imberaer) a King Nvd 10 11 'Mr Smith' startrr' Shellbridge Llthsom Joan Bundorah Lais Betting: 3 on trlhr 4 My Monegu fl King Nvd 9 Bundorah Lnsa IO Stiellhrldge Divs 8 and 7 Won bv a length Tim 481 Th Trensyr 7t Beenya 11 7 iMr Mackenzlei 1: Rannpoll 10 (Mr Hynosr 2: iMi HP Smith! 3 Other starter: Old Madrid Belting: Even Beenya fl 4 Ardllnes ft 2 Renppolis 10 Old I Madrid Div 136 Won by thiee qusrler of a length Time Im Aroombsl luttei st Slater Gratton it iMr Shearatoiv Bundorah Lass 10 iMr 1 2 Wlldshell 10 7 'Mr Hmrth 3 Othertsrtrr Vsuuvtmn Betting: 10 nn Sister Graf ton 4 Wlldshell Varsuvianna 6 Hundorah Lais Dl' S' Won by two length Time 40 MUigoola Btakea Prtuct Par 10 7 'Mt Shrarston 1: Irlhar 10 7 (Mr Hyne 2: Beenya 12 IMr Mackenaiei 3 other trter Ardltne Raoppoll Belting: 2 on Prine Per 4 Beeny Ardline Raoppoll 6 Irlhar Divs 86 13 fl Won hy half a length Time Im ISIS Cheviot HID Consolation My Monegu 10 3 'Mr 8 tmhergeri 1 Sir Kbonv 10 7 (Mr Mae kenslti 2 How Modet ll IMi Caldwell' 3 Other starters: Whsekaway Varsuvianna Shell bridge Betting: 6 4 How Mndest 2 My Moj'egu 9 Sir Ebony Wheckaway Varsuvianna 8 Shell bridge Divs 128 8 6 Won by a tength Time 1m Sis Mr Menumln no has hen tiding well in fiat and lumping evem will have tn forgo several promising mounts al ihe remainder the Autumn meetings At Rosehlli on Sai iirflty ha was adjudged guilty of eareleu rid ing by the stipendiary gtewardx and wax from riding in races tor one mnuih i The trouble occurred in the second dl ision at lh Nurserv Handlcao "Aboui the five Hoobv Clements Australian AvwelRhi Item furlonirt" s1fi 'he offictel report Ulxwarra adtraed Law a Splrkatu hAlfiHal witRAakl 1 4 ial aef nwnnAa e4 Aiv't44 4fA IIICl WHtl gis'g 5 'm nut inquiry tn? toudo inat mm by McMenamln pn Marants coming in too quickly and he was accordingly sn The stewards also reported tha) Wee Three wax aqueeged out at the five furlongs and again about the tom and a half furlongs met with interference through the rider of Boid ay pulling off the heels of Illawirra who falling hack 7f (3311 nark sv Gav Jiovar Your itonoi Belle Bllhoucu Caprls Evening Misi Threelake HANDICAP lm tOvdS IU Bite Again Allenby Kirrewur Pare Que Whitford Rhode Schnier Count Orlon NUSS (Rua on Saturday) 'Inal irst division Banghara by Sisianit Agnes Wallace Syra 7 11 (J Camp belli I Aryan King 6yr 7 13 iM Raven i 2 Capitally 7 10 iR neat) 3 Other alartera: Two Kings 9 Masako 8 6 Jalllixs 3 4 king ay ne 6 3: Blue lint 8: Hajar 8 Week end 7 11 Silver Rob 7 10 Katyb 7 8 Mirthful Thought 7 8: Ormsby Star 7 7 Cheshatn 7 8 St Drift 7 6 Count Bier 7 9 Neville 7 5 Polly Moran 7 5 Betting: ft 2 Banaham 9 3 Blue lint 13 2 Maseko Week end Kalyb Mirthful Thought 0 Sliver Robe St Drift 12 Capitally 33 Aryan Kina Divs (for £1 Win £34 piece £110 £21 £5 '6 Won by a length with two and a halt lengths between second and third Time tin 411 Donnison Hurdles The Mule by Thsytiul a 10 8 iR Hibbs) 1: Sh Dcntsn Byrs 10 2 iE Wilsom 2 Oppression 4yrt 9 wmtakeu 3 Other starters: KenJIn 10 3 Malt Prinee 0 3 Peter Rlankncv 9 10 Ramelton 9 1O Highland ling 9 7 Stormy Dream 3 Pampoo 9 1 Betting 3 The Mule 1 2 Malt Prince 5 Sir Dcntati 7 Ramelton Highland ling to Kentiii Pelet Blankney Pampoo Opnreasion Divs win £3 6 place £11 £2 8 £3 Won hy six lengths with two length between second and third Time 3m 39i Malt Prlnre frll SA Bites Produce Siskes flit 'tor two vear Molinar by Snowshoe 7 (R Med hursti I Comedy Bell 8 10 tp Blatiery 2 Amain Lass 1 (Bromley) 3 Other starters Molly Sherman 8 13: Slam 8 10 Amalablne fl 5 Ooldtress 7 12: Bandre 7 7 Galetlile 7 5 Step pin 7: Bloom 7 Mis Penong 7 Double Speed 7 Betting 5 2 Mellnar 7 2 Siem 4 Comedy Belle 13 2 Moll Bhermsti 30 Amain Lass Divs win £310 place £1 fl £1 12 £413Z Won by two length will) halt a length between second end third Time Im 121 Licensed Victuallers' Cup Im Jucsta bv Star Nlmbletoe eyrs 8 3 Slstterv 1 Scotch Valour Syrs 7 8 Kit) 2: Stendale 3yrs 7 10 tG Mules) 3 Other starter Bajardo 8 8 Super valve 8 3 Tresanton 3: Insimbl 8 1 Dcnmareo 8: 8irla 1 7 Tenlernen 7 4 Caldale 7 3: Hus sein 7 3 Opera Bag 7 2 Prine Paruou 7 1 Will wyn 7 1: roadacre 7 Cape York 7 Evander 1 Trlbrae 7 Betting 6 Jucsta Bajardo 13 2 Super valve 7 Ins'mbl cape York to Evantler 12 Sten dale 33 Scotch vaiur Divs win £62: pisee £214 £6 10 £84' Won by three lenghs with half a neck between second and third Time 2m 19 Trial Stakes second division bn St Gott hard by White Gartei Svrs 8 9 iL Colllgsni 1 ori Ned 4yr 8 4 tJ 8t0dter 2 Bobhard 3yra 8 7 (K Bromley) 3 other alerters: Rich Patrol 8 5 Star laird 8 1 Mancua 8 Otada 8 Nobody's Girl 7 13: Bvlundl 7 12 Simon Pop 7 11 Acre Boy 7 10 Plresto 7 10 Cavarlta 7 9 Luverne 7 8 Moat Charming 7 8 Harry 7 7 Royal Society 7 7 Playwright 7 fi Bidasla 7 5 Oranlon 7 5 Paueanias 7 Spoil 7 5 Betting: 4 Pon Ned 7 St Gotthard Salundl 8 Bobhard Blmon Pop in Rich Patrol Mon Charming Div Win £1316 place £410 £116 £4 4 Won by a head with hair a neck between aerond end third Time Im 411s A protest against the winner wa dKmlxaed Association Handicap sf Segatl bv Wynette flyta 7 9 Wrighn 1 Ladv Ormsby Syr 7 (R Carling' 2 Aibutns 5yr 7 2 8 Kltet 3 Other starter Yultewlrra 9 Isosceles 8 13: Night Opera 5: Prince Virgin fl Dox tr 8 Aahrlaga 7 12 Mirthful Song 7 9 King Wolta 7 8: Gtenanton 7 5 Tamlana 7 2 Moom bsrra 7 1: Triple Chief 7 Wyeels 7 RetUng: 5 Mirthful Song 11 2 Night Opera fl Ashridge Aegatl 10 Yvltewtrr xirsl Tamlana Mnom hsrra Wyeela is Lady Ornisbv 1 Arbutus Pce' £2'18 ft £1412 Doublea tote Cup nd AixocHtion Handicap 143 EIS'13 6 Won by two and a half length Time fm 191 welter Handicap Navarino bv Manfied Grecien Quern ftvr 4 ij Socket Sarah Gamp Syrs 7 9 iN Percival 2: Counter Patrol 3yra 7 10 (K Bromley) 3 Other starters Prin cess Harmony 8 12: Valleyaerr 8 10 Mrrrvmekei 8 4 The Riff 2 pimneau it Toceata 8: Gold Ray 7 10 Encounter Las 7 10 lard Kildare 7 8 Toxav 7 8 tri An ton 1 1: Prealon Scot 7 7: The Hiker 7 7 Bet ting: 3 Navarino 13 2 Sarah Oamp Merrymeket Th Riff 8 Toxaway Encounter tel 10 Valley UJVi win Won by two by three lenrths with a leng'h between secondnd third Tltna Im 131 Ascot Handleap Um and Mr James's Rhodes Scholar by 8on o' Mina Brilliance 3yr 6 12 (R Bslleyi 1 Mr Bauld'i eh Highway a 7 9 Jenkin' 2 Mr Syl vester's eh en Uttle Queen 5yrs all ft car 6 7 ik Molloy' 3 other start Whittingham 8 12 IA Breesleyi Blrymon fl 3 Preston': ree Wheel 7 7 (H Olseni Warlsby all 6 car 7 2 IP Slmonda) Good Shephrid all 3 ear 6 7 'V Hartneyi Bct'lng: 2 WhltUngham 5 2 War laby 5 Rhode Scholar fl Strymon 6 ree Wheel 10 Htehwey 25 LUU Queen Div: wn £1 10'6 place 10 £1 and Won hy a neck with one and a half lengths between secondnd third Time 2m 11a Seacombe Welter Handicap 1f Messrs Hughe and br In the Air by Ron Errantry 4yra 7 12 (J Barry) 1 Mr Reynold' eh Whirey Syr 7 9 Balleyi 2 Mi A Henderson's bk Eglonlle 6yrs 9 3 iR Heathe i 3 Other itsrlers Your Honor 9 7 A Cooper) Epigram 9 4 IH Skidmorei: Oay King 8 2 Equatorial 6 0 iR Kerri: Gold Chick all 7 ear 1 3 IL Colei Nullden car 7 13 (A Rcedi Northwtnd 7 10 'H Hain: Blndl cads car 7 11 Quinn I Comote 7 7 (A srrl Lord Russell car 2 (P Simonds) Ramado car 7 0 (W Smart) Belling 4 Your Honor Epl tram Equatorial 8 In the Air 7 Nullden 6 gionite 20 Whirry DI: Win £118'6 pise 13 fl 19 and 14 Won by half a head with a head between second and third Tima Itn 34s gi adstone lower macleay iRun on Saturday Iving Hsndlcsp fll MUs Kaullat 7 8 iWorby I Davy Combo 1 1 'Nelson' 2 Slypolaus 9 1 rMcKelf 3 Other starter' Mehl Chief Helling Kven Slvpolsu 2 Ml Hsuttet Mehl Chief 3 Davy Combo Won by three length lime Im Novlee Handicap ftf Bruce Lyn 1 'McKell 1 Stltet A9 0 (rost 2: The Cansor 8 mer' 3 Getting: 2 Bruce Lyn 3 Lady Henry fillver A ChryafieTd Pale Blue The Censor Red Nvmph Won by two length Time Im 4a Gladstone Handicap 7f Mla Hautlyl 8 8 iNealet 1: Chllmlsss 9 8 'England) 9 Olennrie fifl (Nelson 3 Betting: Even Tipsy 3 Chllinlssa Mu Hautlet Aldoel 4 Glenorla Won by half Hognn CupVotoyear oids) Sanmore by Moorefield mere 8 fl ost i 1 Ra pre fl 6 IMI1SS) 9 HPP Cure 9 0 (ffitelend 3 Betting: 7 4 Hppv Cure Rampere 3 Covered Waggon ft 8unmor Lie Morn 6 Sun Boy Nopper linSy Sunde Won by a length and a half Tima ftlnackRa lowery 8 2 rroal 1 Rorso pnwi? 8 7 i' Morebn 1 7 'pf'snSL Bbttingt Even lowery 2 Grand Mflrcb Uoob Agon 3 Horsepower MorabeU Won by half a length Time 81 8 fts ArwU Welter At Bruee 1 St OmieMM Bnlenn Betti nt: Ceneor Brute Lyn 3 (Winner trained by owner) Hurters: Oro 3 2 (J Pratt): Sylvandale Srwir Print fl11 IT Anencerr u'l A'uttulta 8 'E Tanwan Golden Chanet 8 11 I Allunga 8 4 (A Knoxi Bcttui Garris 9 4 peter Pan fl 2 Sylvandale Laiugb Nerp 20 Oro 33 Allunga 50 Spear Prince 100 attli Australia Golden Chance tuvrst merit: Paddock £634 diva 7'8 6 Legt £431 13 divs 17 46 36 Wnn bv nrrt vritn hair a lenoth halwran gccond and third Then cam Sylvandal Oro All'ingu Rpeur Prince aith Australia end Golden clMiier Time 1m Sils THL HAILWAY HANDICAP of £200: second bora £33 end third horse £lft from the prize 7f Mr Walder's ch tn Oev Blonde by Gay Shield uiiip Lady Mane 4yr fl Pratti 1 Mr bttertor'a br Barak 4yr 7 11 iT O'Sullivan) 2 Mr It mney br Regular Bachelor yra 0 13 Tanwani 3 Winner trained by Jaek King Ollir sinrteis: Head 9 1 Cooki: High 8 9 A Kriuz Kuvera 8 6 Sheen': Bombus 8 3 McMtusniin Goorxa 8 1 Roaai Young Cruuder 1 3 lndleyi Hope 6 7 Britt' neitiiM' 2 uay Blonde 2 High 4 uarax Reguur Itei'helor 14 Boinbua King's Head Olbct Intv tiiM lite: Paddock £663 10 fl( 10 14 Leser £52115: divs 126 S6 I Won by neck with two lengths between second and (lurd Thru came Kuvera King's Heed Bom bus Yo'ing Crusader Time Im 231 HIE liOEHHL AUTUMN HANDICAP Of £300: na nuiae su ana tidra norae 20 from I' Brosnan's ch i ough Neagh hy u'jui iterast rerentia a 8 Pratti: Wee Three fl fl (M iw Matthews' Ur Silver Cap 4 'J 1 II Hthtirnm flalflHianrffly ha rimp Chorua 3yra li i L' te La Ji Mr tv Wult a br Egmont bv Llmond imp Imprudence 3yr 75 (A Knoxi Mr Lenny's eh tn Sarchcrle Syr ill 8 im curoy 1 lit of the Queensland horse Soft Step The Sydney Cup candidate vu sent for a gvllop over seven furlonas After coing a furlong 3oft Step hit oui tn fine fttvle nd ron the lan xlx furlongs in im IBs He came home full of running on the tan track Loud Applause another Svdney Cup candidate was too fast for Treasure Trove over half mile in WJs lxud Applause is stundltiB up well to training and rgckns Details of the Uopfl puWisiied on the next page ASS 'CRACK On luriong: Marant and Blirk Gauntlet 13 Merrit Milter 'Ji B'oad Anew iWrlssr 131s Sailor Prine I4s: Paul Jonet even timtl Hwtlklng and companion vrn time Two fiirlopw: Knight Corban 2fl Jovlil Son Brill 26: Bark 2flii: Sylvandal 2s Silver Standard 27: Valorl 27 Oltm Bpei J74: liirtong' Oveulum (Whit and Penny Hunter Brown 371a lldelitv 38 Moerangi iMeattey and Coria Lynn 38s Kuvera and com Pour' furlongs: Mystic Spell Sts: Cateroth and Hero Glad Mi Rheaeapeare Brown 1 and cum uanlon Sils Bom Cui t2s: Sandbeck B2s Yarra mundl and companion 93s Nomad and companion iv furlongs: Treasury tndun Sign rKlltnrn 1m (Henman Im ft Billy Boy and De Grave Im 8: Vista iMcCerteni Im 7s: Mananui 1m te: Bpearmeta Ira 71s wide out Mafooia im 8 wide out: Blren and companion ''mi'torione: Goblet Im 191: Roasano Im 92t: Amusing Itn 23 Snort Wave snd Davis Cup Im 2ft Hadrian Im 2ft: Gams Bld Im 25 Seven fuilongs: Rob Ror iMaxwelli Im 381 Bott Step strong lhe laat six in Im 19a TAN TRACK One furinn' Ceslcaaado Jamri 13s: No Bo Bad 13: Peanut iHarperi 13: Barramul 14 Two furlong High 2ft Egmont 25s: Pendton and Lough Neagh 26s Oasl 27s: Bsttl lay 28 Kapular and Spread Eagle 28s Nabob iCoombes 28a Balling 29a Three tuilongs 8iear Prines 38s: Golden lame 38s Misnomer )Weli 3a Arlplle 41 KI Paralao 42s Erinite iMaxwelh 42: Wedding Gown snd King Pyrrhus 43s Bnawfiak and companion2a Clear esse 431s Pour furlongs: Cashmere iHlckey Mil: Iflud Applause iMeaneyi and Trearur Trov Coombea 3(5(1' Cherry Bar 52: Medusa S2e Pol Bouncend Lenaclan S3(a: Ladv Ronsard 53! Pat Ogan 54 the laat thiea in els Sulu Maid 84s: Buon arroti (Reardon) and Gieeoback (I Pratti S4v Gymkhana 65 Urunalong 36 (hs laat three in 41' aehlon ftfle Dancer Mark and com Binlon ftfls' Many ril snd Napaei 88: Bonnie Ollua even llm ive furlong Mangtlo Im 61 th last four In S3a Nu Sliver 1m 7is Trelmon iHerdl' I in 9 Royal King Im 11 Six furlong: Gals Boy (Hickey end loch Garry (Dwyer itn 18s Electron and Thebes im ift Panax 'Knoxi led lollta Im 191 Opinion iMeMenamln Im 20a Confab Im 261 Seven furlongs' Ortelte'a Bon iBrltt' strong the Isst foul in ftte RAND TRACK Six turion: 1taff Mirrli Im Raven tiirinngar Derr 331 ALBION PARK (BRISBANE) Run on Saturday Plate Im and 37yd Kng Malcolm bv King's Scholar Malangane 9 'll Hornery 1 Bwcel Mee ia Sharpci 2 Indian akir Valley Sir Peralla loiumv Cyrus Amberacre King Mateolm 7 Bush Gun 8 Indian akir 10 taviiciA ijinueuui 'iu( tv Won ft hftftri Tlm Im 4A Puut if Sir Duncan by WauikenphMt (Imp Balfield fl 10 rW The Menace 7 3 3 Conquest 2 Kenil Girl 3 Other starter: King Veil Brasler Lady Meiwyo Lui felt Robe Golden Vestment King Bald win Betting: 3 Sir Duncan 7 2 The Menace 6 King Veil Lady Melwyn lanfeit Golden Vest mem0 Robe King Baldwin 14 Kenil Ctrl Dividends £18 9' end £24 Won by four Icng'ha ourth Division Handicap 7f Boswell hy Warwick Milne via 9 2 Brennan) 1 Ambethean 8 2 iK Leei 2: Trentwood 9 Hili' 3 Other starters Bachelor' Heir Tweed spear Cadency High Incline Otey Ten Raroa Bueartuin Betting: ft 2 Boawell 9 2 Trentwood ft Tweedspeer 1 Bachelor' Heir Amberhoart 8 Mich Incline 10 Cadency 14 Grey Tep 20 others Divs IS end 10 Won by five length Division Handicap Will Yet by Wil liam the S'lcnt (Imp) lannelletce 9 (H Hor neryi 1 Reewar 8 ft (W Croydeni 2: Arc Light 2 HUH 3 Other atausrs: Lapfeet Bay Boy Ruffian Towd Topic Happyiand Layman Betlinr 9 4 Will Yet 9 2 Rower 6 Ruffian 7 Lapfast Are Light 8 Layman 10 Happyland 14 others Divs 19 12 and 14 Won by a tength flmo lnBond Division Handicap Ben Art by High Art Benvelats 4yta 8 1 Conquest Elsard 9 (W Blundell' 2 ield Gun 8 'E Klrwani 3 Other starter: Yute Log Golden Cider Almonry Boy riend Bustle On New Clarn Betting 3 Beard 4 Oolden Cider Ben Art 9 2 Almont 6 Bustle On 10 Yule Log ield Gun New Clarlt Bsy Boy Div £1I2 8 and fiilft Won by a ncek Time im 311 Third Division It Saint Grafton by St Bvlns (Imp laxsei Svra 8 10 iW H1IH 1 Wauken Jibe 8 2 IA Long 2 Ruble 8 (H Riordan 1 3 Other sterter: Silent risco Money 8pl Round man Two No Trump Red Andrew Betting: 9 4 Saint Grafton 4 Two No Trumru 3 Roundsmen Emble 8 Wiuken Jihe Silent Prtvco 12 o'hers Div £1 and 18 Won by three lengths Dme Im 317 Vou by a length and a half with a neck be tween second mid third Then came Retrieved Gangway and Rouge Btanc Time Im IS THE NURSERY HANDICAP (for two yer o1d of anc miro noise ns £150 second horse £25 and trum the 6t irst Dlvlatnn Henderson br or blk Mamnrah hy auhnagundl (imp) Hamurana 8 2 MtMeiumm) Otway elkiner's eh riar Bwlteh 9 Sheani Ltghttord's" br Jubilee son 7 9 IK tuk Deer Gianrl Warblei Worthy Hero unnv Bee Hlr Horton Polly Corban Color King Colpae Oev Kntgh) Master Cyllen Cylatton Bpearmeta Dawson TEEN ON Paeodei 9 in Valorla 9 8 Beano 0 0 Mdy Milton 8 9 Blue Devon fl 9 Julalee 8 6 Gay Partslenne 7 11 tadv Mueoi 7 ft KUtera I heal University Graduates 1 fl sell 43 games tn 2 seta 35 game Marlin and Lyne iK A Stewart end A Smith (trGi fl 4 6 4: King snd Spenee tO 6 Mauler and Baker King ud Upenre 2 6 1 6 A Sienart and A Smith fl 2 fl 4 Neutral Bay 1 a bye SECTION 7 Western Junior heat Roval Sydney ft Bnerlv 9 rK Caaki: lE Tanwani: Journal 8 71 ib Contact 8 7 (XL MeCarLeni: Broad Arrow 8 Wcliai Glen's bpeai 7 9 iH Mar lev jo: mi son atl 7 car 8 7 (4 Bitt): El nur't 7 1 me 3 over (J O'Sullivan 1 After Elx 6 ti nir 4 over iK Sumnert 2 Sarclterle ft Salamander Egmonk Conimt Journal 10 50 other is: Paddock £81010: divs Bala 119 Egmont £126 and 10 divs Salamander 146: El and 6 dwc lieet with third horst half a length lii'ii came Broad Arrow Jovial Son Cnn and Glen's Spear Tima 3m 32s Hiurd THE MILE of £175 second ma third horse £16 Hom the prize Mrs A Mi Hurd's Wykeham by Baralonginip Lady Cynosure 3yra 8 13 IJ Pratt) 1 Mr Carr's Prittle Prsttle 3yrs 8 13 I Diiein 4 tt tiongar'a br Marne Miller 4yra 9 iM McCartem 3 trained by Stanton) 6'ji Miirrars: Akuna 9 2 IR Maxwelb: Atana brook i 'J Donktm LnnyrB all ft ear 8 9 iL Wur i Pandion 8 13 ID Munro Love Seng 1O Weboi Tapestry 8 3 Marsden) Jeonnte Arc 8 iA Knoxi Bcititu 9 4 Merrle Miller 6 Pandton 6 Wyxe haii 7 rnirie Prsttle Jeanne d'Arc Llmyrls Akuna 13 Love Soup 20 Tapestry Stonebrook Inv Paddock £702 diva £206 14 6 6: iji'r £57'Ift diva £13 36 lHir a length with three length between4 third Then eame Akuna Pandton andArc Time Im 401 SECTION 4 Mosmao heal Llndfield 6 aets 4ft gam tn 2 sal 37 games: 8 Green and Maloney 'M Dubola and Wilson IL 6 3 6 3: 8 and I A ywr fl 6 7 9 Wilson anti A Holmes and A Tsylnr 63 6 4 Dvbola and Wilson 6 3 3 6 Neutrst Bey lit beat University IV by 8 sets 43 tome to 9 ets 33 games: Smith end Holm iNBI Bartlett and rankl 1U1 8 3 7 Hsck and uffievr 6 3 A fl: Payn and Anderson Mack end Officer 6 2 8 2 Bartlett nd rankl 2 6 2 6 Petersham IL beet Klltara IV 8 seta 42 games to 3 el 36 games Doel and Brunker i McConaghy and Piper iKI 6 3 8 7: 8 Wilkinson and Baylis 6 3 8 3 Blenksby end Edward Wilkinson aod Baylias 3 6 6 0 McConaghy and iwj 6 9 6 2 Cheltenham beat Hunters HUI IU ft ts 48 games to 3 lets 37 game: A all and Bailey (C) Levlek and A Woodhin iW 6 3 3 6 A Johnson and Barker 3 6 6 Rothwell and KoddlnoW Levtek end I A WoodhiU 6 2 1O I A Johnson and Berkar Members VI lak Eadwood IL 4 sat 42 game to 4 eat 41 games: Broad and Watson iGM) A Deer and Bennm IE 2 8 6 1: Dough ton and Grainier 3 ssorus Dvughcon aud Grainger 6 3 6 A Deer and 8 Bennett 1 6 9 11 SECTION ft University beat Olen Klnchle TL eeis Bunas tn 2 sets 29 gam: A Melville end aww a 8 UAnr i As 0 orihall and trriann Alder and Britton brshall od ergueon 6 4 8 3 Tatt and Moore 3 6 0 6 Rosehlli I beat Marrtckvllle 6 eats 49 game to 20 games: Harper and Blbsoo (R Glover end GMh IMI 6 1 6 2 Jone and Ham ng 6 2 7 6 Ingersoll and Davey Jone and Hemllag 6 2 6 3 Glover nd Gash 6 4 6 1 Longuaville Northwood IL beat Kurlne gal ft aat 45 game lo 3 aet 4'J game: 8 Butter and Gate Roaengerlan and Rosebery IK I fi 10 fl Prtks and Turner 6 3 6 4 Walls snd Kraigen Perk end gT 6 Roaengsrten snd Rosebery 6 4 a Petersham III beat Lakemba IV 6 Ml to 2 31 Edward and A Crulckshatik and Cooper iL i 3: Yule and McPherson 6 2 6 2 Pilgrim and Hodge Yule and McPherson 8 4 7 ft Crutctuhenk and ClLakembanL Itosevllle HL 4 sets 41 games to 4 sets 38 A Anderson and onng (LJ Shaw end elon IR' 8 6 Attps and Griffiths 5 7 6 4 Lemck end Rlhl APP5 end Gtiflltnr 3 6 6 2 Shaw and Paton 9 7 4 6 Section 6 Kurlog gsl beat Strathfield IV 38 games to 3 sate 42 Blteh Jone and Johnston 'K I O's and Nleholls8 1 2 6 6 4 fl Smith and A Jelfa 1 6 2 fl Bucel and Butler oisi and Nlcholl fl 7 4 Smith and A Jlfe 7 9 6 4 VI beat Manly IV 6 aets to 2 sei 39 Rogei end Mttola imi Boyle and A Driver 8'! 8'4' 1 Stewaid anil Buan 6 10 8: Muli and 8 Kenaelt Steward and Busn 6 ft 4 6 1 Boyle and A Driver 9 3 9 4 Birchgrove 1 beat Beeerott IL set 4 games to 16 games Moore and Bowen iB Bradley and tB 1 6 1 6 2 I A Pcitiylh eno Speechle 6 3 6 1 HUI and roul A orsyth and Speechley 6 3 6 3 Bradley nbet MMmen HI 4 to 4 sets 43 gamw Aren a nd IS iC Luca and Mitchell 6 2 and Hellitone 6 9 11 Morris end Northldl end Hellstone 4 6 8: Morri and NMlbidp Section 1 Cheltenham IU het University VII by 8 set 49 games to 1'4 8 Rs and I peaots rdiC Banka and awIB tP Joseph end Hamming fl 0 6 0 (I Beer and Burr Joseph Hem ming 0 6 0 (torteil)' Banks and 8m best Ground Member VJD 8 52 games to 26 Cook and Parton and Seaborn 6 2 nd Campbell 3 8 0 Rhodes and Davit WU ton and Campbell 6 6 3: Parson and bBWerrmgh'lV bt Peterahem IV fl games to 2ft n8 'WW i Humphrey and ChalcroR 6 2 Radford and Hughe 6 4 7 8 and Walter Radford and Hughes 6 3 0 4 Humphrey and Chaicroft 6 2 4 Klllara beat Warrawee HI 9 sets 3B to 3 lets 3ft Draaaln and i rinl and Well (Wl 6 4 7 9 Al diss and Smith 2 fl 3 6 and Loek ey Aiiaiss XtoVei II' beat Unlvarelty VI Mt THIRD GRADE TH bt gmu to 11 Imes Coyne end B) Maxwell and uon it jonf UshavVt W6 KV MSII1" H1Botnv "it iMfWZ Btralhfield ft Mt 40 to 3 rets 27 games Smith and RatcltelmB Lambert and Ward if 0 6 3 Kalvnsrk end McGowan 3 6 4 6 Senior snd Hathalte Kelvnsek and McGowen 4 3 8 Lambert snd Wid 6 1 6 1 Killer VI heat Werrawe IV ft 45 games 10 3 sots 3' met I Desne and Biddle (W Ah ind Wood ll "'2RShrrkll end Tulloch 3 9: Mtlrter Sheckeli and TvUpch 5 6 2 Ah And Wood 4 40 Momn IV beat Roseville 6 eel 4 gom to 2 ret 39 Hawthorne end Harron imi A Davey and Barnes iRi fl 4 Cashmora and Granger 6 4 6 4 Mai troy end Russell Cashmore and Gren ter 6 8 7: A Davey and Burwood II beat Hunter Rill 8 b' games to 2 eto 35 vnJ Vaughan (R a Berkelman nd fl li: Bevan and Jrtr Wrlker and A Lvnn Bevan and Tv lor fl 3 6 4 Berketman and Lloyd 9 Tin beat Lakemba 44 game to 7 3 gme' and A Bren nen Wlrbv and Mounter 6 3 6 ftvlmlrr end A Broughton 6 0 Radr and 1 P8 8rWenl end A Bioughtom 6 2 3 6 Kirby and Mounter Topical Loyal Verde Buonarroti Anchor Teravale Orient Orb Archltrct Prlnee Peter Young Crusader Beadmaatei Prowler Glenwltch Lady Beede rieze Dame Logion Rustler KENSINOTtMl HANDICAP I Im Broad Arrow lrat Balloon SECTTON 3 Hinlrgnwne heal Klllara IL seta 51 games tn 2 seta 40 gamea Piper snd 8 Sharp (S' Bnltnn and Walsh 'K' A 3 7 9 te Roy snd Neil 5 7 fl 3: Beveridge and Hondinott Le Roy vurl Neil 6 8 6 4 Booton and Walsh 9 7 fl 3 Kurlng gal II best Manly 5 aet 45 game to 3 sets 30 game Co a be snd A Huthnance iK i A 8 Deer and Gilbert IM 3 fl Lorklni end Hyde 6 3 2 6 1 Jones and Piggott Corking and Hvdc 4 6 8 3 A 3 Deer and 8 Gilbert 11 9 7 9 Petersham I beat University Graduate II 4 set 19 gamer to 4 sets 32 game Bulgln and Humphries Gsrvln and Melville it'Cli 6 3 fl 6 I Prlnre and Wsllsre 4 fl 2 fl Hodge and 8eddon Prince snd Wallace 4 6 8 0: Garvin and Melvltte 6 0 3 6 Ground Members Di beat Huratvllle ft seta 39 games to 3 seta 34 games Jordan and Kirk tGM Howland ana A Booth 'Hi 6 2 fl 2 and Booth fl 2 3 6: 8'athsmnd Lana and Booth 1 6 fl 6 8 Howland and A Booth 3 6 fl 4 Ground Members II beet Ashfleld I A act 47 game to 2 seis 3) game A Bcoti and MscPheisun (GM i Vsilev and SundalromA 7 ft 4 6 Alderson and partnei 6 2 fl Cummins and I Street Alderson and partner 9 7 6 2 Varley and 8 Sundstrom 5 6 6 2 SECOND GRADE srcrioN i Warrmtali beat MarrlckvlUe in a seu 4R games to 2ft games: A Wardley and Barnes rW Jobson snd A Berry I 6 2 8 0 Tempest end Heagney 6 4 6 2 Crampton and Pride Tempest and Heagney 6 4 6 4 Jobvor end A Berrv 6 1 6 4 Lakemba IT beat Marrtckvllle IL 6 aet 47 game to 2 37 games Richards and A Richardson (Li Leggett and Baldwin iM1 lu in 3 A Garttelt and A Turnhem 6 3 6 2 lapglrv end Anderson nart tell and A Turnham 6 4 6 4 Legga'i and neirwin a rtnlversltv II heat Hunter's Hill I game ro aer iv games 3 Other atarten: Morion (ridge Divs TlmA 1 con O'Brteu Handicap ten Oroko 4yr bv arr Lentrsnc li iPerryi Buall Syr 7 4 iMcPher moi 21 Bine air 4yra 7 2 IDaviai 3 Other carters: Harding Olen Idyll More Ayr Roval Ease Phcyjey Qulastelle Betting: 4 Oroko Divs: 13 £1P and 8 Wou bv halt a length T1Hipltal Handicap arr Son ftyr bv Parr indiscreet 9 iPerir George Pride 7 7 (pern ming) 2 Eldolph 7 9 iDavlsi 3 Other starters: Topaz Kina Laughing Eves Kook 14 Mv Law Betting: 6 4 arr Son Divs: 13 17 Won bv two length Time Im ibis Homeward Bound Handicap Lvncllra Batelles Evelvn Again 8 3 tDavlsi 1: 77 IKeegan' 2 Bnendthrlft 7 11 (Paton) 1 '1'aAttalan O'flirr it trier nriMu efchr 9ettint 4 LvniUw Divs Cilk nd Wnn a length Time Im ISh Second Division Mr 8 Hulotncns's ch Havacu ov Ttcclare Aila'ls 8 IK Cook Mt Osborne's Scout 8 6 Munro Mr It Illswarra 8 7 iK Voltiai Winner trained by erris) otner atiirtete' Brszen Brlle 8 11 Al "bUi inil i in Mi'Corteui 8 5 (retire A 4 Mflkwatli O'Sulllvrn i Marants 8 4 McMenamln Psrsee 8 2 'R Lasting 8 3 iH 1'anleyi Sedu nuin 2 Zcuakyt Levant 'J Tyieri Vat pun iS isi raulein 7 13 ij Simpson I Zlblb all 7 ci i 7 5 'A Cattyni Bold Jay 7 9 CKs ft i iionnee Nightingale 7 9 A Knox' Betting 2 Brazen Brlle 3 Silver Cap 8 Scout Iuuun1 2S Hnyacn 12 25 others tn Itin Paddnelt CRftK 10' diva CIStn' 15 13 Leer £5398 diva £13 9'6 6 66 ii by hull a length with three lengths between seeond nnd thtid Then came Silver Cap Bold Jay lastiug and Brazen Belle Time Im 15 lilt ua vhoN SIakis (wta with allowance! of L'iixi rrceud horse £80 and third horse fso 7 NEW SPALDING (Second Saturday lying Handleap Boley's Choice fl 10 iWtn dredi 1: Longshot 7 t3 'Andiewsl 2 Bhirrob 9 2 (Vatleyi 3 Betting: 2 1 on Rnley'a Choice 2 Longshot ft Bhirrob won by half a length Time in Ifta Encourage Handicap 6f Benaree 9 Varleyi 1: Redbank 7 7 lAndrawfi 2 Royal Vai 7 7Dve 3 Other Harters: Valdha Brltaw Ron of Israel Betting: fl 4 Benares 7 4 Valdha ft Retlaw lo Royal Vai Redbank Bon of iaiaet Won hy half a length Time Im 18 2 5 Mudgee Show Handicap Dacquerl 7 13 11 UtTir Povertdate Motet Bunter's Moon Mick Bnswavn Blaek Arrow Betting 3 Ca 4 VP01 OOfr Mirf i mi ri Wan hv thrftauar Im 40 1 Sj cap Gav Bird lfl iKkeltwonA 0 MaT a IT 3 Other starter: ainrak Newspark Even Gay Bird 5 2 Betsy 4 ainrak 9 won oy a lengtn lime Master Ken fl 1 1 (Wtn Betting 5 2 LS ft te 1 Vi! Hi MB! '5 i yj 15U thc pa 111 I BE i Mr rmo Won liy 4 Jeannie Ol nt 9 'p Kirj MH a quart J' 3 Ml over I A 8 3 Ol iG Wtt all re: Il Ri s' Kt 1 Hli I i iHNH It rar A I RACKET Me MMb' tad if I hmm a Rrlt Hgjb si te n' Tfl os te aWV i Oval 1 1 4 n' i if ffpr fi ij i I I 'LN 1 but of th idl 1 lyr hove bean raivl 1 fl 7 7 7 1 pel ot aminaieo i ton snd hs rhe 7 7 ft 7 ft 1 ft new Python Gronvad Gup I Pi amp fully seasoned 7 i 7 ft 7 ft 70 I fl 11 ft 9 fl 9 fl 7 quarte fl 7 see fl 7 7 i' i i 7 A 7 7 6 11 fl fl 9 fl 9 fl 8 ft 7 A 1 6 1 A 7 A 7 A 7 fl 1 6 7 fl fl 11 fl 9 fl 9 6 7 1 7 6 7 II 4 8 4 a a it a Il 3 6 an 9 08 0 8 a n80 8 2 i riitel nesrelled snd wrtngih snd with rigid iMiivr mny im Hhi uply lftg xaon 9 0 Rebel Queen fl 12 Green Capa A to Iddealelgh fl 7 Oaybiooke Il 4 Ladv Whittle! 7 13 Newhaveo Slf A 13 Great 8am' 8 10 Malunn 6 0 fl 8 Theodore 6 7 Ichnoloyy fl ft 'taiaoale ft 3 lmplrlc 1 Parodier 7 12 carrana 7 12.

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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Author information

Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

Phone: +128413562823324

Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.